month : 02/2010 337 results

2 solicitor alerts: One “sales rep”; one city warning for all

February 14, 2010 11:10 pm
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Two solicitor alerts to pass along – one from a local business, one from the city – read on:Read More

West Seattle biznotes: Coffee birthday, doga studio, taco update…

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, C&P: Happy anniversary to C & P Coffee, which celebrated its 8th “birthday” today. C & P also just sent a reminder about an event recently added to the WSB Events calendar – next Friday, 6:45-9 pm, a knitting party! New addition to the evening: Raffle items that will benefit West Seattle-founded, breast-cancer-patient-helping Northwest Hope and Healing.

WESTSIDE YOGA AND DOGA: Eight days till Kelly Showalter-Page plans to open her new yoga/doga studio in Morgan Junction (6417 Fauntleroy) that she describes as “the only traditional Ashtanga and Doga studio in Seattle and the only Doga studio in the United States.” She’s been documenting the space’s transformation on the Westside Y&D Facebook page.

WIGGLE ROOM ON THE WAY: Not far from there – on the south end of Morgan Junction at 7001 California SWWest Seattle Dawg has moved out of the space, and Tracy Giles and Charlotte Bontrager have moved in to open Wiggle Room Dog Obedience Studio and Daycare. Giles tells WSB, “We expanded the rear fence so that the dogs have an awesome yard to play in (the largest outdoor space for dog daycare in West Seattle), and we remodeled the inside area. We are adding structured play and learning time in the daycare and an obedience studio for small group or individual lessons upstairs.”

RANCHO BRAVO TACOS UPDATE: Yes, one of the city’s better-known taco-truck operators says he’s still coming to West Seattle, though the timetable first mentioned last year has slid. After a WSB Forums discussion reopened the other day, we checked back with proprietor Freddy Rivas, who tells us they’re now hoping for April 1st – he’s focusing first on opening a bigger trailer in Wallingford, and then a Greenwood location on March 1st.

WING DOME NOTE: Marty e-mailed to point out that the future West Seattle Wing Dome location gets a quick mention in this Seattle Times (WSB citywide-news partner) article today. We first reported word of their Junction plans last September, with a quick update in December; we checked back a few weeks ago and the status was exactly what the Times mentioned today – still finalizing the lease.

“Story Time” returning to West Seattle library branches

February 14, 2010 6:13 pm
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Local branches of the Seattle Public Library have gone through some changes this past month – both management changes, and the schedule changes that have affected the entire system – and that’s put the “Story Time” schedule on hold for a while. But children’s librarian Shannon Schinagl sends word that they’re about to resume the popular regular events – “with an addition!” she points out:

Southwest Library:
– *New! Baby Story Time (for newborns – 12 months) on Mondays at 11:30am, beginning Feb. 22!
– Toddler Story Time on Thursdays at 11:00am, beginning Feb. 25!
– Preschool Story Time on Wednesdays at 11:30am, beginning Feb. 24!

Delridge Library:
– Pajama Story Time on Tuesdays at 7:00pm, beginning Feb. 23!

High Point Library:
– Toddler Story Time on Thursdays at 11:30am, beginning Feb. 25!

West Seattle Library:
– Toddler Story Time on Wednesdays at 10:30am, beginning Feb. 24!

South Park Library:
– Preschool Story Time on Wednesdays at 11:15am, beginning Feb. 24!

Happening now: West Seattle art sale to help Haiti

West Seattle artist Stephanie Hargrave was beaming when we stopped by her studio (3234 California SW, across from the business she co-owns, smallclothes) around 1: In the first two hours of the benefit art/jewelry sale she organized to raise money for Haiti relief, she told us, more than $7,000 already had come in: “It’s exceeded my wildest expectations!” And the number was rising even as we stood there taking photos – the work you see next to her in the picture was in the process of being sold, and it came off the wall minutes later. Several other artists contributed work, including jewelry artist Frances Smersh from Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor):

The sale continues till 6 tonight; here’s a map – her studio’s in an old house, up a stairway from the sidewalk, but you’ll see the sign at street level.

