year : 2008 3941 results

Updates: WS murder-suicide couple IDs; jail site list trimmed

*We first told you yesterday morning about the deaths of a couple in a 2nd/Roxbury home. The King County Medical Examiner’s Office confirms it was a case of murder-suicide; 48-year-old Traci Creamer, the first person murdered in West Seattle in 2008, died of head injuries and suspected strangulation blamed on her 44-year-old husband Jeffrey Creamer, whose death from wrist wounds was ruled a suicide. As we reported yesterday, police say they had a long history of domestic violence. Online court records we checked appear to bear that out.

*The city’s list of more than 30 potential jail sites for misdemeanor offenders is down to four, and two are on the eastern edge of West Seattle: Highland Park Way/W. Marginal Way (map) and 9501 Myers Way (map). According to Delridge Neighborhood Services Center Coordinator Ron Angeles, community meetings are expected this summer.

Another Junction development reactivates: Design Review set

453242nd.jpgA year after the last time we had a reason to mention it (and two years after its “early design” review), 4532 42nd SW (just a stone’s throw north of the QFC/Office Depot megaproject) — shown at left — is active again, with a Design Review Board meeting date appearing today on the city website. The date is June 12; the time and place aren’t listed yet, it’s that new. The project is still described on its city page as “6-story structure containing 3,085 sq. ft. of commercial space at ground level and 35 residential units above. Parking for 54 vehicles.” We’ve now added it to our clickable Junction/Triangle major development (and major real-estate listings) map:

View Larger Map

By the way, if you care to bookmark it, we’ve given that map a permanent home on this WSB page-in-progress.

Green light for improvements to the “other” viaduct


That’s a rendering of what the new 4th Avenue offramp from the eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct — the elevated roadway between the high bridge and I-5 — will look like. It’s one of the renderings we got after meeting a few days ago with city reps to find out full details on the two-phase project. We’re still working on the in-depth report but wanted to show you this after hearing that city councilmembers okayed the first installment of $ for the project today. This ramp will be the first part of the project to be built, starting this fall, and will exit onto 4th (with southbound and northbound turning options) across from City Light HQ. The second part of the project involves widening the SSV by building an entirely new section on its north side:


Our forthcoming report will also include details on the different impacts drivers will experience during the SSV work — with major closures for the lower part of Spokane Street, especially during the widening project, which is still more than a year away.

Be careful on the phone as well as at the door

An alert just in from Seattle City Light, warning about telephone scammers who are surfacing again:Read More

Door-to-door concerns update: Comcast response

After our post last night about an alleged Comcast employee turning up at WSB HQ at 7 pm, we promised to follow up with Comcast. We got help from a Comcast communications manager we’ve actually met, Alki resident Shauna Causey, who sent this:

Safety and security are extremely important to us especially in WS where Larry Carpenter recently ran into some questionable folks at his door.

We have 3,200 Comcast employees in Washington State so Comcast employees are in West Seattle on a daily basis. Since I don’t have a name, I can’t speak for the employee that you met, although there are several simple guidelines our neighbors can use to recognize legitimate Comcast workers. Keep in mind that many of these guidelines are also useful for identifying employees of other companies that have reason to work inside or outside a home, such as the power company, gas company or other phone company.

Comcast requires that all employees and contract employees wear ID badges at all times. No employee or contract employee is allowed to work inside or outside a customers’ home without an official company ID badge, which will include a photo ID and company logo. Customers can ask to see a Comcast representative’s ID badge. Comcast employees also have clearly visible uniforms, including shirts, hats and vests all of which have the Comcast logo.

All vehicles driven by employees and contract employees are clearly marked with Comcast logos and identification. A Comcast contractor’s van will say: Comcast Authorized Contractor.

Comcast will not ask to work in your home without your prior knowledge. If a customer is unsure of work that is to be performed inside or outside their home, they should call 1-800-COMCAST to verify the work.

If a customer is unsure or uncomfortable, remember there is always the option to ask the person to leave. All Comcast employees and contract employees know that they are to leave the premises when instructed to do so by the resident. Our employees know that legitimate appointments can always be rescheduled.

If you have feedback, questions or concerns, we want to know about them. You can email or feel free to e-mail me directly at We’re always looking to improve our customer service and we would love to hear your feedback.

