month : 09/2009 378 results

“The city is not the enemy – the homeless are not the enemy”

This just came in as a comment following last night’s report on the SHARE sleep-out protest in Mayor Nickels‘ neighborhood. The commenter offers insight and proposals that we thought you might want to read, even if you don’t usually look at story comments. It was signed “D Kramer”:

I am formally of tent city 4 and I refused to do this protest because I didn’t agree with it from what was conveyed to me about the city wanting some kind of guarantee if it gave money.

It is invasive to crash out at the mayors home.

I find it a violation as well of one’s privacy when the media is pre-invited in mass to ensure lots of press. One had to choose to either participate in this protest or depart for the duration of the protest. It wasn’t painted out as something you can do or not do. They are getting so desperate to try to get the needed bus fare that civil rights even among their own kind seem marginal.

But you guys need to know – Many of the people at the tent city 4 had or even have some kind of job. Some were barely hanging on before a cut back or lay off or injury or personal crisis. Some point blank can’t work due to disability. Some work for pathetic wages – Low wages that ensure that the local companies maintain their hefty profits.

Sure some – a few –don’t want to work or do much in life- but by far I assure you most of the people at least at TC 4 are trying to get back up on their own feet in their own way. Some are trying to live on about $700 a month disability – some on less than $350 a month GAU. Some have nothing.

I have personally helped several people who were job hunting find interview outfits from the donations, I will always remember the day just two weeks ago when I helped a woman get a pair of woman’s black pants – black shoes and men’s white cotton shirt so she could go to her very first day of work at the old peoples home. It really touched my heart. I wish who ever the kind people were who donated these clothes could have been there to see what a difference their gifts made in a homeless woman’s life just one day later! No middle man – just a person giving a gift that directly helped a homeless person go to work ~~Wow – amazing – thank you wonderful eastside people~!

There is a real need for the bus passes and for additional monies for the budget. While the means are kind of objectionable –the need is actually very very real. Maybe trying to go the normal route for so long the Share people felt was useless. They have a few extremists I do admit.

I suggest the following off the wall solution:
Metro – King county and Share come together for a creative win -win solution to the bus ticket crisis.

Right now Share is violating the potential freedom of religion of its members by its forced church attendance at the churches of its ( Share’s) choice with credit only given to 2-3 person each week for each selected church. The community credit period is every 2 weeks. It is an unneeded stress on the share members and seems a mere power play the way it is implemented.

Not to mention that – Attendance of religious based services should not be required of any organization that is receiving any kind of state funding –of any kind. It is a violation of the seperation of church and state.

Why not let faith and God be a personal choice as God and America intended and use community credit perdiod to really make a difference in the community!

Everyone who rides the buses sees clearly they seem to be hardly cleaning the inside of the buses for quite some time now. This creates a poor image of Seattle – can spread illness ( esp during Flu season) and encourages a feeling of depression on the buses.

What if Metro – City County and Share all got together on board for a project to help make a difference in this! What if Share provided a certain number of volunteers 1-2 times a week that Metro could use to help really clean the inside those buses for a few hours each week? Sure they might take a lot longer than regular workers – but shit they can’t do any worse than the dirty buses we all ride in now!

What if Metro in exchange agreed to give deep discount to Share for volunteer work given and the city picked up the little bill left and they gave a majority of the Share residents in the system over 2 weeks an Orcas bus pass instead of just 2 bus tickets a day. And the city could give 1 month worth of bus ticket money asap with understanding the volunteer thing has to be running in a month.. I think such a notion might go over very well with a foundation such as the Bill and Melinda gates foundation as well if the city refuses to help out with costs associated with setting such a thing up.

Imagine a world for the homeless person trying to get on their feet – where they didn’t have to juggle do they use their bus pass to go to a medical appt – to attend a share meeting or go to church or to take a shower at the wellness center or to look for a job – imagine a world where they could get it all done!

The more that homeless people can get done to rebuild their lives – to find jobs – to get their health in order – and to build social networks in their lives –the quicker they can be more able to fully participate in society.

And for those who have disabilities -I suggest the city or share step up to help these parties get set up for the handicapped passes and get them then set up with Orcas disabled pass pronto – the cost savings would be immense. Every disabled person you don’t have to give daily passes to saves Share money!

Share could also use similar notion maybe using volunteers in some kind of barter exchange for credit maybe toward printing, pest control, and other potentially needed services. Then maybe they could abolish their forced “donations” of an item with receipt valued at least at $25 each month or $30 gift card from each tent city resident during the summer months where they charge people to stay in their free shelters. They say they use these donations to fund their Fall Harvest.