2-year-long pump-station project: Alki Council briefing Thursday

The previously projected completion dates have come and gone. So what’s up with the 53rd Avenue Pump Station expansion project that King County Wastewater Treatment‘s been working on at Alki for two years now? If you have questions – here’s your chance to get firsthand answers. KCWTD’s Martha Tuttle is booked as the guest speaker, with Q/A, at this Thursday’s Alki Community Council meeting, 7 pm, Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds). (Our most recent update on the project was this story from December, when the county provided some underground photos and said they were still going through a “long punch list” with the contractor.)

More West Seattle Valentine’s Day notes, from wedding to workout

WEST SEATTLEITE’S WEBBED WEDDING: One of the most interesting netizens we’ve met along the way during WSB’s four-plus years is Jerry, proprietor of the eclectic site JetCityOrange. Saturday night, he tweeted the news that he and his beloved are going to get married at noon today, and you’ll be able to watch live at JCO – – with the webcam going live about an hour ahead of time.

DINING GUIDE REMINDER: If you still haven’t decided where to dine, check the listings in the West Seattle Valentine’s Day Dining Guide we published earlier this week (and have since updated several times) – the fun starts early, with brunch specials at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor), including the debut of the mimosa carafe, which proprietor Jessie SK told us the other day will become a regular feature.

VALENTINES AND ELVIS AT THE FARMERS’ MARKET: Special events today at West Seattle Farmers’ Market (10 am-2 pm at 44th/Alaska) – “Elvis” reportedly might just be out and about with a “hunka hunka burnin’ love” between 11 am and 1 pm; meantime, market managers write in e-mail, “We have a Make-Your-Own-Valentines workshop set up at both markets. Paper, lace, hearts, glitter, glue – everything you and your sweetie need to say I Love You through low-tech honest art.” Meantime, today’s full Ripe and Ready List is here.

ART WITH A HEART, FOR HAITI: Two events today – West Seattle artist/entrepreneur Stephanie Hargrave is hosting an art sale 11 am-6 pm, 3234 California SW, proceeds to Haiti relief – read the details here; Alki resident Angela Williams“Collage for a Cause” event in the International District is 1-4 pm (previewed in a WSB interview here; full event details are here).

SERENADED AT THE STORE: Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) in Admiral will have live harp music 1-3 pm today (and plans to chocolate-dip strawberries for the second consecutive day, noon-4 pm).

WORK OUT TO HONOR A HERO: This afternoon at 3 pm at CrossFit West Seattle, the Behind the Badge Foundation is the beneficiary of a Hero Memorial Workout paying tribute to Seattle Police Officer (and onetime West Seattleite) Tim Brenton, murdered in the line of duty last Halloween night. Full details here.

Lots more! (For example – how about “Love Song” at ArtsWest, to show your love? or the first of 2 shows this week of “Vagina Monologues” at Youngstown) – see the West Seattle Weekend Lineup.

West Seattle student success: Hope Lutheran, SLHS, Chief Sealth

February 13, 2010 9:55 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Some tales of student success to share tonight: First, Mike Jensen‘s been reporting from Portland via Twitter on the Hope Lutheran School participants in the Lutheran Elementary Schools Tournament. Above is a tweeted photo of 20 Hope students’ curtain call after “Romeo and Juliet“; this afternoon, he tweeted live as the awards were announced. For Hope (excerpts from tweets at @hopeseattle):

Hope’s blue ribbon instrumental from Aaron Abeyta (clarinet) and Garth Ball (sax)

Hope’s blue ribbon piano performances from; Taylor Kuhn, Kasandra Kruhn, Cooper Honeyman and Grant Doerr

Hope’s blue ribbon vocal performances by; Carina Andrews, Devon Fox, Samantha Hood and Kelly Walsh

Hope’s Faith Pressor places 3rd in the 6th grade math competition at LEST

The Hope cheer team places 2nd in the AAA cheer competition.

5/6th grade drill/dance team gets 3rd place in the 7/8th grade competition!

