West Seattle/White Center biznotes: Wins for Full Tilt, ZippyDogs

FULL TILT ICE CREAM WINS “BEST OF WESTERN WASHINGTON”: They’re headquartered in White Center but have been adopted by enough West Seattleites to feel like something of a WS annex, in the nonpolitical sense. As announced in the WSB Forums, Full Tilt Ice Cream has won its category in the KING 5 “Best of Western Washington” voting, and our video shows co-proprietors Justin Cline and Ann Magyar getting interviewed this afternoon by KING 5 producer Eric Riddle for the upcoming broadcast. Full Tilt first opened in White Center less than 2 years ago and has since expanded to Columbia City, with a Ballard location in the works too. (Any other WS/WC businesses win BoWW? Let us know!)

“SHOWMANSHIP” WIN FOR ZIPPYDOGS: Elise Lindborg from ZippyDogs, a West Seattle-based promotional-products company, is howling proud of their win for “Best Booth Showmanship” at this year’s Northwest Event Show, which recently drew thousands to the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. Lindborg, who identifies herself as ZippyDogs’ “Top Dog,” notes, “We try to make every day fun, and we strive to be helpful, professional, friendly, and yes, a little playful!” They’re online at zippydogs.com.

17 Replies to "West Seattle/White Center biznotes: Wins for Full Tilt, ZippyDogs"

  • JanS October 20, 2009 (5:45 pm)

    Yay for Justin and Ann. A friend just brought me a pint of Salty Caramel and a pint of plum sorbet….a reward for 2 hours of medical prodcedure this morning…yummmmmmmmmy !! They really deserve this award :)

  • Mike October 20, 2009 (6:25 pm)

    Awesome, Full Tilt are good people and carry non dairy for those of us that can’t have dairy.

  • Sasquatch October 20, 2009 (7:10 pm)

    Love their icecream. Blueberry lavender, toasted coconut, mexican chocolate are all personal faves.

  • Kayleigh October 20, 2009 (7:22 pm)

    OMG, horchata…yum. :)

  • Cheryl October 20, 2009 (7:59 pm)

    Good for them! Great folks, great ice cream!

  • miws October 20, 2009 (8:00 pm)

    Are our Ballard neighbors going to be graced with lutefisk ice cream? ;)


    As I mentioned in the related Forum thread, I haven’t made it up to Full Tilt yet, but look forward to doing so.


    Congrats to Justin and Ann!



  • Celeste17 October 20, 2009 (8:54 pm)

    Mike anytime you want to go send me an email and we shall see if we can hook up to go. Can go just about any day except Monday.

  • miws October 20, 2009 (9:16 pm)

    Thanks Celeste!



  • E October 20, 2009 (9:17 pm)

    So fantastic! Two great businesses. I love full tilt. And the ladies at ZippyDogs are so nice. They use to be my neighbors and were particularly sweet to my 93 year old grandma.

  • beef October 20, 2009 (9:31 pm)

    can;t go on mondays anyway – they are closed!

  • FullTilt October 20, 2009 (11:45 pm)

    Mondays suck anyways.

  • sacatosh October 21, 2009 (8:46 am)

    Justin and Ann, you guys are the cutest couple ever. Plus you rock.

    That plum spice vegan sorbet you have had recently? Might just be your very best flavor yet. I am hopelessly addicted and will be SO SAD when it’s all gone.

    And folks, the pumpkin ice cream, if you’re a pumpkin fan, is an absolute home run.

  • Bogie October 21, 2009 (10:06 am)

    FullTilt is awesome! Justin worked so hard to make a special flavor for my husbands birthday. When it didn’t work out, he didn’t even charge me for his time or materials. Very upstanding business!

  • DBurns October 21, 2009 (11:45 am)

    Yay for Full Tilt!!
    Another compliment to your hard work and dilligence. You guys make it happen! I think what you have done and continue to do for WC is awesome – thanks for the great ice cream too!
    Your Friends at Giannoni’s Pizzeria

  • Onya October 21, 2009 (2:55 pm)

    Big Congrats to all!
    I love working with the gals at Zippy Dogs. They are really cool people that are lots of fun and do very professional high quality work. I’m always glad to see great West Seattle businesses get to recognition that they deserve.
    I might have to get some ice cream to celebrate. :)

  • KSJ October 21, 2009 (3:25 pm)

    mmmmm Full Tilt

  • ln8r October 21, 2009 (5:05 pm)

    Justin and Ann, you guys are the best! I love mango chile best but now have to try all these other flavors. We love to come in for pinball. I swear it restores my soul. My son loves birthday cake flavor best.

    The Monday thing is pretty funny because I ALWAYS forget and try to come, precisely because Mondays DO suck, lol. I think you should not only be open Mondays, you should have Monday pinball events or something.

    Thanks you guys!!

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