Sensational sunrise

We weren’t up to see it, but these photos sent in by Joe Murray (who also photographed the colorful clouds on Sunday night) are the next best thing – check that, maybe better:



10 Replies to "Sensational sunrise"

  • K October 9, 2007 (12:29 pm)

    more beautiful shots joe! it was a stunner this morning!

  • add October 9, 2007 (12:48 pm)

    WOW !!

  • Jan October 9, 2007 (3:04 pm)

    yes…I woke up right around 7am, and was amazed to find the sky on fire…just beautiful…thanks for sharing, Joe…

  • A.A. October 9, 2007 (3:06 pm)

    Those are simply spectacular. I saw that sunrise this morning as I came across the bridge. Driving into Seattle on a beautiful morning is one of the best views in the city, IMO. Tempts me to play hooky almost every time.

  • Captain Knievel October 9, 2007 (4:08 pm)

    Any chance these can be posted/linked at a larger size? They would make wonderful backgrounds on PCs.

  • Christopher Boffoli October 9, 2007 (4:24 pm)

    Joe: Very nicely done. That second image of Rainier with the lenticular cloud is especially fine. Did you note exactly what time it was when you shot that? Did you take those from home? If not, care to share your vantage point? Any others who can recommend favorite vantage points of Rainier from West Seattle (other than the high bridge)?

  • pickledeedee October 9, 2007 (6:33 pm)

    Beautiful, thank you.

  • AA October 9, 2007 (6:36 pm)

    while not a traditional “postcard” view, my favorite view of Rainier is driving south on Delridge, just after crossing into White Center, just before or at the fork in the road. It’s a stunning view and a gorgeous contrast of man(made) vs nature.

  • Dis October 10, 2007 (1:07 am)


  • old timer October 10, 2007 (9:09 am)

    Thank you.
    Thamk you very much.

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