Last, but certainly not least, 8th grader Kayla Searle wins the Champion of Character award

We covered their sendoff rally (including video of cheer and drill performances) on Wednesday. Meantime, sister school Seattle Lutheran High School has some basketball results to report, thanks to Bil Hood:

Saints girls take fourth in league today. Will play at LaConner Thursday in the first game of district tournament. … The Saints boys beat Rainier Christian today 71-65, advancing the Saints to the district tournament. Drew Burza led the Saints with 28 points.

Then, we have a followup from last weekend – right about this time last Saturday, Chief Sealth High School music supporters, student musicians, and special guests like the West Seattle Big Band were sharing a gala dinner/performance experience. Monica Kenny just shared two photos and a recap:

If last Saturday you thought you heard some beautiful night music in the West Seattle air, you weren’t imagining it! February 6th was the Chief Sealth Jazz Band’s Big Band Dinner Dance held at the temporary Boren site. The Jazz Band students spent all day decorating the band stage, dance floor and dinner tables then put on their tuxedos and hit the stage. The event included a spaghetti dinner and free swing dance lessons so there was no excuse not to hit the dance floor. Once the Sealth Jazz Band’s set was compete the ever-popular West Seattle Big Band took the stage, allowing the student musicians the chance to join in on the swing dancing. This popular event is held every February and is lots of fun so mark your calendars for February 2011!

Thanks to everyone who shares school news – from event listings (got a fundraiser or show coming up?) to achievement reports, and more – lots of ways to share the news!

Update: Car down 48th/Dakota slope, 1 to hospital

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, substituted 6:46 pm for photo that was here since 6:11 pm)
ORIGINAL 6 PM REPORT: Big response for a “heavy rescue” at 48th/Dakota (map). Word from Christopher Boffoli, who’s just gotten to the scene, is that a vehicle’s gone over an embankment and the driver may have to be extricated (which is what “heavy rescue” usually means). (Thanks to Sheri for early word of this.) 6:04 PM: Scanner says one person’s been extricated and will go to the hospital via Medic (unit) 32. Many of the emergency units have been canceled. 6:19 PM: The rest of the emergency units have been cleared to leave. From Katie, who’s been to the scene, the description of the “embankment” is, “steep embankment into someone’s back yard. Sidewalk, then steep drop off into yard and from alley.” Katie also sent this photo:

At the scene, a tow crew’s getting ready to bring the car up the slope. [Added 6:55 pm – this shot from Christopher shows the perspective from the street – you can see how low the aforementioned house sits]

6:28 PM: The car’s up and the area’s open to traffic again. 6:42 PM: Side note – As Denise reminds us via Facebook, this area also had a major crash response a week and a half ago, on the day when West Seattle had 4 notable crashes in the span of 90 minutes (here’s our story from that afternoon). No word so far exactly what led to tonight’s crash, nor do we know the condition of the person taken to the hospital. 7:20 PM: Summary from Christopher, who was at the scene within minutes – this is what he learned from authorities and witnesses:

Single male driver came down Dakota at a high rate of speed. Struck a stationary vehicle. Neighbors heard the crash and ran out to help. One of them happened to be a nurse at HMC. The man was unconscious but the car was still running and in gear. They banged on the window to wake him but he was unresponsive. The car ended up rolling backward across the street and went down a steep embankment. Fire crews tore the roof off the car to extract the still unconscious man who is being transported to HMC.

Valentine’s Day in the wild: West Seattle eagle lovebirds

If you browse through our Wildlife archive category, you’ll see amazing eagle photos, taken by various West Seattle photographers. These might be the most amazing yet, and just in time for Valentine’s Day. Sandy Adams gets the hat tip – while we chatted at the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce lunch last Wednesday, she mentioned these photos, taken by Melanie Dixon, showing an eagle couple apparently mating. And at Sandy’s request, Melanie agreed to share the photos. Click ahead to see three more; no, you can’t “see anything,” it’s pretty much PG (as is WSB in general), but they’re undeniably gorgeous (and unusual) pictures of the majestic birds who share our peninsula (by the way – they mate for life):Read More

From the WSB Forums: City bill made you do a double-take?

