At 8th/Roxbury, on the north side of Greenbridge, you can stand on the edge of White Center and look across the street at a “Welcome to Highland Park” sign. So HP has reason to pay close attention to the prospect of a November vote on whether Seattle should annex White Center and most of the rest of the unincorporated area that will remain when Burien completes its North Highline South annexation this spring. That’s why WC residents who support Seattle annexation addressed the Highland Park Action Committee meeting Wednesday night, briefly drawing audience reaction that hinted at some of the strong opinions over the area’s future. That was just part of a very busy HPAC agenda – read on for the toplines, starting with the community crime report:
HIGHLAND PARK CRIME TRENDS: Community Police Team Officer Jill Vanskike said the area’s been hit with “quite a few auto thefts – all Hondas.” They generally are recovered within a few days, NOT stripped, “just joyriding,” usually taken at night. “If you see a vehicle slowly rolling by, or something else that doesn’t look right, call 911,” she implored. She also mentioned there were four burglaries in the area between Feb. 2 and 15, and five robberies – people walking down the street, not paying attention to their surroundings. While she suggested “meth heads” were to blame for a fair amount of crime, she confirmed they’re seldom seeing labs – usage is the problem, but the drug is being made elsewhere. Vanskike also mentioned that her area of emphasis is SW Holden to SW Roxbury north to south, South Park to 16th SW east to west.
CRIME SIDE NOTE – GRAFFITI VANDALISM: In Q/A, an attendee told Officer Vanskike about neighborhood tagging problems. The officer said she “really hates” graffiti vandalism – and urged victims to report it. Ron Angeles, Delridge District Coordinator for the Department of Neighborhoods, reminded everyone that he has a “graffiti wagon” with supplies for painting out vandalism – also pointing out that if it’s not your property, you need the owner’s permission before painting.
Next – a topic you might call “a walk in the park”:

(Photo courtesy Dina Johnson)
SEATTLE PARKS’ TRAILS PROGRAM: Above, Jacobo Jimenez (a West Seattle resident) from Seattle Parks. He described himself as one of two people the city has working on a program with 120 miles of trails, and said volunteer help is crucial to fill in the gap. He talked about the West Duwamish Greenbelt in eastern West Seattle, stretching from Highland Park Way all the way north to Pigeon Point, including a Parks and Green Spaces Levy Opportunity Fund proposal by the Nature Consortium to get money to develop a master plan for the greenbelt, “so everyone can put in their 2 cents” on where the trail work should focus. He urged HPAC to watch for word of work parties: “People really do step up when they feel there’s a need – I’m asking you to step up one more time.”
Next – the annexation talk:

(Photo courtesy Dina Johnson)
SEATTLE ANNEXATION SUPPORTERS: From left, Peggy Weiss, Mark Ufkes and Don Malo told HPAC they believe White Center joining Seattle “is the right thing to do.” They believe it makes sense for a host of reasons, including social justice and removal of what they see as an artificial boundary down the middle of Roxbury. Weiss said they’ve talked with city council members and “we think they’re also recognizing, it’s time.” They support Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn‘s proposal for an annexation vote this November (which requires City Council approval), and say they are touring to speak to “neighborhood groups” about their support for Seattle annexation. From the audience, Liz Giba – who has publicly advocated for Burien to annex all of North Highline – questioned Ufkes’ stated credentials as president of the White Center Homeowners Association and asked when the group met; some tension ensued until HPAC chair Dan Mullins said Giba would be welcome to request a spot on the agenda to address his group at a future meeting. Ufkes said, “We deserve the right to vote,” and urged those present to e-mail the Seattle City Council to voice support for a vote.
DELRIDGE MATTERS: Ron Angeles briefed HPAC on the June 5 Delridge Day festival plan (covered extensively at last week’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting). He focused on the plan for the event to stress walkability, with prizes up for grabs for those who walk to the festival. (Jimenez also chimed in that June 5th is National Trails Day, with the theme “get out and hike and use these infrastructures for what they were made for.”) He also summarized what the DNDC is up to – including last weekend’s retreat (see participant Pete Spalding‘s summary here), and the intent to work to look at the district – broadly, eastern West Seattle – as a unified area, in addition to being a collection of “villages.” Angeles mentioned that City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw will be at the DNDC’s next meeting in three weeks (March 17, 7 pm, Youngstown Arts Center), and that everyone’s invited.

(Photo courtesy Dina Johnson)
BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: Every meeting, HPAC spotlights a Highland Park-area business – and this time, it’s the new coffee stand, Portside (featured here last month), with the distinctive design resembling a boat. Owners Sara and Justin said things are going well and they’re about to start hiring; they’ve lived in Highland Park for about three years. They donated a $25 coffee card for HPAC’s traditional meeting-ending raffle. One question they fielded from attendees: “So, no ‘naughty baristas’ down there?” Laughter percolated. “No, much to the disappointment of some of the truck drivers down there!” they laughed. “We’ve had a few requests.”
JAIL: No new developments as an environmental report continues to be developed for the regional jail that’s not off the table yet, but chair Mullins warned that the group must be vigilant. Tonight, for example, he says jail opponents in the Aldercrest area north of Seattle plan a presentation to Shoreline, which they’re hoping will annex their prospective jail site as a park. He also read from e-mail he had received from someone in Bartlesville, OK, who now has a jail in their back yard and was trying to find someone to ask about the appropriate type of fencing for jails abutting neighborhoods. “Here’s somebody who lost the battle,” Mullins warned. “Even though we have a new mayor, county executive and city attorney all against the jail, it could still happen.”
AT THE PROSPECTIVE JAIL SITE … at West Marginal Way/Highland Park Way, a raggedy orange netting fence has been up since the Nickelsville eviction at the site more than a year ago. Mullins said he’s trying to get the city to get rid of it because it’s an “eyesore” at “the gateway to our community.” Most recently, he said, he was told it’s still up because Nickelsville is still “threatening to move (back to the site).”
ANNOUNCEMENTS: March 4, HPAC will have a group reading Dr. Seuss to kids at Highland Park Elementary … March 21, Highland Park Improvement Club’s Spring Clean (10 am, meet at HPIC) … a reminder about the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Group on Facebook … April 24, 2nd annual “Wines for Our Times” at HPIC, $10 admission plus bring a bottle of wine worth $10 or less, and get ready for tastings at tables … April 24 (as noted here) is also the date for the next meeting about West Seattle (Westcrest) Reservoir Park (Mullins said that Parks is trying to reach out to anyone who uses the park for birding, to make sure they are represented at the next meeting) … And there also was an announcement from Highland Park Peace and Justice:

(Photo courtesy Dina Johnson)
That’s Christian Skoorsmith, talking about David Rovics‘ upcoming appearance March 11, and Patrick Dodd on May 1, both at the Highland Park Community of Christ building. “They’re both great musicians, songwriters, with songs of social significance,” he explained.
Highland Park Action Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of the month, 7 pm, at HP Improvement Club. Find them online at