I suspect if they let the community know of the need for items to go to Fall Harvest auction and if they let their amazing homeless artists actually make items and art to donate willingly – they could have the most amazing auction ever!! Some of the people at the tent cities have incredible artistics skills!

Tough times just mean getting more creative with one’s resources. Let’s all work together to get more done for everyone! The city is not the enemy – The homeless are not the enemy.

By the way, in addition to comments on stories and discussions in the WSB Forums section, we are always willing to consider what the print business calls “op-ed” pieces if you want to kick off a discussion about something – inquire at – thanks! 12:16 PM P.S. In case you were wondering – the SHARE protesters will NOT be back at the mayor’s house tonight – they have announced plans for a sleep-out outside Councilmember Tim Burgess‘s home in Queen Anne.

Followup: What else was in those burglary suspects’ SUV

Yesterday morning, thanks to WSB’er tips (see news? contact us 24/7), we brought you the story of 2 burglary suspects arrested on the West Seattle Bridge. This morning, SPDBlotter has just added a few details to the story – specifically, what else police found in the suspects’ SUV besides the shop saw stolen from the victim: “A bag of golf clubs, a large hard plastic tool chest, and a blue motorcycle.”

Today/tonight: SSCC start; superintendent chat; SNAP; more

Busy day/night on the WSB Events calendar:

BACK TO SCHOOL: Today marks the start of fall-quarter classes at South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor).

MEET THE SUPERINTENDENT: Concern or question about Seattle Public Schools? Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson is on a “coffee hour” tour and tonight she’s at High Point Community Center, 6:50-8 pm.

SNAP: That stands for Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare, and that’s the program to help you be ready in case of catastrophe. With the weather turning, it’s particularly timely for SNAP to offer its free class tonight, 6:30 pm, Southwest Library.

SOUTHWEST HEALTHY YOUTH PARTNERSHIP: Support efforts to keep local kids out of potentially deadly trouble, including drinking – join this volunteer group at 6 pm in the Madison Middle School library.

PARK-LEVY UPDATES: Want to know what’s being planned with the park-levy money voters approved last fall? The Parks and Green Spaces Levy Oversight Committee – which includes 3 West Seattleites – gets the latest reports when it meets tonight at Parks HQ downtown (Denny Park), 7 pm.

Join the Girl Scouts – or lead them! “Info nights” this week

(WSB photo from February 2009)
Girl Scouts are about more than cookies (although that part is fun too)! Ilana Barnes from Girl Scouts of Western Washington sends word of two information nights in West Seattle tonight and tomorrow, not just for the girls, but for prospective leaders too:

* *Who*: All girls and adults interested in learning more about Girl Scouts!

*Attention all girls everywhere*…Do you want to share and explore new things with your friends? Sing and make s’mores around the campfire? Build a rocket? Go horseback riding? Ever wondered what it would be like to grow up and be a veterinarian, baker, scientist, banker, or artist – you can learn, try, and experience all these things in the Girl Scouts. If you can think it, you can do it! It’s all about what YOU like!

*Attention all parents, guardians and adults who believe the girl in their life is amazing*…You can help her reach her full potential. Help her explore her passions, find courage, and build character so she can make the world a better place. You can help by getting involved in Girl Scouts!

The Girl Scouts of Western Washington is 99% volunteer-led and we need caring adults like yourself to take an active role in giving girls the best possible Girl Scout experience. We are looking for enthusiastic adult volunteers who are interested in bringing Girl Scouts to their Seattle community. Each year Girl Scouts has many more girls interested in joining than we are able to place in troops. Come learn how you can help!

Tuesday, September 29
6:30 pm
High Point Library
3411 SW Raymond St.

Wednesday, September 30
6:30 pm
Southwest Library
9010 35th Ave. SW

Sports report: West Seattle HS volleyball win over Franklin

Thanks to West Seattle High School assistant volleyball coach Jim Hardy for the report: West Seattle 3, visiting team Franklin 1. – 25-17; 22-25; 25-8; 25-21 – West Seattle highlights: Emmie Riley with 10 Kills, 7 aces; Taylor Magera, 29 assists. (All sports reports welcome! Contact us whichever way works for you.)

