West Seattle Crime Watch: Thieves hit Nature Consortium

We were working on this story before the Fairmount School break-in happened – now that that incident is over, we need to let you know about this:

First the American Legion hall was burglarized – then the Senior Center of West Seattle was broken into and vandalized – now, crooks have hit the Nature Consortium, a WS nonprofit whose major mission is marshaling volunteers to help restore the West Duwamish Greenbelt. This comes from the NC’s newsletter, which arrived in the WSB inbox late today:

We are sad to report that our Restoration Project storage container was vandalized last week and all of the tools stolen. The thieves broke in by damaging the padlock and hasp and emptied out all of the container’s contents. We lost a multitude of tools used for large work parties, including pruners, machetes, a brush cutter, a chainsaw, extra blades, and a pop-up tent used for shelter and sign-in purposes. We calculated the loss to be $1,324.30 worth of materials. The Restoration team is currently working to secure the container and to replace the equipment. If you would like to help us replace these items, donate here.

We followed up with Nature Consortium executive director Nancy Whitlock, who confirms the storage container is the structure that the group maintains along the West Duwamish Greenbelt trail often used for their monthly hikes.

2 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Thieves hit Nature Consortium"

  • Note April 15, 2009 (8:44 am)

    Now they’ve done it. You don’t mess with those that are working for the Mother. Pony up West Seattle these are the people that are working to save our neck of the woods, literally!

  • datamuse April 15, 2009 (12:57 pm)

    Oh, that sucks. I’ve volunteered for NC in the past and am planning to join their work party this weekend. The parts of the Greenbelt they’ve been working on the last few years are already sooooo much healthier than the rest of the forest. I’ll kick some funds their way.

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