Congrats, Wildcats: West Seattle High School beats O’Dea!

Just in from our correspondent at West Seattle Stadium: The big game just ended, and West Seattle High School‘s football team has beaten O’Dea, 21-6. We shot video of the game-end celebration and we’ll put it up when it comes into WSB HQ a bit later. This is big because WSHS has NEVER before beaten the football squad from O’Dea, which the Times noted here has won the Metro League 12 of the past 14 seasons. ADDED 10:32 PM: The end-of-game video, starting a few seconds before the clock ran out. Note that we did NOT go to shoot the game itself, so we don’t have highlights – we went to the stadium late in the game to make sure we’d be able to share the score fast if they won (last year we learned it’s almost impossible to find out the score any other way), and since WSHS did win, we shot the fans going wild (more so than the players). Congratulations! (P.S. Anyone interested in sending pix/video and/or texting or phoning in the score after any local schools’ games, we’d love to share more of this; let us know if you can help.)

13 Replies to "Congrats, Wildcats: West Seattle High School beats O'Dea!"

  • DC September 19, 2008 (9:39 pm)

    Great game by Westside! O’Dea is bigger and there are a lot more of them, but we had speed, sure tackling, and heart. And the stands were PACKED! Way to go!!

  • jb September 19, 2008 (9:54 pm)

    GREAT VICTORY!!! Its the 1st victory vs O’dea in football. Our West Seattle Baseball Team BEATS them on a regular basis!!!!!!!!!

  • WSB September 19, 2008 (10:01 pm)

    good point, jb, we’ll make the copy clearer – TR

  • GenHillOne September 19, 2008 (10:01 pm)

    Which reminds me, can someone explain “Westside”? I’ve always wondered why some people use that instead of West Seattle.

  • DC September 19, 2008 (10:19 pm)

    “Westside” has always been the nickname for West Seattle High School. It is in the first line of the alma mater. (“Westside High, our alma mater, we stand true to thee…”) Don’t know when that was written, but it was before the war (the big war) for sure, and probably earlier.

  • Nick September 20, 2008 (8:07 am)

    As a Alumni of O’Dea and former football player I hope West Seattle can be some real competition for more then a few seasons. Congratulations to the West Seattle H.S. football program they deserve a lot of respect after last nights game.

  • BB September 20, 2008 (9:07 am)

    Maybe WSB needs a sports reporter. I can’t believe how far this little blog has come. AWESOME!

  • thee September 20, 2008 (11:16 am)

    Great work by the wildcats. A total team win. Coach had a great game plan. Quarterback made no mistakes. TJ Lee is a star who could score just about anytime he touches the ball. Defense was quick to the ball with great pursuit. Fans showed up and were rabid. This was the sort of game that makes HS football great.


  • DS September 20, 2008 (1:42 pm)

    As an alum of WSHS I couldn’t be happier for the football team. They had everything going for them last night – great coaching, enthusiasm and spirit, speed and great plays, and packed stands with alum/parent/community/classmate fans. They have proven themselves to be an awesome team. Congrats to all for a job well done. I hope you have a great season.

  • Denise September 20, 2008 (1:58 pm)

    As an O’Dea mom, I will say in defense of the maroon and gold that our team is plagued by injuries this year. That was not the mighty Fighting Irish #1 team on the field.

    As a former Indian and WS alum, I will say in defense of the blue and gold: Great Job, Wildcats! Congrats on a well-earned victory, good luck this season.

  • thee September 21, 2008 (12:44 am)

    Sorry Denise, no do-overs in football!

  • Denise September 21, 2008 (12:51 am)

    No do-over necessary. My congrats and good wishes to WS are sincere.

  • c November 14, 2008 (1:05 pm)

    Woo GOOD JOB WESTSIDE!! I hope we make it to STATE AND WIN!

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