day : 27/09/2008 9 results

Election: Parks Levy campaign stops in Delridge


Some people just get involved in politics young. That little girl seemed determined to get the day off to a running start, along with one of three groups that toured the city today to campaign for Seattle Proposition 2, the $145 million, six-year parks levy (text/pros/cons/$ impact here) that’s going before voters just as the old Pro Parks Levy expires. This group started its day with a stop at Delridge Playfield, one of the West Seattle spots that stands to benefit if the levy passes, according to West Seattle-residing City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen: (who chairs the council’s Parks Committee):

Specifically, Delridge Playfield would get $3-plus million to replace its sand fields with artificial turf; the fields were hosting games when the levy campaign stopped by today:


The official pro-Prop 2 website has a map of other projects in West Seattle (and around the city). This is one of three local money-raising measures you’ll be considering on the November 4 ballot – the others are Seattle Proposition 1, the Pike Place Market levy (text/pros/cons/$ impact here), and Sound Transit Proposition 1 (text/pros/cons/$ impact here), which would expand light rail and includes money to study a potential future expansion into West Seattle.

Alki Beach Run tomorrow: Record turnout expected

We’ve been telling you about West Seattle-based Northwest Hope and Healing‘s Alki Beach Run tomorrow, to raise money to help local women diagnosed with breast cancer. Should be a busy morning at the beach – we got word tonight that more than 700 participants are expected, more than triple last year’s turnout (the race format and location were different), for the 5K run/walk. But there’s still room for you to join in – register starting at 8 am at Alki Bathhouse; get details on the official website.

From partner site White Center Now: Hicks Lake cleanup

We’d never visited Hicks Lake, in White Center’s Lakewood Park, till we dropped by today to cover the annual cleanup there. We found the park and the 4-acre lake so lovely, we wanted to share the story with you, if you’re interested in checking out more of the green spaces that lie just beyond West Seattle; read the story here. (Also new on WCN, a short update on the White Center Swap Meet, debuting next week in the old roller rink.)

Worried about saving history before it’s … history? Learn how

With so much development in West Seattle, many people have asked what can be done to keep historic buildings from being lost. One step: Get educated and find out what’s possible (what’s not). Historic Seattle offers a chance to do just that, just a few weeks from now, and preservation advocate Christine Palmer sent this announcement specifically for you, calling the event a “training opportunity for neighborhood residents to protect what’s left of West Seattle’s heritage” (and other neighborhoods whose residents may choose to participate):


Struggling to understand Seattle’s historic preservation ordinance?
Disturbed by insensitive new construction in your neighborhood?
Seeking procedures for dealing with local historic properties?
Who is on the landmarks board anyway?


Good Shepherd Center
4649 Sunnyside Avenue N., Room 202 (map)
Saturday, October 18, 2008, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Reservations required
$30 admission includes lunch

Historic Seattle will provide the answers to these questions and more at a full-day workshop featuring presentations by local historic preservation experts. Advance reservations are required! Workshop fees are $25 for Historic Seattle members and $30 for the general public. Please register online at:

Workshop participants will enjoy a lunch delivered to the Good Shepherd Center and receive an extensive packet of useful information about local, state, and national preservation issues and opportunities. The agenda will cover the following topics:

WHAT ARE HISTORIC PROPERTIES? Presenters will provide an overview of Seattle’s diverse and unique historic resources including the distinctions between “eligible” and “designated” sites.

NEIGHBORHOOD SUPPORT AND OPPOSITION. Want to know more about rallying local residents for preservation issues? What should you do if the owner opposes the landmark designation? What are the alternatives to designated historic buildings and neighborhoods? Would a conservation district provide enough protection?


COUNTY, NATIONAL AND STATE PRESERVATION PROGRAMS. Seattle and King County preservation legislation is different, but how? What are the advantages of listing on the Washington Heritage Register or the National Register of Historic Places?

FINANCIAL INCENTIVES. Help is out there, but you need to find out if your historic building qualifies.

Presenters will include:

Staff for the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board in the Seattle
Department of Neighborhoods
Local Consulting Historians and Architects
Former members of the City Landmarks Preservation Board
Staff from the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation
Staff for the King County Landmarks Commission
Staff from 4Culture
And more!

