Several West Seattle Crime Watch reports in this roundup tonight. In the first, we have a few more details from police on something we mentioned via Twitter late last night – a report of shots fired near 21st/Barton (map). A nearby resident e-mailed today to say they’d heard about half a dozen shots. We checked with Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James, who says a woman told police she was stopped in a vehicle at that intersection when someone got out of another car and fired several rounds at hers. She took off and called police; Lt. James says, “They found several bullet holes in her vehicle and recovered 2 casings at 21st and Barton.” No injuries. Meantime, we have three other miscellaneous crime reports – including another car-on-blocks, nowhere near yesterday’s two reports – read on:
From “Home owner“:
Location: Charlestown and 47th (map).
At least 2 thugs kicked in our shed door, which I forgot to deadbolt unfortunately. Had I and given that it is reinforced steel, it would have been nearly impossible to kick in. Lesson learned. I did manage to scare them off and notice a late 1990’s model Honda Accord (gold/silver) speed away. If they are foolish enough to come back – we are more than ready.
There is a nice foot print on the shed door which appears to have dog poop mixed in. It looks like one of the thugs stepped in it before kicking the door open. Be on the lookout for these fools.
From Eric, another case of wheel-stealing:
I don’t know if this has been reported to the blog, but our neighbor’s Honda had two wheels stolen from it on the night of Feb. 9th. The police have been notified. The theft took place on 46th Ave. SW between SW Walker St. & Hill St. (map)
And from Kathleen:
We live on the 7500 block of 32nd Ave SW [map] and earlier this week we had the gas siphoned out of our car that was parked on the street. Our neighbor across the street has had his truck broken into twice in the last month.
If you are concerned about crime, another chance to work with your neighbors to fight it is coming up THIS TUESDAY, 7 pm, Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster), when the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets. And we’ve got word from executive committee members Shell and Shane Marr that the updated WSCPC website is up and running –