UPDATE #1: As has been the case for the past several meetings, the public-comment period at the start of the meeting was dominated by testimony from merged-campus opponents. The board’s in a brief break now, with what’s been described as a “presentation” and “discussion” yet to come on items including the formal introduction of the superintendent’s recommendation that the board approve Option 2. More to come; it’s live on cable channel 26. UPDATE #2, ADDED 9:55 PM: The Denny-Sealth presentation/discussion took more than an hour and a half.
The presentation was the same Power Point shown at the meetings @ Chief Sealth last night and last week (you can find the links here), with the additional explanation (outlined in the documents accompanying tonight’s agenda) of where the “extra $10 million” for Sealth under Option 2 would come from — mostly water and air projects at Summit K-12 and Salmon Bay. Most of the board members had comments and questions, but almost none of it focused on Option 3 (rebuilding Denny on its current site), aside from board member Sherry Carr wanting to know where the additional $5 million (beyond Option 2’s price tag) would come from.
West Seattle school-board rep Steve Sundquist reiterated many of his comments from last night, including the fact he’s “leaning toward” Option 2, and that he would support a full-time police officer on the co-located campus to help alleviate security concerns; board member Michael DeBell seconded him on that; board member Mary Bass said she could imagine every high school in the city wanting one, if that happened. (She also noted she had not supported the original plan putting the Denny-Sealth project on last year’s BEX III ballot in the first place.)
Next steps: Last chance to get in your 2 cents about which way you want to see board members vote; their contact info is here. The final vote is scheduled for Feb. 27; district staff has said repeatedly that no matter what happens, Sealth students will be moving into Boren for 2 years starting this fall.