Zippy’s Giant Burgers, by the numbers

Rahel Cook, co-owner of the wildly popular new Zippy’s Giant Burgers with Blaine “Zippy” Cook, just posted this update in comments under our last post – since most people won’t go back to see comments on a two-day old post, we’re highlighting it here:

Thanks all for the raves! We certainly were blown away, to say the least about the turnout!

Here are the stats:
Thursday = 55 lbs of beef, gone by 6 pm!
Friday = 66 lbs of beef, gone by 7 pm!
Saturday = 88 lbs of beef, gone by 8:30 pm!

We finally ran out of buns on Sunday and that’s what kept us from opening. We got a
big delivery of buns on Monday, but yet again, we sold out by 8 pm! …

Thank you all for showing up and supporting your local Burger business. Keep on
coming and don’t be afraid to tell us what you like or don’t like!

Here comes day 5!

ps. We’ll be closed on Mother’s Day as we all have mothers and I’m one, too. We’d
like to celebrate all moms! :)

By the way, in a separate comment in the same spot, Rahel also is asking if anyone’s interested in their compostable food waste.

Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Clutter Caddy

May 6, 2008 10:08 am
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Spring, and a person’s thoughts turn to … getting organized! (Certainly the participants in Saturday’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day can identify.) cluttercaddyfoto.jpgGetting organized is what our newest sponsor, Clutter Caddy, is all about. Here’s what Pamela Street (photo left) wants you to know about her business: “Expand your time and ease the stress in your life by letting ‘someone else’ tame your pesky projects, enabling you time to enjoy life! Clutter Caddy, your professional organizer, wants to do just that for you!!! Pamela Street, longtime West Seattle resident, has been rolling up her sleeves for over five years to make environments more stress free. However, if her Mom is to be believed, she started organizing in her crib. Her pragmatic approach to organizing allows clients to embrace life-changing habits that bring functional order to their surroundings. Through many years supporting large groups of individuals in a work environment, she has acquired a depth of experience that brings practicality to both large and small projects. With a sense of humor, her professional non-judgmental style will provide the insight to jumpstart your most challenging projects. Clutter Caddy offers a wide range of services to help you:

* Organize your home, office or auto to help you be more productive, finding items you want when you want them.

* Assist in small and large moves, specializing in downsizing for the empty nesters and getting the most out of small spaces for new condo owners.

* Plan and execute celebrations from cozy dinner parties to gala events.

Book your services now with Clutter Caddy, or purchase a Gift Certificate for someone that could use a helpful hand organizing their home or doing spring cleaning. Mention this posting when booking two hours or more before May 30th, 2008 and receive 10% off the hourly rate. Visit the evolving web site at, e-mail at or call 206-851-3848 for an appointment. Weekend and evening appointments are available.” Thanks to Clutter Caddy and our other advertisers for supporting WSB; if you’re interested in joining them, here’s where to start.

Traffic alert if you’re going to Westwood Village

Just in from Patrick the Sales Guy – the Trenton (north) entrance to Westwood Village is closed for asphalt work, so if you’re going to WV, you need to use the east or south entrances.

West Seattle streetcar concept reportedly derailed


Looks like the SLUT won’t have a sib on this side of the bay. The formal briefing’s later today, and we can’t find the docs online, but the citywide papers say the latest lineup of future streetcar routes does NOT include one for West Seattle. (Previous WSB coverage here, from three months ago when a WS line was in the running.)

Event updates: Art Walk history, Garage Sale Day progress

artwalk.jpgART WALK THIS THURSDAY: Another record number of participants — 29, from Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) in the north, where you’ll find a reception Thursday night for the Jewels in May show — to Bubbles on Delridge in the east, to West Seattle Nursery in the south. Here’s the official map; more info on the Art Walk blog. 6-9 pm Thursday, lots going on as the Art Walk expands.

WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE THIS SATURDAY: The official map of all 140-plus locations (still doublechecking to make sure we haven’t missed anyone, before we get an accurate count) garagesaledaysmalllog2.jpgis just about ready to print and will be available Thursday as promised – online (and clickable!) at, where we are posting ongoing updates as preparations continue, or preprinted and available for pickup at 11 West Seattle locations: Alki Community Center, Admiral Library, Cafe Rozella, Capers, Delridge Library, Fauntleroy YMCA, Hotwire Coffee, Senior Center of West Seattle, Southwest Library, West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, West Seattle Family YMCA. Sale sites are literally all over the map, from Alki to Arbor Heights, from Fauntleroy to Pigeon Point to Westwood, and every place inbetween; more than a few fundraisers, too, including the Log House Museum, Community School of West Seattle, Kiwanis of West Seattle, Pigeon Point Neighborhood raising money for Cooper School, North Delridge Neighborhood raising money for tot play equipment at Cottage Grove Park, Homeward Pet, Breast Cancer 3-Day, Alex’s Lemonade Stand, Alki UCC … You’ll see it all on The Map. And tomorrow, a special Garage Sale Day pitch from local neighborhood leaders working on disaster preparedness

