Groundbreaking set for “Whole Foods project” aka Fauntleroy Place


Its official name is Fauntleroy Place, but as reps of the development firm BlueStar wryly acknowledged at last week’s Junction Neighborhood Organization meeting on major Junction projects (WSB coverage here), it’s become better known as “the Whole Foods project.” Whatever you want to call it, we’ve just received word from BlueStar’s Eric Radovich that the official groundbreaking ceremony is set for the evening of June 12th, 5:30-7 pm. (Recap: This project [city project page here] will replace the current Schuck’s/Hancock Fabrics building at Fauntleroy/Alaska/39th with residential units over retail space that will be entirely devoted to two tenants: Whole Foods and Hancock.) 3:46 PM UPDATE: Regarding the question asked in comments about the status of the stores currently on the site, here’s what Radovich e-mailed back:

Hancock Fabrics began their “Everything Must Go” liquidation sale today. They will be open until the inventory is depleted (typically 30 days or so)…Schuck’s is a sub-tenant of Hancock Fabrics and I believe they have been given notice and will close in mid to late June. We will do our groundbreaking on June 12 regardless, and start with work in the north end of the parking lot.

15 Replies to "Groundbreaking set for "Whole Foods project" aka Fauntleroy Place"

  • OP May 19, 2008 (1:36 pm)

    I’ll believe the groundbreaking when I see it! LOL

  • Kayleigh May 19, 2008 (2:11 pm)

    Aren’t Schuck’s and Hancock still open? Anybody know when they close?

  • RobertSeattle May 19, 2008 (3:01 pm)

    Kayleigh – I was in Schucks a few months ago and asked the manager on duty and he said “corporate” kept them completely in the dark about what was going to happen to the store.

  • Amy May 19, 2008 (3:14 pm)

    Hancock has a big “Store Closing, Everything Must Go!” sign up now.

  • WSB May 19, 2008 (3:49 pm)

    see update just added to the main post above .. TR

  • changingtimes May 19, 2008 (4:19 pm)

    Yay! im so excited about whole foods!! no more making the trek to the one on Denny!!

  • PSPS May 19, 2008 (4:29 pm)

    If this does come to fruition, it will be marvelous to have an alternative to the scourge that is Safeway!

  • Steve May 19, 2008 (5:27 pm)

    As excited as I am to welcome a Whole Foods to our burg I’m compelled to point out that we already have great alternatives to Safeway. PCC on California and the Morgan Junction Thriftway will still receive the bulk of my business.

  • MargL May 19, 2008 (6:15 pm)

    I thought ground breaking had already started. When I drove by this morning there was a backhoe digging up part of the parking lot by the Schuck’s

  • WSB May 19, 2008 (6:23 pm)

    We mentioned this in earlier reports – they are doing some geo work on the site (ditch digging the other week; today it’s unearthing a tank).

  • changingtimes May 19, 2008 (9:40 pm)

    are you kidding!! nothing beats the whole foods hot food bar and hot seafood bar!!!

  • Booger May 19, 2008 (9:46 pm)

    It will be nice to dress up an entrance to West Seattle, but I will miss my auto parts store.

  • Elisabeth May 19, 2008 (10:04 pm)

    I don’t give a rip about Schuck’s but I do care about Hancock. One of their employees told me that all their employees will be laid off when the store closes for two years for the reconstruction. She said “Some of us are looking forward to having more time to sew.”

    Schuck’s summarily fired my father, a store manager, in the late 80s for giving an incompetent employee too many chances. He was their most successful manager ever. He’d nurtured his employees through two violent store robberies and brought each store he managed to #2 in the state for retail sales. (Nobody could ever beat Ballard.) That’s why I don’t give a flying eff about Schucks. Bring back N.W. Auto Parts!

  • Xena May 19, 2008 (11:44 pm)

    I will miss Hancock as well for the two years we are without them. It will be a bummer to go to Southcenter, etc. for sewing stuff. Although, come to think about it, it is a great excuse for putting off doing my own mending. Best of luck to their employees.

  • Mr. JT May 20, 2008 (10:57 am)

    That parking lot has some of last quality off-roading in West Seattle. Gonna miss that.

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