On a slow-ish Saturday afternoon, you can meander over to the WSB Forums if you haven’t already. Among the current discussion – Tigger and others are trying to figure out why their utility bills suddenly jumped. (Also browsable, the 100+ West Seattle-based sites that feed into the Blogs page – their latest entries are linked here.)

Happy Lunar New Year! Lion dance in White Center

We took a few dozen photos at the Lunar New Year lion dance in White Center, outside Pho My Loi restaurant (10439 16th SW), this morning, and while you can also see half a dozen of them inline at partner site White Center Now, we’re sharing them here too as a slideshow from the West Seattle Blog Flickr group. Starting tomorrow, it’s the lunar Year of the Tiger.

Seattle city parks not likely to become tobacco-free zones after all

Compared to the semi-uproar that erupted when a new draft Code of Conduct for Seattle Parks was presented to the Parks Board a month ago, there wasn’t much attention when the board voted on a revised code this past Thursday night. We couldn’t make the meeting but checked in with Alki-residing board chair Jackie Ramels on Friday to ask what happened. First, she points out, 80% of the code – “25 existing rules and regulations pertaining to parks” – is from the Seattle Municipal Code, Revised Code of Washington, or current Parks Policy and Procedures. Six new rules/regulations were added. And there were some changes from the last revision of the draft code. Ramels says:

The proposed Code of Conduct passed, with some changes; these are pertaining to new rules:

1. we re-worded and shortened the bathroom one (improper use of restrooms)

2. smoking and use of tobacco products we recommended for playgrounds, playfields and beaches within 25 ft. of another person, rather than ALL parks

3. the other new proposed rules, we passed

She adds, “We made some additional recommendations pertaining to existing rules” – including expanding the language about dog owners cleaning up after their pets, “owner carry scoop equipment AND USE IT,” and recommending that Parks “coordinate with other city departments to address homelessness — a topic that came up several times during the public hearing two weeks earlier, which also saw passionate testimony for and against a total smoking ban. Final say on the Code of Conduct rests with the City Council; it’ll show up first in the Parks Committee, which has its next meeting Thursday, 9:30 am (though its agenda for that meeting isn’t online yet). The committee’s chair, Councilmember Sally Bagshaw, was at the Thursday night Parks Board meeting. Parks Board side note from Ramels: “Last week the board had a nice breakfast with most of the living former board chairs (there are seven total). Of the five who attended, two are from West Seattle: Bruce Bentley and Margaret Ceis.”

Editor’s note postscript – As pointed out later in comments, this does NOT go to the City Council – it’s an administrative rule.

Today/tonight: West Seattle Valentine’s weekend, Day 1

February 13, 2010 8:00 am
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(Thanks to Kurt for the photo of a Friday rainbow over Mural [WSB sponsor] in The Junction)
First – our West Seattle Valentine’s Dining Guide has info for tonight as well as tomorrow, if you haven’t checked it out yet – see it here. Next, highlights from the West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Sima Martial Arts (WSB sponsor) in The Junction is offering a free couples’ kickboxing class at 12:30 today — this WSB Forums post has details (plus free couples’ yoga at co-located Limber Yoga tomorrow); another WSB sponsor, Mountain to Sound Outfitters, invites you to a free Olympics-kickoff barbecue at noon today (3602 SW Alaska; details here). (Find other West Seattle freebies for today and beyond by going here.) Radio Disney’s at West Seattle Thriftway for a free Valentine show 10:30 am-noon today; two movie notes – West Seattle Film Forum screens and discusses “500 Days of Summer” at Southwest Library, 10:30 am (free), while Admiral Theater has one more round of the “Twilight”/”New Moon” double bill, 4 pm. Three special events tonight – Family Game Night, supper included, 4:30-7 pm at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church (3050 California SW), Parents’ Night Out at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), 5:30-10 pm (registration required – call to check on openings), and the West Seattle Sweetheart Community Dance at Hiawatha Community Center – swing dance lesson for beginners at 7, then dance to waltz, blues, more, as well as swing, 8-10 pm. Lots of live music too; the full Saturday list (and Sunday) is here!