Update: Homelessness activists camp outside mayor’s house

(cameraphone photo added 8:32 pm, a few protesters gathered in the park near Admiral Church sign)
ORIGINAL 8:12 PM REPORT: We’re out watching to see if the homelessness-advocacy group SHARE makes good on its threat to have protesters camp outside Mayor Nickels‘ North Admiral home tonight (earlier report here) to protest a denied request for bus-voucher money. So far, here’s what we’re seeing: Police have had a presence outside the mayor’s house for at least an hour, including a watch commander; about a dozen people believed to be part of the protest are gathering at California Place Park a few blocks away (thanks to @macjustice for the tip on that via Twitter). They have just had a meeting with one police officer and now they’re meeting to discuss what they plan to do from here. 8:41 PM UPDATE: Now they’re at the mayor’s house. They’ve been told they can’t be on sidewalks, in the street, or in gardened parking strips – so they’re setting up in what areas are left. Media-wise, at least 2 TV stations are there along with us, Seattle Post-Globe, and Real Change News. A spokesperson says they have at least 40 people there; we’re taking a count – that means they’re in parking strips in front of neighbors’ houses too – 7 houses, to be exact, stretching most of the way along the block. 9:40 PM UPDATE: A couple of our clips – too dark out there to get much usable video without a light, but what you’ll see first is Southwest Precinct Sgt. Joel Sweetland talking with the group before they walked from the park to the mayor’s house, discussing ground rules:

And here are some of the campers getting settled on a parking strip:

Barring word of anything happening overnight, we plan to go back in the morning to check on the campout’s status. 7:44 AM TUESDAY UPDATE: We haven’t gone yet but tipster Mac says via Twitter, ” Judging by the wheeled portapotty and loaded van that just drove by my bus stop, looks like the protesters are done.”

Ex-Salty’s waiter charged in alleged $35,000 embezzlement

Thanks to Marco for pointing out this story about charges filed in a case of alleged embezzling at Salty’s on Alki. We’ve obtained the court documents in the case — here’s the story they tell: Read More

Latest in the 4th Avenue S. saga: It’ll all be OK tomorrow

September 28, 2009 6:34 pm
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 |   Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway | Transportation

For SODO drivers on 4th S – the latest on those repairs near the stadiums that had WSDOT suggesting you avoid the area: It’ll all be done by morning, according to the latest bulletin:Read More

Followup: Alki Beach 5K – after the race!

First, following up on Sunday’s Alki Beach 5K Walk/Run to raise money for Northwest Hope and Healing‘s work helping breast-cancer patients (our same-day coverage is here and here), NWHH executive director Shari Sewell has an update:

Nearly 1,400 walkers, runners, volunteers, sponsors and supporters came out on a beautiful morning for the Alki Beach 5k Walk & Run. We are so thrilled at the cooperation we received from the West Seattle community as well as the support of our participants. Our supporters have embraced our mission to help women get through breast cancer, and the event has grossed over $75,000, with donations still coming in. Donations can be made online at Special thanks to our Presenting Sponsor, Dr Glenn Krieger, who has generously supported our annual event over the past few years.

And from NWHH supporter and Alki Beach 5K participant Amy Daly-Donovan, a photo and info from an “afterparty” of sorts:

From left, that’s NWHH founder Christine Smith, Amy and husband Jim, and Shari Sewell. Amy reports $1,800 more was raised at the party, for which she provides the backstory:

I signed up for NWHH’s inaugural run event in 2003 – it was a half marathon and the longest distance I’d ever run. My young & vibrant sister had recently passed away from an aggressive form of breast cancer and I wanted to do something to honor her, and liked the idea of supporting a LOCAL organization that supported LOCAL breast cancer patients. In that first year, NWHH encouraged each participant to raise $500 and I decided to try something different rather than asking for pledges. Jim and I hosted a cocktail party and asked people to come and make a donation to NWHH. That first year we raised nearly $1,400.

We decided to make an annual event of it and have been running & partying every year since. Last year, the total we have raised through the generosity of our friends and family surpassed the $10,000 mark! We are thrilled to be able to support this wonderful and much-needed organization in such a significant way. Two of my sisters and my niece and I also participated in NWHH’s Spring Fashion Show last May and had a blast.

You can find out more about Northwest Hope and Healing at ADDED TUESDAY: We’ve received a followup also from the presenting sponsor, Krieger Dentistry, regarding their ongoing efforts to help fight breast cancer – read on:Read More

From the WSB Forums: Got West Seattle retail space for this?

Just posted in the WSB Forums by Alki Kayak Tours‘ Greg Whittaker, who had mentioned in the company’s most recent e-newsletter that they were planning a retail store:

Hey WS,

We have the opportunity to open a ski/paddlesports/vehicle rack outfitter shop here in WS, but the one thing missing is the location. We recently had an amazing space pulled out from under us.

