West Seattle food update: Skillet is a go – next to Hotwire

This just in. Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) owner Lora Lewis offered courtyard space to Skillet Street Food in the wake of the sudden parking-lot cancellation that otherwise might have kept them from opening this Sunday – and “it’s a go” per a quick message we just got. Details to follow. (By the way, the reason for the lot cancellation remains a mystery; Skillet’s proprietor Josh Henderson said he got the word from Diamond Parking, but we got a call back from the Diamond manager who runs the lots in this area and he didn’t know anything about it.)

ADDED 3:15 PM: Since everyone responded so fast – including Lora! – we wanted you to see the message he sent on Twitter; by WSB, he really means YOU!

New west Seattle location this sunday… In the courtyard of hotwire coffee… Thanks lora!! And the WSB..

Direct link to that tweet here. Still working to confirm that the hours will be the same as the original West Seattle plan (which were 11 am-2 pm); here’s the menu they’ll be serving.

4:30 PM: The hours will indeed be 11 am-2 pm. Hotwire’s courtyard is just north of the coffee shop, which in turn is just north of the post office, east side of California just south of Genesee. Same place outdoor movies are shown in the summer!

11 Replies to "West Seattle food update: Skillet is a go - next to Hotwire"

  • celeste17 April 24, 2009 (2:18 pm)

    Yea! That was one of my suggestions for them to go. I figured that it would be close enough to the action with room to spread out. Maybe a few tables and chairs.

  • carrieann April 24, 2009 (2:19 pm)

    Hooray! That’s awesome news. Still would’ve been nice for the convenience factor, and perhaps bringing in a bit more foot traffic due to the proximity of the market, but I have a feeling (based on the buzz on the blog, alone) that they’ll do just fine. Thanks to Lora for offering up the space.

    Bacon jam, here I come!

  • DB April 24, 2009 (3:12 pm)

    Ok- I love this idea!!!!! Anyone know the hours they serve?

  • Jo April 24, 2009 (3:13 pm)

    Excellent- now even closer to my house!!

  • WSB April 24, 2009 (3:14 pm)

    DB, I am still awaiting extra details to see if it’s still the 11 am-2 pm plan from the original location … TR

  • Stacey April 24, 2009 (3:27 pm)

    Yeaaaahhhhhh! I am so excited! We’ll be walking down to get some street food and probably mosey on down to the Farmers Market…… which we don’t usually do!

  • Keith April 24, 2009 (5:06 pm)

    Lora Lewis = Good Witch of the West, making magic happen for the community again!

  • Max April 24, 2009 (5:33 pm)

    Great news for everyone except Key Bank and Diamond Parking. The phrase “cut off your nose to spite your face” comes to mind. I certainly will remember them.

  • Leroy April 24, 2009 (6:49 pm)

    I hope the local restaurants don’t suffer too much for this – as several of them serve Sunday Brunch.

  • lina April 24, 2009 (7:26 pm)

    i wonder if they will be there during summer sidewalk cinema… that would be AWESOME!

  • k April 25, 2009 (1:58 pm)

    great match of entrepeneurs! lora comes through again! try the poutine!

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