And another eyebrow-raising pitch

Not to harp too long on a theme, but this one just hit the inbox and seemed sharable:

There seems to be a theme going around with suspicious door-to-door sales people but just wanted to make another mention of Icon Security. At about 7:30 or so we had a young woman come to the door saying that she was from Icon. My husband answered the door and she asked it he was the “man of the house.” He said that he was and she then looked him over and said “you’re looking really good, I hope that your wife isn’t here.” He was rather taken aback especially considering he was wearing flannel pants and ratty old T-shirt. She then started asking about our security system and if it was wireless saying that they could offer us a better deal. He told her we were happy with our service and started closing the door and she left. I remembered that Icon has been mentioned on the blog before so I just thought I would say that they were out again. If these people are legitimate they really need to work on their sales pitch, they seem really sleazy. We called the police and reported this. We live in Arbor Heights.

Door-knocker at WSB HQ: Do we e-mail ourselves about it?

Some young guy, white, brown hair, Comcast polo shirt, badge around his neck, claiming to be from Comcast doing a customer survey. We’ll check with their PR department tomorrow if they were legit, but seriously, do they send people around door-to-door at 7 pm asking for opinions on their service? We told him through the window, just send around a link to an online survey and we’d be happy to fill it out.

Update: West Seattle man’s killer gets hospital, not prison

May 5, 2008 4:41 pm
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We told you Friday night about a report that the then-teen who killed West Seattle resident and Newport High tennis coach Mike Robb in 2005 was due in court today and expected to be formally found not guilty by reason of insanity. The P-I covered today’s hearing and says that’s exactly what happened.

Bridge backup update: Debris cleared, traffic clearing

May 5, 2008 3:47 pm
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4:13 PM UPDATE: As you can see in the traffic-cam shot below, looks like the crunch is easing:

ORIGINAL REPORT: The westbound commute may be a mess well into the formal start of rush hour. Just talked to Peg Nielsen at SDOT; she says it’ll be another half-hour or so till all the bricks and debris a truck spilled on the westbound high bridge at the high rise are cleared — here are photos of the truck (first one thanks to Josh Sutton from the West Seattle YMCA, another sponsor turned tipster; second one thanks to WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli, who cameraphoned it while driving by):



With traffic already backed up all the way to I-5, that means a real commute crunch. She says the low bridge problem briefly reported earlier this afternoon IS FIXED, so you can try the low bridge, or take 99 south past The Bridge and double back through White Center. We’ll keep you updated. Here’s the view westbound at the trouble spot:

Traffic alert: Spilled bricks back up high bridge, westbound

Thanks to Rhonda Porter of The Mortgage Porter (WSB sponsor) for the tip: Accident on the westbound high bridge, west side of the rise, apparently involving a truck that lost its load. You can see the backup from this SDOT camera pointing east:

3:06 PM EYEWITNESS UPDATE FROM WSB TEAM MEMBER: What the truck spilled was a load of bricks, so the cleanup’s taking a while. The westbound backup goes all the way back to the exit from I-5.

Denny-Sealth: Westwood Council’s unusual request for help

May 5, 2008 1:51 pm
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As the Denny-Sealth project (archived WSB coverage here) proceeds, the Westwood Neighborhood Council expects to be working closely with the district and the city on plans for the site where Denny Middle School will be demolished after its replacement is built next to Chief Sealth High School. Because of that, WNC president Steve Fischer has just put out the call for “someone who has drawing skills … (and can) translate ideas into visual concept presentations for open space and pedestrian amenities in the neighborhood. We’d like help in creating approximately three drawings that can help us communicate how important it is for the neighborhood to have open space for everyone who lives in and visits Westwood.” The required skills are further clarified as:

We really need someone who can help with some hand-drawing with pencil or pen. We don’t need technical plan level drawings, just conceptual drawings that are attractive and that can communicate some ideas and alternatives. An understanding of landscape/ architectural standards would be useful, but not necessary. As well, if someone wants to use a computer program to create some ideas, that would be fine too.

