day : 21/05/2008 13 results

Delridge Council report #1: Street lights; “Art Lending Library”

Several major items on the agenda tonight as the Delridge District Council — representatives of neighborhood groups and other organizations in eastern West Seattle — gathered at the Southwest Precinct for its monthly meeting. We’re breaking them up into a few separate reports, starting tonight with two items — a Seattle City Light rep’s revelations about street lights (what to do about them and what it means when one flickers), and more details about what’s coming up during the gala Delridge Day festival later this month, including a new free “Art Lending Library” to be introduced that day:Read More

No injuries reported in Fauntleroy crash involving police car

The police car shown in that video clip, and a pickup truck, suffered notable left-front-end damage after a collision within the past hour at the curve just uphill/south from the Fauntleroy ferry dock; map here. (Thanks to the cell-phone tipster who texted us with word of this.) Traffic is flowing past the scene again, and a tow truck was there while we were there; no info on the circumstances but officers at the scene told us “everyone is OK” and the fact no medic units were called out seems to underscore that. THURSDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: According to police Lt. Steve Paulsen, the crash happened while police were responding “to a disturbance at Lincoln Park” and is blamed on slick roads. He confirms all involved are OK.

Holiday Weekend Watch: Forecast iffy

May 21, 2008 8:10 pm
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Guess it won’t be TOO horrible if this forecast holds and Memorial Day is something like today (photo above shows an afternoon sunbreak along Lincoln Park’s north shore). At least Colman Pool will be open (we were so desperate today to get a glimpse, despite the plywood over the plexiglass on the west and south sides, we took our young assistant up on his offer to sneak a photographic peek through the drainage openings at the bottom of the brick wall):


Colman Pool’s opening day is Saturday (schedule here).

Got some time to spare Saturday? “Grocery audit” recruiting

May 21, 2008 7:29 pm
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It’s in the Delridge/White Center area. Read more here to see if you can help. (That link, by the way, goes to a post on a new blog set up by Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association executive director Derek Birnie to share info on upcoming events and volunteer opportunities in the greater Delridge area; you can browse it any time at

Crash-damaged salon already open again, with driver’s help

May 21, 2008 5:48 pm
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So says this post on the blog kept by neighboring Chill, which also mentions the pickup driver helped with the cleanup.

Story behind a new number on the Lincoln Park vigil sign


That’s the sign in Ron Richardson‘s yard along Fauntleroy across from Lincoln Park, which he updates with thedickisonpic.jpg death and injury toll in the Iraq war. We’ve told you about it before; our most recent post, and comments on it, led to coverage in the citywide media. Richardson introduced himself to us at our table at the recent Sustainable West Seattle Festival in The Junction, and told us he’d added a new number to his sign, in honor of an area resident killed in the war in 2005, Christopher Dickison (photo right). Here’s his story of how that happened — timely as Memorial Day approaches:

The most important response [to the sign], by far, came three weeks ago when a woman and several of her family knocked at my door. The woman, Leanna Dickison, wanted to thank me for having the sign. She told me that her son, Christopher Wayne Dickison, was fatality number 1754. Christopher’s twin sister Rhonda Herrera was part of the group. Chris’ mother had made a blanket as a gift for me. I thanked her and suggested she take the blanket to the VA Hospital and present it to one of the Iraq vets at the VA.

I have since visited Leanna and learned more about Christopher. The family lives in White Center. Christopher was a graduate of Evergreen High. He joined the military in 2002. He was in Iraq for a year when his tour of duty was extended. It was during this extension that Chris was killed. I looked up Chris’s name on the internet and found articles and memory pages by those who knew him as a friend, a relative and as a comrade in arms. This reminded me that the internet can be a rallying place for folks to share their respect and love.

I have attached a current photo of the sign, a photo of Chris and a list of some of the websites that memorialize Chris. I have added the number 1754 on the sign and it will stay there. Each time I change the other numbers I will remember Chris and his family. They are our neighbors and part of our community. As folks spot my sign I hope they remember Chris and all of the others killed and wounded in Iraq. I also think about this war and why we are fighting it. I hope your readers think upon this as well.