Followup: Rebuilding resumes at burned Beach Drive home

We received this last weekend and realized we hadn’t shared it. The photo above came with just a few lines:

The house on Beach Drive that had a fire the day before Thanksgiving, has started rebuilding again. After a long wait with the Insurance investigator, we finally have the go ahead.

Thanks to all who have given us support.

The Joyce Family

That fire was ruled accidental, with damage around a quarter-million dollars, as we reported the day it happened..

West Seattle wildlife: Coyote (?) sighting near Jack Block Park

Margaret sent this report Thursday night – as she notes, area animal-walkers might need to know, among others:

As I was walking my dog on Harbor Avenue today, I saw a wolf or a coyote dash across the street, from the harbor side to the wooded ravine. This occurred between Salty’s and the entrance to Jack Block Park. I think the animal may have been disturbed by someone driving a piece of heavy machinery pushing gravel around in the vacant lot next to Salty’s. The animal was almost hit by two cars as it crossed the street — one moving in each direction. It was about 12:30, in broad daylight. There was another witness (besides the drivers of the cars, who swerved to miss the animal) — a man walking toward Salty’s. He thought it was a wolf; I thought it was a coyote. In any case, it was not a loose dog. Perhaps people walking small animals in that area need to know. There is also a house … with goats in the back, on the hillside. I would hate to see carnage.

Wolf, pretty unlikely; coyote, much more likely. In fact, it’s been a little over a year since the case of the stranded coyote at Jack Block.

Car-fire investigation south of The Junction

February 12, 2010 11:09 pm
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From WSB photojournalist Christopher Boffoli: A car fire south of The Junction is getting some extra attention from investigators tonight. Just before 7 pm, firefighters were called out to the 5200 block of California (map). They quickly put out the fire, which was apparently confined to the passenger compartment of a late model Lincoln Town Car. Fire investigators arrived at the scene shortly thereafter and taped off the parking lot. The front passenger window of the car was shattered and there appeared to be a red plastic gas can on the front seat of the car. Investigators seemed to be studying the contents of the car, including some loose papers and a set of blue latex gloves. There were no injuries reported and no apparent damage to the adjacent buildings. We will keep following up to see what investigators determine about the fire’s cause.

Crime Watch: Shots fired; burglars spooked; wheels up; gas gone

Several West Seattle Crime Watch reports in this roundup tonight. In the first, we have a few more details from police on something we mentioned via Twitter late last night – a report of shots fired near 21st/Barton (map). A nearby resident e-mailed today to say they’d heard about half a dozen shots. We checked with Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James, who says a woman told police she was stopped in a vehicle at that intersection when someone got out of another car and fired several rounds at hers. She took off and called police; Lt. James says, “They found several bullet holes in her vehicle and recovered 2 casings at 21st and Barton.” No injuries. Meantime, we have three other miscellaneous crime reports – including another car-on-blocks, nowhere near yesterday’s two reports – read on:Read More

Update: Judge shoots down Seattle Parks gun ban reports that the gun ban in certain Seattle Parks facilities has been overturned by a local judge. The case in which the ruling was made is NOT the one filed by the Kent man who invited media to come see him walk into Southwest Community Center with a concealed weapon last November (here’s our coverage), but that man – Bob Warden – has sent out a news release pointing out this afternoon’s ruling. We asked the City Attorney’s Office for its reaction; spokesperson Kathy Mulady has just sent this short statement – “”We will comply with the court order and we are weighing with our clients the options for an appeal.” (By “clients,” she says, they mean the mayor and City Council.) The park gun ban was ordered by former Mayor Greg Nickels last October; one of the first signs seen around the city was the one in the photo at left, shared with us by Hillary and shown here 10/21/09. 7:43 PM UPDATE: We’ve been away from the desk for a little while, and more reaction’s come in, in the meantime. From Mayor Mike McGinn:

“I am disappointed in today’s ruling. Cities should have the right to restrict guns in playgrounds, pools and community centers where children are present. The court’s ruling was based on a state law, RCW 9.41.290, which preempts Seattle from regulating the possession of firearms. It’s time for the state Legislature to change that law.”