I know someone here is connected to a space that would work, so we are looking for you.

We know what is listed, we are looking for someone with something unlisted.

Alki Kayak Tours will open the shop.

Acquiring a 35 yr old ski shops worth of inventory, shop tools, merchandising.

Dealerships setup with Thule, and other leading rack manufacturers.

WE NEED A SPACE…please help!

Greg Whittaker

Contact info is at their website,

Potential protest campout at mayor’s North Admiral home tonight

The homeless-advocacy group SHARE says members will be camping outside Mayor Nickels‘ house in North Admiral tonight as a protest over funding for bus vouchers. The Seattle Post-Globe has details from a SHARE planning session this morning. Meantime, SHARE itself has been issuing news releases – here’s the latest:Read More

Update on 4th Avenue S. traffic alert: “Consider avoiding” 4th

September 28, 2009 12:22 pm
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 |   Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway | Transportation

For everyone who uses southbound 4th Avenue S. by the stadiums while heading home from work (or other business) — the traffic advisory re: repair work has just been updated – read on:Read More

Let the sun shine in: Seattle Solar Tour has 6 West Seattle stops

If you haven’t already seen it on the WSB Events calendar – we just got a reminder from the city that this is coming up this weekend: The Seattle Solar Tour, with six stops in West Seattle, including trailblazing “hybrid coffee shop” Red Cup Espresso in The Junction. It’s a self-guided free tour, 10 am-4 pm this Saturday (Oct. 3) – all locations, West Seattle and the rest of the city – are listed here.

Ticket sales start for Lesbian and Gay Film Fest at The Admiral

admiral.jpgAs noted here two weeks ago, the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival is returning to West Seattle’s Admiral Theater again this year. The festival runs October 16-25; according to its website, the Admiral screenings are on the final two days, with five films on Saturday 10/24 and two on Sunday 11/25 – here’s the schedule. Tickets went on sale today; here’s info on how to buy them. ADDED 1:55 PM: Another festival note, from West Seattle’s State Sen. Joe McDermott, via Facebook: “West Seattle filmmaker Michael Culpepper‘s short After All That shows on Saturday, October 17, at 2 pm at the Egyptian Theater!” (Here’s that link.)

West Seattle scene: Costliest can in town?

Saw this a short time ago in front of Easy Street while running an errand in The Junction.

Update: Fauntleroy ferries’ downtown detour is ending

(Live Fauntleroy dock camera)
Washington State Ferries says a “power problem” is detouring Fauntleroy ferries to downtown TFN. (Thanks to Christine for the original tip on this.) More shortly. 10:12 AM UPDATE: WSF just announced the power problem has been fixed and service will be back to normal starting with the 10:20 am run – but they’re warning of some delays while the ferries get back into position.

Followup: Long-gone West Seattle bus stop back “within 2 weeks”

One month ago, we reported that Metro promised the 42nd/Alaska bus stop removed during construction of Capco Plaza (home of the new QFC store) would be back. Since the store’s been open almost 2 weeks but the bus stop’s not back yet, we asked Metro’s Linda Thielke for an update this morning; her reply: “The city will be the agency re-installing the bus stop at 42nd & Alaska. We expect it to be done within two weeks.”

Burglary suspects arrested on the West Seattle Bridge

Thanks to everyone who e-mailed and texted us about a startling sight on The Bridge about an hour ago, which appeared to involve someone getting arrested. We just checked with the Seattle Police media unit and they say that’s exactly what happened. According to Det. Mark Jamieson, it all started with a burglary report in the 3800 block of 46th SW (map) – a caller saw two men stealing things out of a backyard, including a shop saw. The caller gave police a description of the men and their vehicle, and it was tracked down on the eastbound bridge. Police held the suspects until the victim/witness could be brought to the scene to identify them, then, when positive identification was made, the two suspects were arrested. 3:50 PM NOTE: We asked Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen if the two have been linked to any other burglaries, since several passers-by say their SUV looked “packed full” – he says, “We’re still looking into that.”

Neighborhood alert: Post-sale (?) dumping in Sunrise Heights

September 28, 2009 7:06 am
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 |   Sunrise Heights | West Seattle news

View Larger Map

AJ sent this a few days back – but since tonight would be the night, if it happens again, we’re running it now to share the intended neighborhood alert:

I just wanted to alert my fellow community members of the illegal trash dumping activities in the Sunrise Heights Neighborhood. We live off 35th and Holden behind the Chevron gas station [map] and have had people dumping remnants of what appears to be garage sale leftovers every Monday night. It’s been two weeks in a row that there has been (a lot) of cr*p outside in the alley, so we wanted to let our neighbors be aware of suspicious activities. If we can keep our neighborhood clean, why can’t trash dumpers?!

