We make calls, send e-mail, dig through records, cover stories in person, the usual gamut, but sometimes no journalistic research beats asking YOU for help. So we’re throwing this one out again – it’s come up in the WSB Forums recently and also in a new comment on the East Duwamish Waterway Bridge update, from barton_st:
I’m curious to know if they are working at night. For 2-3 nights this week, I’ve been hearing some far-off humming or vacuum-like sounds that seem to increase/decrease in sound level, possibly due to wind changes. Kind of annoying. To cope, it helps to know the source. Anyone else notice this?
We’ve heard the hum this week from WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy and from outside the Southwest Precinct near Home Depot … maybe you have heard it too. We’re checking with authorities that would handle noise complaints but in the meantime, from among the thousands of WSBers, perhaps someone has The Answer.