8:12 PM: We also have a copy of the judge’s order, courtesy of the City Attorney’s Office. You can see the three-page order here. We are reminded, looking at the plaintiffs’ names, that two of them – Winnie Chan and Ray Carterwere described last fall as West Seattle residents.

West Seattle sea-lion deaths: Humane Society offers reward

Since we broke the story here on WSB this morning, there’s been regional and national attention for the shooting deaths of at least five sea lions that washed up here in West Seattle. Newest development – this just in from the Humane Society of the United States:

The Humane Society of the United States and The Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust are offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the deaths of five sea lions.

* Dan Paul, Washington state director for The HSUS, said about the case: “The individual or individuals responsible for this callous poaching have an appalling disregard for both sea lions and the laws that exist to protect these iconic animals. The Humane Society of the United States applauds the National Marine Fisheries Service for investigating this case.”

* Anyone with information about this case is asked to call the National Marine Fisheries Service at 1-800-853-1964.

The Humane Society also points out that since the sea lions are federally protected, a convicted poacher could face a fine up to $50,000. 5:20 PM UPDATE: Robin Lindsey with Seal Sitters has updated their site with the results of a necropsy on a harbor seal found dead – THAT one was natural causes.

Admiral Safeway project side note: What happens to the workers?

February 12, 2010 4:22 pm
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This note came in from Sara Corn at Safeway’s local corporate HQ, after she read a discussion in comments following our full report on last night’s 5th and final Southwest Design Review Board meeting for the Admiral Safeway redevelopment. It seemed worth showcasing beyond just popping it into that comment thread.

Each of the [current Admiral Safeway] employees will be offered the opportunity to work in a different Safeway store in the Seattle Metro District during the time of construction. We understand this could be inconvenient for some, but years of planning could not yield a design that would allow the existing store to stay open during construction. It is one of the many reasons that we wanted to shorten the construction timeline to as short as possible. In addition, it is worth noting that the new store will employ 65-100 more employees than the current store employs, and the existing employees will have more hours available to them to work.

“Hero Memorial Workout” honoring Officer Brenton, this Sunday

Just before 11 this morning, we sent this out in our “Announcements” stream as well as Facebook and Twitter, right after SPDBlotter announced it. But in case you hadn’t seen it any of those ways, we want to be sure you see it here on the home page, too: CrossFit West Seattle (42nd/Admiral) will be hosting a Hero Memorial Workout” on Sunday, in honor of SPD Officer Tim Brenton, the West Seattle High School graduate murdered in the line of duty last Halloween night. CFWS’s Eric Renn says this is “a CrossFit tradition when one of our members or their family members dies in the line of duty). … Unfortunately, the officer that died (Tim Brenton) was the brother of two of our dedicated gym members. We have created a workout that will be held in his honor which was requested by his family.” It’s a fundraiser for the Behind the Badge Foundation, according to SPDBlotter, $20/person if you want to join the workout (and that’ll get you a memorial T-shirt as well), spectators/well-wishers are welcome too! 3 pm Sunday, CrossFit West Seattle.

Driver who hit Jade West owner sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison

(1:55 pm summary: Rodney James has been sentenced to the 30 months in prison that prosecutors recommended.)

(WSB photo added 2:02 pm – Rodney James foreground left, the Wong family – from left, Jason, Wah, Salina, Jimmy – background right)
We are in King County Superior Court Judge Julie Spector‘s courtroom downtown, along with Jade West Cafe proprietor Wah Wong and his son Jason Wong (plus many relatives and supporters), for the sentencing of Rodney James, the drunk driver who pleaded guilty to vehicular assault in the crash that badly hurt the Wongs two months ago. (The restaurant north of Morgan Junction has been closed ever since, its future still up in the air.) Also here: Three TV crews and a photographer from the Seattle Times (WSB partner) – close to 50 people in all in the courtroom. We are told some family members will address the judge; we’ll publish developments as they happen, with a longer story (including video and photos) later.

1:10 PM: The hearing has begun. The recommended 2 1/2 years is described as an “exceptional sentence.”

