(UPDATED EARLY SATURDAY) Another weekend, another big Sunday – this time, instead of the game of football, it’s the game of love. We’ve been featuring the West Seattle Valentine’s Day dining guide – see the latest updates here – highlights from the WSB sponsor ranks include brunch (mimosa carafe!) and dinner special features at Skylark Cafe and Club and a steak/shrimp special at Feedback Lounge. Also – self-defense and yoga freebies, a free movie, an art show to help Haiti, Fauntleroy’s “The Man Show” tonight, Lafayette Elementary’s theater production tonight, Twilight/New Moon double features today and tomorrow at The Admiral … From tonight through Sunday night, more than 40 events/activities, brought to you by Skylark Cafe and Club, where you’ll find FREE live music and rockin’ food:
Thanks, Skylark Cafe and Club, for sponsoring the WSWL!
ALL WEEKEND: Southwest Pool open (but closed Monday for Presidents Day)
ALL WEEKEND: Movies (and more) at the Admiral Theater
ALL WEEKEND: West Seattle history on display @ Log House Museum at Alki, Thursdays-Sundays, noon-4 pm
FRIDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Art and Poetry exhibit at South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor). Art Gallery, open Monday-Friday, noon – 6:30 pm
WEST SEATTLE VALENTINE’S WEEKEND DINING GUIDE: Our list of specials for the whole weekend (and whether you should make reservations or not) is here
FRIDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Urban Constructions art show at ArtsWest gallery, noon-7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at C & P Coffee with Laura Samsel, 6-8 pm

SATURDAY NIGHT: Nearly 70 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students from Lafayette Elementary School are presenting “The Trial of Goldilocks”, Friday, February 12, 2010 at the West Seattle High School theatre. In rhyme, mime and mirth, this exciting comedy examines the familiar fairy tale from three points of view: the traditional, the Bears’, then Goldilocks’. From the opening moment, when three vendors attempt to hawk souvenirs among the audience, to the surprising verdict from the jury and a “happily-ever-after” conclusion this play, performed completely in verse, is unique, enchanting and entertaining for the entire family. The show begins at 7:00pm running less than an hour. Donations requested at the door, as the school district does not provide funds for such productions. There will also be a bake sale.
FRIDAY NIGHT: From West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor) — Family Night, 6:30-8:30 pm @ West Seattle location. Play together as a family in the Kids Gym and Swim in the pool. Members: Free non-members bring canned food for the West Seattle food bank or Diapers for West Side Baby
FRIDAY NIGHT: “Twilight” and “New Moon” doubleheader at Admiral Theater, starting at 6:45 pm Friday
FRIDAY NIGHT: Friday Skate Night at Alki Community Center is NOT happening tonight because of city furloughs
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at The Bohemian: Ron Weinstein Trio, 7-10 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: The Man Show at Fauntleroy Church: “The Man Show will feature the guys who played backup at two Sweet Sweet Music concerts last year. As the guys take the stage, the Bronettes will play backup. Like the other concerts, this concert features a broad array of vocal and instrumental harmony from a talented group of Fauntleroy musicians. Featured performers include Greg Dirks, Kevin Finney, Jeff Van Gilder, and David Yanacek.” 7:30 pm (for more, see this Facebook events page)
FRIDAY NIGHT: “Love Song” at ArtsWest, 7:30 pm (buy tickets online)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor), with Ben Gilmer and the Sidearms, Ben Guernsey of Tugboat Country, Jones Family Fortune, 8:30 pm (live & no cover, as always)
FRIDAY NIGHT: At Redline Music and Sports:
“Live and Local”
Seattle’s Best Original Music
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at Shadow Land, starting at 10 pm
WEST SEATTLE VALENTINE’S WEEKEND DINING GUIDE: Our list of specials for the whole weekend (and whether you should make reservations or not) is here
SATURDAY (AND SUNDAY) FREE CLASSES!!!!: Free classes at Seattle Integrated Martial Arts and Limber Yoga (WSB sponsors) – details in this WSB Forums post
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Orchard Street Ravine work party, 9 am-1 pm
Delridge Natural Area Work Party – GREEN SEATTLE PARTNERSHIP
When? 02/13/10 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Where? Corner of Delridge Way SW & SW Graham (Across the street from Chief Sealth
High School)
Come be a part of our goal of restoring part of Seattle’s 2500 acres of forested park land. Most of the trees in Seattle are near the end of their natural lifespan and invasive plants have choked out the seedlings that would replace the native trees. Come help us remove invasive plants and then put down a layer of mulch to prepare for planting the next generation of native trees and plants. The Delridge Natural Area is a beautiful site with the Longfellow Creek meandering through it. Two beaver ponds have developed as well, creating habitat for many different kinds of wildlife. Be sure to wear long pants, a long sleeve shirt and heavy shoes and if you have work gloves bring them as well. I have a supply of gloves as well. Also, bring water and a snack. If you have any questions, please contact me. RSVP is appreciated.
