day : 28/05/2008 12 results

Schmitz Park Elementary saying goodbye to 2 teachers


Thanks to Fiona Preedy for that photo and word that the two teachers pictured, Carolyn Kunihiro (left) and Sharon Glockner, are retiring from Schmitz Park Elementary this year and will be feted at a reception on Friday, June 6th (along with SP principal Richard Mellish, who’s departing). Fiona adds, “I’d like to invite former students, families, and staff to the reception, to bring these teachers their well wishes and as a reunion. If folks are unable to attend, pictures, stories, memories, are being gratefully received at” That’s a big potential pool of participants — Fiona says Mrs. Kunihiro has been teaching for 35 years (27 at SP) and Mrs. Glockner for 38 years (28 at SP).

Another reason why scooping matters: Clean water, healthy fish

Happened onto this tv story about a North End school (KapKa Cooperative K-2) fauntcreek.jpgwhose students have come all the way to Fauntleroy Creek in recent years to study an environmental challenge – creek pollution from pet waste. On the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s web section for the creek, you’ll find a link to this official state proposal for tackling the problem (public comments are being accepted till June 16th). Here’s more on the study.

Another update on the DNC solicitors in West Seattle

As the second team of blue-shirted DNC solicitors in 2 nights walks past the WSB HQ window, we’re reminded we got an update from 34th District Democrats chair Ivan Weiss (backstory here and here):Read More

New details on two major Junction projects


Those are from the “Preferred Scheme” section of the newly released Conner Homes presentation that will be made tomorrow night at the second Early Design Guidance meeting for Conner’s proposed buildings at California/Alaska/42nd in The Junction. See the presentation in its entirety here. The city Department of Planning and Development sometimes posts these presentations on the Design Review site in advance of the meetings (otherwise, they go up afterward), and that’s where we just found it. (Our coverage of the project’s first EDG meeting is here; tomorrow’s meeting is at 6:30 pm, Southwest Precinct meeting room.


We also have some new info about the groundbreaking celebration for the project that’ll soon start construction at that site, Fauntleroy Place (aka “the Whole Foods project”). Eric Radovich from development firm BlueStar says the June 12 event (first announced here) wiil start at 5:30 pm with a hosted barbecue (beer, wine, soda available). Music will be provided by local reggae band Andy O. Eric says, “You can expect a politician or two and a few of the key players to say a few words between 6:10 pm and 6:30 pm. We’ll turn a couple of shovels full of dirt and then back to the party until probably around 8 pm.” (Whole Foods and a new Hancock Fabrics store are the only two retail tenants who’ll be in the new building, which also will include hundreds of residential units.)

Free workshops just announced for Saturday’s Biz Expo

May 28, 2008 3:24 pm
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 |   Delridge | Fun stuff to do | West Seattle businesses

Two really big FREE events happen this Saturday in West Seattle – we’ve told you about Delridge Day at Youngstown Arts Center (11 am-4 pm) and now we have many more details about the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce Biz Expo @ South Seattle Community College, 11 am-3 pm, including free workshops with experts on everything from gardening to food to fitness – read on!Read More

Also tonight: Tournament play for West Seattle Little League

May 28, 2008 3:01 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | WS & Sports

baseballclipart.jpgOn behalf of West Seattle Little League, Alki’s Cami MacNamara e-mailed WSB to let you know:

West Seattle Little League has completed regular season play. Congratulations to the Minors division (ages 8-10) Diamondbacks and the Majors division (ages 10-12) Orioles for finishing in first place! Tonight, End of Season (EOS) Tournament play begins for the Minors at Bar-S Field (6464 SW Admiral Way) at 6 pm and runs through June 10th. Majors take the field on Friday, May 30th also play through June 10th. The winner of each division will move on the the District 7 Tournament of Champions on June 13th-16th, hosted by the South Highline Nationals at City Hall Park in Normandy Park. Come down to Bar-S and enjoy the fun! To view the complete tournament schedules, go to

Here’s a map to Bar-S; here are photos from the season-starting Jamboree two short months ago.

Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Dream Dinners

lesliethomson.jpgEvery time a new sponsor comes on board, we take a moment to welcome them and let you know what their business is about. The latest is Dream Dinners, operated by Leslie Thomson (left) in Jefferson Square. It’s a solution to being repeatedly plagued by the dread question of “what’s for dinner?” when you don’t really have the inclination to make something from scratch, but a restaurant or takeout isn’t feasible either. This page on the Dream Dinners website explains “how it works” — they have the recipes and ingredients, you arrange for a session, you go home with meals to freeze till you’re ready to cook ’em. In this short clip, you’ll hear Leslie describe a few of the dishes on the DD menu (which rotates every several weeks, to offer plenty of choices):

This month’s menu continues through the end of the week; next month’s menu is previewable online too. Since Dream Dinners’ hours vary, the best way to contact Leslie to find out more is to e-mail her here: Thanks to Dream Dinners for sponsoring WSB — and thanks to our other sponsors, all of whom you will find on this page, which also has info for anybody interested in joining them to grow their business and reach more customers while helping WSB be a sustainable source of 24/7 community news, information, and discussion for West Seattle.

Another West Seattle school (and church) on the move


Thanks to Debbie for sending word that this is the last day for K-8 classes at Hope Lutheran School – the big construction project for the school/church is about to get under way, and there’s moving-out work to be done. Checking the Hope school newsletter online, a groundbreaking ceremony is planned this Sunday morning – then for the summer, Sunday services will be held in the Seattle Lutheran High School gym. The city project page for the construction work is here; permits were issued just yesterday.

Reader report: If you think your ‘hood is coyote-free …

Still letting your cat(s) run around, confident you’re in a wildlife-free zone? If so, you’re the reason “Mac’s Mom” wanted us to share her e-mail:

We are in the 4100 block between 44th and 45th [map], an area not particularly close to any green spaces. One month ago we found the remains of our family cat who had met a very violent end (at about 4AM – he put up quite a fight). Last weekend, our neighbors experienced the same loss. [Yes, we had told our neighbors what happened] I’m not sure how large a Coyote’s territory is, but we are evidently within one and wanted to let other folks in the area know that this is happening. While we’ve seen all of the warnings here on the blog, we disregarded them as we are so far from what we would consider to be “Coyote Habitat”. Please don’t make the same mistake we did!

It’s been said 2,005,894 times, there are many other good reasons to keep pets indoors too … cars, humans, other cats, other types of wildlife among them. For more on “coexisting with coyotes,” check out the info in our coverage of a city-organized presentation earlier this year.

Happening tonight in West Seattle: Author appearance

book.jpgQuiet week for public meetings since it’s the end of the month (except for tomorrow night’s Design Review meeting on the Conner Homes Junction project) — but there’s an author event tonight, and we don’t get a lot of those on this side of the bay: Bill Press, radio host, is at Barnes and Noble in Westwood Village at 6:30 pm on behalf of his book Train Wreck: The End of the Conservative Revolution, and Not a Minute Too Soon. More West Seattle happenings for the days, weeks, and months ahead are on the WSB Events list (added about a dozen just last night).

Busy times for West Seattle schools as summer nears

May 28, 2008 8:23 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Three weeks from today, the school year ends for most local students; in the wake of the last pre-summer-vacation three-day weekend, we have updates (including events you’re invited to share!) from six local schools:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Return of the report summaries

handcuffs_2.jpgWest Seattle Crime Watch has been long on reader reports and short on police reports for a while because of a change in how we access those reports, related to Seattle Police switching to a new computerized report system. But now we’re getting back into the rhythm of things, so those who are interested in these roundups can see what’s been going on. Keep those reader reports coming, though. Meantime, here are some West Seattle notes from the past four days worth of reports, plus one reader report:Read More