Deadline for registration at the workshop: Wednesday, October 15, 5:00 pm (online registration link)

By the way, if you’re wondering what West Seattle has on the list of official city landmarks – all 14 are shown here.

Homeless encampment update: Still at Highland/W Marginal

Just drove through West Marginal/Highland Park Way intersection on the way back from somewhere else, and noted that dozens of pink tents are still on the site to which they moved after yesterday’s city sweep of “Nickelsville.” The “new” site on state property isn’t “across the street” as some describe it; it’s an adjacent parking-lot-type clearing just over a berm from the city land (left side of the start of the first video clip in last night’s report; photo at the bottom of the official “Nickelsville” web page). One unmarked TV-news truck, mast up (likely for a 5 pm report), was visible as we passed. Organizers’ official e-mail group says 23 people (police had said 22) were arrested in yesterday afternoon’s sweep and claims all “were back on site … by 3:30.”

Click! Design That Fits birthday party tonight, and you’re invited

September 27, 2008 4:05 pm
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John and Frances Smersh posted that photo on the Facebook page (find it here) for their Admiral shop, Click! Design That Fits (one of WSB’s first sponsors), and noted it was from October 1, 2004, opening night. Tonight – another party – their fourth anniversary, with champagne, cupcakes, a jewelry sale, and more, 6-9 pm (full details on the Click! blog). 6:10 PM UPDATE: The Smershes just sent this photo of the custom Sugar Rush Baking Company cupcakes baked for the party, complete with Click! logo:


P.S. To see the official Click! news release about the anniversary – “click” ahead:Read More

West Seattle weekend scenes: Walk ‘n’ Roll; mystery; colors


That’s the start of the Ataxia Awareness “Walk ‘n’ Roll” along Alki this morning. (Here’s more about ataxia, a nervous-system disorder; here’s how to reach the local support group.) P.S. The Alki Beach Run for Northwest Hope and Healing is tomorrow (online registration is closed, but race-day registration starts 8 am tomorrow @ the bathhouse). Second note – on the way to Alki this morning, we MAY HAVE solved part of a mystery:


That tent is on the industrial site just east of the Bronson street end, which in turn is just east of Salty’s. Between the tent, the nearby rental trucks, and the lights (photo below – one of at least two such setups on the site), we think it MIGHT be … we emphasize, MIGHT … be part of the answer to the movie-site mystery we reported two days ago. Maybe.


Of course, whatever’s happening there might have happened yesterday .. might be happening tonight … or who knows when. But we’ll keep an eye out. (SATURDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Karen says now that more setup has happened, it looks like a wedding. Oh well.) Meantime, close by, a quick pic of one of our favorite pockets of West Seattle fall colors:


That’s at Duwamish Head Greenspace. As for what else is up this weekend – check the West Seattle Weekend Lineup! Which is missing one activity we just were reminded of, in e-mail from West Seattle naturalist Stewart Wechsler, who says a few spots are still left:

Owl Hoot at Camp Long
Tonight, Sat September 27 7-9 p.m.
Ages 5 and older

A family friendly program. All ages and levels are welcome. Barred Owls
are likely (they’re usually around at Camp Long, but not always vocal or
visible) We will at least be able to see remnants of old pellets under old
perches. We’ll also keep an ear and a number of eyes out for Screech Owls,
which are possible, but not very likely anymore, since Camp Long was taken
over by Barred Owls. Great Horned sometimes show up in late October, but
we’ll try hooting for them just in case. After a short presentation with our
mounted owls of several species, we’ll look for owls. Remind me to bring
the Bat Dectector, as there are likely still some bats around. We’ll poke
around for pellets to pull apart and hear how to hoot. Please call (206)
684-7434 to register.

One week left to register to vote – and you can do it online!

September 27, 2008 11:11 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

We’re about to enter maximum campaign intensity mode — Presidential debate last night, a campaign stop for the Parks Levy (Seattle Proposition 2) in Delridge this morning (report on that later), checkbox.jpgjust a few examples — but it’s all a moot point if you can’t/don’t vote. The deadline is October 4th, one week from today (which will be exactly one month before Election Day). You are likely to see a LOT of voter-registration drives at busy public places and at major events all weekend as a result (even some door-to-door drives in some areas) — but if you don’t, you can register online right now. (If you need other options/more information, here’s the registration-info page on the county website.)