Contact: Mike Arizona 206-290-8805
E-mail: m_a1533@yahoo.com
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Duwamish Greenbelt work party with the Nature Consortium, meet at 14th SW and SW Holly, 10 am-2 pm
SATURDAY MORNING: Lion dance for Vietnamese New Year at Pho My Loi, 10 am (more here)
SATURDAY MORNING: Radio Disney is coming to visit West Seattle Thriftway to put on a Valentine’s Day show! 10:30 a.m. – 12 Noon. Dances, games, and prizes!
SATURDAY MORNING: West Seattle Film Forum screens “500 Days of Summer,” Southwest Branch Library, 10:30 am (more here)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Marination Mobile street food truck scheduled to be in West Seattle, 11 am-2 pm at 35th/Graham (map)
SATURDAY MORNING: Vietnamese Story Time at the Delridge Library, 11:15 am (more here)
SATURDAY MORNING: The Hiawatha Tae Kwon Do Club is looking for new members for its ongoing classes at the Hiawatha Community Center in West Seattle. Adults (18 and older) can sign up to learn Tae Kwon Do, a Korean martial art known for its fast sparring techniques, dynamic forms, and strong kicks. The club is focused on self-improvement in a non-competitive atmosphere that promotes unity, respect, and indomitable spirit. Classes cost $30/month and meet Mondays & Thursdays 7-8:30pm and Saturdays 11:15am-1:15pm. Beginners are definitely welcome and preferred; new students can join at any time! Check out our website at www.hiawathatkd.org, email hiawathatkd@gmail.com for questions, or call (206) 684-7441 for registration information
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Free barbecue and Olympic kickoff event at Mountain to Sound Outfitters (WSB sponsor), 3602 SW Alaska, noon (details here)
SATURDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Urban Constructions art show at ArtsWest gallery, noon-7 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Dipping strawberries in Dilettante Chocolate at Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor), noon-4 pm both days
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Free couples kickboxing at Sima Martial Arts (WSB sponsor), 12:30 (details here)
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: At the Senior Center of West Seattle: CPR classes
Tuesdays, February 23 or Saturday, February 13
from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Cost $55. Sign up with Scott at 206-734-7484
SATURDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: “Twilight” and “New Moon” doubleheader at Admiral Theater, starting at 4 pm Saturday
SATURDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Family Game Night, 4:30 – 7:00 pm
St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church
3050 California Ave SW
Parents and kids of all ages are invited for an evening of games and fun. Bring your favorite game to play. Supper is included. Here’s another way to celebrate Valentine’s Day!
SATURDAY NIGHT: At the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), Parents Night Out, 5:30-10 pm @ West Seattle location, 4515 36th SW. Kids ages 3 months – 12 years have a safe and fun evening at the Y while parents go out or relax at home. $22.50-$30 depending upon child’s age/membership status. Space is limited. Registration required.
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at C&P Coffee with This Volcanic Winter, 6-8 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at The Bohemian: classic jazz guitar with Djangomatics, 7-10 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: West Seattle Sweetheart Community Dance
At the Hiawatha Community Center
Saturday, February 13th
7-8pm– Beginning Swing Dance Lesson
8-10pm– Dance to Swing, Waltz, Blues, and More!
Don’t know how to dance? No worries–mini-lessons throughout the evening to keep you dancing!
Childcare Available
No partner needed. Come with or without a sweetheart.
Lots of friendly people. Singles and couples welcome!
We’ll even do a mixer to help you meet people.
Instructor and DJ: Lilli Ann Carey
www.danceforjoy.biz 206-264-5646
Questions? call Lilli Ann
Lesson and Dance $12
Lesson or Dance Only $8
Getting to the Hiawatha Community Center
2700 California Ave SW.
From California Ave., go east on Lander, south on Walnut, park on the street and enter through the drive off Walnut between West Seattle High School and the park. The Community Center is the next building north of the High School adjacent to the new athletic field.
