West Seattle Crime Watch: Officer hurt in struggle with suspect

Checked with the Southwest Precinct today after receiving a few notes asking about a significant police presence at the 35th/Henderson (map) Gasco station around 9 last night – triggering an “aid response” Fire Department call – and happening just about the same time as the power outage, which certainly dominated attention for a few hours. Lt. Ron Smith tells WSB that officers responded to a call about an apparently mentally disturbed man “who was attempting to carjack a car from (the) gas station. When they arrived, the suspect was out of control, and unable/unwilling to follow commands from the officers. A struggle ensued, and the suspect was Tased and brought under control. One of the officers suffered an minor injury with exposure to suspect’s blood.” Lt. Smith says the suspect was booked into King County Jail.

4 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Officer hurt in struggle with suspect"

  • JenV June 5, 2009 (3:05 pm)

    drove past as this was happening last night. it looked pretty dramatic. hope the officer is ok.

  • p June 5, 2009 (3:35 pm)

    I did drive by too, just as the 2nd cop car was arriving, and the suspect was screaming at the police. I wouldn’t have even noticed, but he was really screaming and the police were really struggling.

  • bridge to somewhere June 5, 2009 (4:41 pm)

    awesome, yet another bit of drama not more than a few blocks from my house. :-\
    i hope the officer is ok; those men and women don’t get paid enough for what they have to deal with.

  • KateMcA June 5, 2009 (8:24 pm)

    So pleased that I chose Wednesday night to jog by the Gasco at that time of night rather than Thursday… There has been way too much drama in Arbor Heights/Westwood this week.

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