Here are the links that Ron provided: a page featuring citywide media coverage from Christopher’s death in 2005, a guestbook that he has signed and you can too, and a video tribute posted online.

Side note: Richardson also is involved with another issue right now — voter-owned elections — and told us he’ll be speaking about that at tonight’s Delridge District Council meeting (7 pm, Southwest Precinct).

Attention, small businesses: BizJam returning to West Seattle

If you hadn’t already heard: Registration is open for the second annual BizJam Seattle conference for “indie” businesses, presented by Biznik (motto: “business networking that doesn’t suck”) – and again this year, it’s happening in West Seattle, at Youngstown Arts Center. This time around, it’ll span two days – Day 1, July 9, will focus on what small businesses need to know about “social media.” Read more about BizJam here (disclosure, we’re speaking at BizJam; in the year since the last BizJam, we’ve become an “indie” business ourselves). Speaking of social media, you can find us on Twitter as westseattleblog and on Facebook as WS Blog — we also just set up a West Seattle Blog group there.

And if the price of gas hasn’t reduced your driving …

summeroff.jpg… the city is trying to do it with a new campaign called “Give Your Car the Summer Off.” (Official news release here.) One of the related webpages says the city will identify certain streets that can be closed to cars for a while at different times during the summer. Any street(s) in West Seattle where you think that would work?

Gas Price Watch: First West Seattle sighting of $4 regular

May 21, 2008 12:57 pm
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Several stations are at $3.99/regular right now, but we were just in Admiral and spotted $4.03 regular at Barnecut’s Shell.

Longfellow Creek Garden update, and a request for help


That’s a recent photo of Longfellow Creek Garden, the small organic garden/farm that is taking shape in North Delridge (first reported here last month). Zach Zink wrote us a while back inviting people to come help with getting LCG in shape, and got quite a response. Now he’s asking for help with a new challenge for this nonprofit operation: “We are in need of a certified plumber to install a few pieces of equipment so we can have an irrigation faucet at the Garden. Our budget is pretty low this year, and getting water installed is going to run us between 500 and 700 dollars. Saving on labor would help us out to the tune of 200 dollars!” If you can help or know someone who might be able to, e-mail Zach at

Late-morning link break: Seacrest seagull; Bohemian details

SEACREST SEAGULL, ER, LOL-GULL: Yes, we know, there are a million places to generate your own goofy captions for photos. However, an actual blogger from our Other Blogs list has a thread going that might appeal to those with a twisted sense of humor, as she’s inviting captions for a photo of Seacrest’s famous one-footed seagull. We contributed one already.

MORE ON WHAT THE BOHEMIAN’S GOING TO BE LIKE: We’ve told you about The Bohemian, going into the former Leslie’s Country Store space next to Spiro’s in the 3400 block of California. Its previous one-page website is now expanded into a site with full details on what they’re planning to do. (Mini-update on the future Prost West Seattle next door – it’s applied for a liquor license, and one reader got e-mail from the owner saying they hope to open in August.)

Community Safety Partnership report #2: “Casing”; burglaries

Good turnout last night for the monthly West Seattle Community Safety Partnership meeting at the Southwest Precinct — including folks who took advantage of the opportunity to directly ask local police leadership about issues in their neighborhood (one attendee was looking for followup on a burglary at his house; the Community Police Team is putting him in touch with detectives). We already reported one update from the meeting last night; here’s what else was discussed, including the briefing on “casing”:Read More

Happening today: City job fair, DDC, short school day

CITY JOB FAIR: 10 am-6 pm at the Joint Training Facility on Myers Way; map and more info in this post from last week.

DELRIDGE DISTRICT COUNCIL: This is the monthly meeting of reps from neighborhood groups and other organizations in the eastern West Seattle area the city considers the “Delridge District.” Public always welcome. 7 pm, Southwest Precinct meeting room.

SHORT SCHOOL DAY: We wouldn’t usually mention this but someone went to the trouble of texting us about it late last night, so why not. Early-dismissal day today for Seattle Public Schools.

More events for today and beyond are on the WSB Events list page.