Sponsored by
Seattle Parks and Recreation
& Hiawatha Advisory Council
SATURDAY NIGHT: “Love Song” at ArtsWest, 7:30 pm (buy tickets online)
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music — who: quixoteradio acoustic singer song writer
time: 7:30
date: february 13th
place: Freshy’s coffee shop
address: 2735 california avenue west seattle
all ages, free
my myspace url www.myspace.com/quixoteradio
SATURDAY NIGHT: At Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor): Live music with Kevlar Fashion Show, 11 pm (live & no cover, as always)
SATURDAY NIGHT: At Redline Music and Sports:
“Live and Local II”
Red i, Appletree, & Guests Live!
SATURDAY NIGHT: DJ Tony B, Rocksport, 9 pm
WEST SEATTLE VALENTINE’S WEEKEND DINING GUIDE: Our list of specials for the whole weekend (and whether you should make reservations or not) is here
SUNDAY FREE CLASSES!!!!: Free classes at Seattle Integrated Martial Arts and Limber Yoga (WSB sponsors) – details in this WSB Forums post
SUNDAY ART SALE TO RAISE MONEY TO HELP HAITI: Stephanie Hargrave presents an art sale with 30+ artists to raise money for Haiti – details here
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Seattle Farmers’ Market @ The Junction, 10 am-2 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Metropolitan Market in Admiral (WSB sponsor) has a harpist! 1-3 pm and dipping strawberries in chocolate noon-4 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Free couples’ yoga class at Limber Yoga (WSB sponsor), 12:15 pm (details here)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Board Game Afternoon at Southwest Branch Library, presented by Friends of Southwest Library, 1-4:30 pm (“Check Your Mate”)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: “Love Song” at ArtsWest, 3 pm (buy tickets online)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: 3 pm Sundays, board games at Starbucks in Morgan Junction – some will be there, but you’re welcome to bring your own!
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Live music at C&P Coffee with Phil Hansen, 3-5 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Free Valentine’s Day showing of the movie “Fireproof” – Admiral Theater @ 4:00 pm. Fireproof is about fire captain Caleb Holt played by Kirk Cameron whose marriage is on fire and ready to collapse. Caleb is challenged by his father to take a 40 days challenge to rescue his marriage. The movie has great insight to some of the difficulties married couples face and the importance of not giving up. Since it’s free bring the whole family and your neighbors and why not your brother in law and the people at work. For more info: www.calvarychapelwestseattle.org or 206 935-4487. Sponsored by: Calvary Chapel West Seattle
SUNDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) – Not only the rib special, but also for a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner, rib-eye steak and shrimp special for $16, plus fancy tablecloths, candles, the works
SUNDAY NIGHT: During Valentine’s Dinner Special, all-ages live music at @ Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) with Lemolo and Deepsleep Narcotics Company, music starts 8 pm (live & no cover, as always)
SUNDAY NIGHT (AND THE FOLLOWING SATURDAY): V-Day occurs in communities nationwide and worldwide each year in order to raise money to end violence against women and girls – including many local productions of Eve Ensler’s play, “The Vagina Monologues.” The West Seattle production of the play will take place on both Feb. 14th and 20th at 7 pm at the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. All profit from ticket sales for the West Seattle performances will benefit Children of the Night (http://www.childrenofthenight.org/), an organization that rescues children from prostitution ~ providing shelter, mental health assistance, education, job placements, and a chance to get back some of their lost childhood; and Refugee Women’s Alliance Domestic Violence Program (http://www.rewa.org/domestic-violence.html), who provide refugee and immigrant women culturally and linguistically appropriate services. They offer services in 15 different languages. The global spotlight for V-Day is directed at Women of the Democratic Republic of Congo where rape is used as a weapon of war. Our efforts fund safe houses and hospitals and increase awareness of the women of the Congo who are resisting violence with courage and vision. Here is a description of the Monologues: Through heartfelt, funny, sad, incredibly moving monologues, women from all over the world talk about what they have experienced as women: love, physical and sexual abuse, fear, the glories of childbirth, isolation, sensitive and insensitive partners. Eve Ensler interviewed hundreds of women of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities for this memorable theatrical production. Tickets are available through Brown Paper Tickets. http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/91252
More information on V-Day nationwide can be found here: http://www.vday.org/home
And more info on the West Seattle V-Day can be found here: http://events.vday.org/2010/community/West_Seattle_(TVM)
SUNDAY MORNING AND NIGHT: At Redline Music and Sports:
Always @ 11 AM…
Trivia @ 7PM
Acoust-a-roke @ 9:30
*Acoustic Jam / Open Mic
Are we missing anything? Let us know! And between weekends, keep an eye on our continuously updated Events page.
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