We noticed it too while driving by (before getting this note, so no photo) in the area shown in the Google Street View image above.

Today’s the deadline: Nominate your favorite Local Food Hero!

Just under threetwo weeks till the Eat Local Now! dinner/auction presented by organizations including Sustainable West Seattle and CoolMom (with co-sponsors including WSB), 5 pm Sunday 10/11 at Alki Masonic Hall in The Junction (map). One of many highlights at the event: The Jeff Fairhall Local Food Hero will be honored. The award is explained here; your nominee doesn’t have to be a West Seattleite, since Eat Local Now! is a regional event (happening here in WS this time around). Grower? Vendor? Chef? Advocate? Get your nomination in by day’s end – the form’s here – and get your ticket(s) for Eat Local Now! too (on sale online here).

West Seattle weekend scenes: From centennial to cycling

September 28, 2009 3:25 am
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(Photo by Kevin McClintic)
By the time the moon rose toward the end of a beautiful weekend, we’d collected a few more photos to share. First, congratulations to Tibbetts United Methodist Church north of The Junction for its centennial celebration on Sunday:

Pictured above (thanks to Betsy Wharton at Tibbetts for sending photos) are Tibbetts Church members (back row from left) Barbara Benson, Shirley Lindberg, Betsy Wharton, Howard Bogie and (front row from left) Ted Reed – plus (continuing front row) Pat Simpson, Seattle District Superintendent, Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Methodist Church; Grant Hagiya, Bishop, Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Methodist Church; Joanne Carlson Brown, Pastor, Tibbetts United Methodist Church; member Douglas Hom. The celebration included displays like this:

And Betsy sums up the event:

The September 27th Centennial Celebration at Tibbetts United Methodist Church began with an 8:30am coffee hour during which members old and new gathered to greet one another and watch video footage taken 50 years ago during the construction of the Sanctuary that stands today. The Worship Service included music by a large Centennial Choir and the Tibbetts Handbell Choir. United Methodist Bishop Grant Hagiya gave the sermon and Pastor Joanne Carlson Brown greeted former pastors and friends of Tibbetts who had come back for the celebration events.

A big THANK YOU to the West Seattle Community for your support of Tibbetts United Methodist Church, over the last 99 years, during this special Centennial year, and for all the years to come. We’re 100!

Also from Sunday – we got a couple of notes about two big Navy cargo ships seen off West Seattle shores for a while today. JayDee got a photo, too.

After exhaustive online research, absent the ability to get direct info from the U.S. Navy on a Sunday night, we still couldn’t nail down exactly which ships they were; we thought this Snohomish County article about three ships visiting Everett might be a clue, but the photos of those ships don’t resemble this one. We’ll check with the Navy later today. (9:45 AM UPDATE: Thanks to Mark for the answer! He tracks ship traffic with this site, and says they were the Cape Island and Cape Intrepid, both indeed with the Military Sealift Command.)

Last but not least, courtesy of “westseattledood,” a scene from Westcrest Park on Saturday, during the Copper Cross bicycle races that took over the park for most of the day:

Thanks again to everyone who shares photos and info – you can reach us via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, phone any time.

West Seattle Crime Watch: More car break-ins

September 27, 2009 9:31 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news | Westwood

Bad weekend for more than half a dozen car owners in one local condo complex – hit by two nights of break-ins, and nowhere near the break-in report we had here earlier. Read on for the story:Read More

West Seattle business: 5th anniversary for Click! Design That Fits

Story and photos by Mary Sheely
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Frances and John Smersh are the owners of contemporary gift and home goods store Click! Design That Fits (2210 California SW; WSB sponsor). But you could say they have a silent partner: their neighborhood.

“A necessary part of our store concept is West Seattle,” Frances says. “We would not have opened a store had we not been able to do it here.”

Obviously, it was a smart decision: Click! will mark five years in business with an anniversary party this Friday, October 2, 6-9 p.m., featuring catering by West Seattle-based Splendid Cupcake, a free etched glass from Roost for each guest — with purchase — while supplies last, and weekend sales including 25% off Smersh Design, the gold vermeil and silver jewelry that Frances designs, through October 4.

Both the retail store and the jewelry business have proven staying power, despite the fact that neither John nor Frances had a background in retail or even art.

Read More