(WSB photo added 2:05 pm – Jimmy Wong at left, James’ lawyer at right)
1:16 PM: Jimmy Wong, the eldest son from California, is about to speak, after senior deputy prosecutor Amy Freedheim finished explaining how heinous the case is. “No amount of apology that he says will undo any of the damage that has been done. Mr. James’ actions have ruined my family’s fortune, source of income, my father’s passion, having his own restaurant for 20 years, serving the West Seattle community, that passion’s been taken away from him.” And he is speaking emotionally of his brother, who lost a leg. “The only thing I have left are memories of my brother … dancing at my wedding.” Then, he speaks of the customers of Jade West, who considered it home: “They don’t have a home any more.”

1:22 PM: Salina Wong, Wah’s wife and Jason’s mother, is speaking now. She too is crying. And then, she is angry, and tells James not to repeat the mistake. (added 5:15 pm – video of her testimony)

1:26 PM: Jason Wong, in a wheelchair, is speaking now. “One day I will get over this – but my family won’t. My parents have worked so hard, to see everything crumble in one day.”

1:30 PM: The lawyer for Rodney James is speaking and says he chose to accept “complete responsibility” and “wishes that day had never happened.” She spoke for about four minutes; James is speaking now, saying “I am devastated by this loss and it has affected me a great deal … if I could do this all over again, I would not have gotten in my car on that night.”

1:35 PM: Now the judge is speaking. “But for the heroic act of Jason, his father might not be here today.” She says the court has received 113 letters of support for the Wongs and Jade West. “More letters than I have ever seen, combined, in my 11th year on the bench.” She says the letters express outrage, disbelief, disappointment in the legal system. She calls James’s behavior “outrageous.” She says that James has agreed to factors that make it possible for her to sentence him to more than the standard range of 13 to 17 months. “Some of the letters have asked me to sentence you to the maximum the law permits … that would be 10 years. Some asked for more … even life. The law simply does not allow for that.” (added 2:37 – part of that statement, on video – sorry about all the typing noise)

She says she is aware that the Wong family are “incredible members of our community … Jason had agreed with a degree in aeronautical engineering and was in the process of obtaining a masters in that field … when your car (James’s car) landed in their driveway.” She says that on Wah Wong’s behalf, a former owner of the Jade West even wrote a letter, and “took great pride in seeing how it had grown in reputation throughout the West Seattle community.” She says the letters have been “overwhelming.” And, “No amount of time” will bring back the way the Wongs were .. the way the Jade West was. “Our entire community grieves for your losses, currently and prospectively,” the judge says. She also says she got letters from James’s parents expressing “deep remorse over their son’s actions.” She says toxicology reports now show James’ blood-alcohol level was .19 – higher than the originally reported .16. “The court will sentence you to the original 30 months agreed to,” she says. He also will serve 18 months probation afterward, and a $1,700-plus financial obligation even before a restitution hearing to determine what else he will be ordered to pay. If he gets a driver license in the future, he will have to have a device that will keep his car from starting unless he has less than .02 blood alcohol. She told him a few minutes earlier that he should never drive a car again, and that “if we were in Europe” he would lose his license for life.

1:56 PM: The hearing is concluded. We will see if the Wongs plan to speak to reporters outside the courtroom; we spoke with Jimmy Wong before the hearing, and he wasn’t sure if they would want to.

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Valentine’s Day edition

February 12, 2010 12:47 pm
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wswllicon3.png(UPDATED EARLY SATURDAY) Another weekend, another big Sunday – this time, instead of the game of football, it’s the game of love. We’ve been featuring the West Seattle Valentine’s Day dining guide – see the latest updates here – highlights from the WSB sponsor ranks include brunch (mimosa carafe!) and dinner special features at Skylark Cafe and Club and a steak/shrimp special at Feedback Lounge. Also – self-defense and yoga freebies, a free movie, an art show to help Haiti, Fauntleroy’s “The Man Show” tonight, Lafayette Elementary’s theater production tonight, Twilight/New Moon double features today and tomorrow at The Admiral … From tonight through Sunday night, more than 40 events/activities, brought to you by Skylark Cafe and Club, where you’ll find FREE live music and rockin’ food:Read More