If you can help, or want to find out more, contact Susan, at

Crime Watch: West Seattle’s first 2008 murder

May 5, 2008 11:23 am
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One more report from the Southwest Precinct: This one somehow went all but unnoticed over the weekend — a man and woman found dead in a home on the southeastern edge of West Seattle, an apparent case of murder-suicide. Police say they answered a call at 9:45 am Saturday about a man found dead with wrist wounds at a home in the 2nd/Roxbury vicinity (map); relatives said they were worried about his wife, who no one had heard from in a while — officers subsequently found her dead, “locked in the family van.” Police say the couple had a history of domestic violence. No further details, but that would make her West Seattle’s first murder victim of 2008 (our area had three in 2007; all three suspects were still awaiting trial at last check).

WS Crime Watch: Alki shots; homeowner tackles burglars

Two items just in from Lt. Steve Paulsen at the Southwest Precinct: handcuffs_2.jpgFirst, confirmation of something we got e-mail about over the weekend: Those WERE gunshots very early Sunday morning on Alki. At 12:44 am, a man heading south from 63rd/Alki “fired 5 rounds from a .38 revolver while driving.” Witnesses gave police a description of his vehicle; several minutes later, an officer found it at Delridge/Myrtle, and found the suspect “in possession of the loaded handgun and ammunition.” They say the suspect “later confessed to shooting up in the air while driving because, ‘he felt someone on the beach had been threatening him’.” and apparently thought that person had something to do with the recent death of the suspect’s relative. No injuries or property damage; the suspect is in jail. Next – three burglary arrests yesterday that may solve more than one recent break-in:Read More

Encampment postscript: Photojournalist’s park proposal


Exactly one week after we brought you first word of the Camp Long homeless encampment (cleared on Friday) that WSB contributing photojournalist Matt Durham had documented, he has a two-part postscript. First, his newest photos above, clockwise from top, and his captions below:

1. Spring rears its head along the trails leading to the removed encampments at Camp Long.

2. The encampment and its removal scarred nearly 50 yards of trail with deep ruts and the litter. Parks Department workers are limited in their resources to properly restore the park, given other demands.

3. A teddy bear, along with other human waste, continues to litter the area surrounding the dismantled encampment.

4. Large areas of forest floor are trampled and impregnated with leftover refuse from the encampments.

5. Parks Department workers remove a rope swing, near the homeless encampment, to reduce the chance of serious injury to park visitors.

6. A Seattle Parks Department wheel loader knocked a tree down to maneuver close enough to remove a large quantity of human refuse.

Second, Matt has written commentary about an idea he suggests could prevent such encampments and enhance park usage. Read on:Read More

Sustainable West Seattle Festival: More video highlights

Those who worry that city leadership might not always have neighborhoods’ best interests at heart will be interested in that excerpt from the Sustainable West Seattle Festival speech by Jim Diers, former director of the city Department of Neighborhoods. From our vantage point next to the main stage for all five hours, Diers was hands-down the most energetic speaker of the day (gotta check out the NEIGHBOR POWER! bellow – that’s the title of a book Diers wrote). More from him, and four other clips to conclude our coverage, ahead:Read More

Zippy’s Burgers update: Menu online now; short Sunday


Joan sent that photo after arriving at the new Zippy’s Giant Burgers (16th/Holden) at mid-afternoon Sunday — its fourth day in business — only to find it closed because supplies ran low as demand ran high. (Somehow we’re not surprised, given myriad previous discussions here on WSB about how West Seattle was in dire need of a decent burger joint!) There’s a lively discussion under way in the WSB Forums, with posts from folks who also showed up this afternoon and talked to the owners, plus Ken‘s suggestions (from experience) on what it takes to run a restaurant in the early weeks. Meantime, a commenter on our opening-day Zippy’s report points out that the menu (with prices) is now posted on the restaurant’s MySpace site.

Fire alarm call @ closed Fairmount Park Elementary

May 4, 2008 10:54 pm
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Several fire units responded within the hour to the closed Fairmount Park Elementary building – the 911 log just cleared the call and describes it as an “automatic fire alarm” call. A neighbor reports, “15 minutes of watching two trucks full of firefighters try to carefully remove door hinges. Then the school district key holder shows up and they open the door the old-fashioned way. Only smell of anything was the diesel from the fire trucks.” (FP closed after last school year; the district is holding it as “inventory” for possible future use rather than putting it up for sale.)