Another West Seattle school (and church) on the move


Thanks to Debbie for sending word that this is the last day for K-8 classes at Hope Lutheran School – the big construction project for the school/church is about to get under way, and there’s moving-out work to be done. Checking the Hope school newsletter online, a groundbreaking ceremony is planned this Sunday morning – then for the summer, Sunday services will be held in the Seattle Lutheran High School gym. The city project page for the construction work is here; permits were issued just yesterday.

1 Reply to "Another West Seattle school (and church) on the move"

  • changingtimes May 28, 2008 (5:17 pm)

    im kind of glad because its going to mean better parking on the street by our house, but when they tore down there firt building a little while ago, about 100 mice ran up the street and were trying to make homes in the nearby houses, the neighborhood cats where happy but the whole neighborhood had to call exterminators :(

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