Movie update, sort of

Still waiting for official word on the status of tonight’s Movies on the Wall showing of “Finding Nemo” – will replace this post with the official update as soon as we get that word.

4 Replies to "Movie update, sort of"

  • Big Al (No, Not THAT One) August 9, 2008 (5:45 pm)

    Thunder, lightning, even if it is passed, I bet it is cancelled because everyone has PTSD from such shocking — SHOCKING!! –things.

  • WSB August 9, 2008 (5:50 pm)

    And now we have a sunbreak here in Upper Fauntleroy … so hard to make the call on such things, because so much can change within a few hours.

  • Big Al (No, Not THAT One) August 9, 2008 (6:00 pm)

    For the kids’ sake, I hope you’re right!

  • WSB August 9, 2008 (6:04 pm)

    Just confirmed with Philip from Sidewalk Cinema that it’s off; new post above this one.

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