Yes, the blog was shown for a few seconds on King5 News at eleven o’clock Wednesday night (part of actual tv screen shown below), when their anchorguy announced that the station’s excellent site collecting Seattle blogs, Citizen Rain, had picked WSB as “Blog of the Week.” Makes up for losing the “Best Neighborhood Blog ’07” title to our witty and talented pals at Capitol Hill Seattle (though we didn’t even know there was a competition till we heard they won; maybe we’ll have a chance in ’08).


11 Replies to "WSB on TV"

  • Jiggers August 3, 2007 (10:06 am)

    They must have liked my witty sense of humor and intellectual comments..:)

  • Keith August 3, 2007 (10:48 am)

    Right on, WSB!

  • Jan August 3, 2007 (11:39 am)

    oh, jiggers, you are just too modest ;-)

  • Jiggers August 3, 2007 (12:00 pm)

    This blog does a good job in providing us with important information about WS. Now, we need to grow a little bit more thick skin here. My sene of humor and wittyness about me doesn’t have a wall. It just sometimes I feel like I’m conversing in a church setting here which isn’t my style. But keep rocking.

  • dq August 3, 2007 (10:13 pm)

    maybe you could have wsb t-shirts done up and sell them at a local establishment! i’d buy one….

  • Rhonda Porter August 4, 2007 (10:46 am)

    Congrats, WSB. Isn’t funny how the media is paying such close attention to bloggers?

  • The House August 4, 2007 (8:29 pm)

    Completely agree, Jiggers. WSB has actually censored me on occasion, which almost seems like the antithesis of what some of it’s readers believe in. I truly believe in playing by the rules, which are posted, but some of the readers seem like they have feelings made of paper (mostly the folks that lean ultra liberal) and I don’t feel that I’ve ever been vulgar. The biggest problem it appears is if you call someone an idiot. It just sucks to be censored if you’re telling someone the truth.

  • WSB August 4, 2007 (8:41 pm)

    It’s not censored, it’s called running a website. See the FAQ. No “ugly personal attacks” allowed, and we consider calling someone an idiot an “ugly personal attack”; the rest of what we define as that is completely subjective, and subject to change at any time. Some comments that shouldn’t have gone through, from various people, probably have, as the readership grows, so you can probably find something somewhere on the site and say “Hey! How come they got through and I didn’t?”; while we currently use an automated process to hold comments for review based on certain words, we would really hate to get to a point where we have to simply hold all comments for moderation. We absolutely respect your right or anyone else’s to disagree with our policies and practices and to choose not to use the website as a result.

  • The House August 4, 2007 (10:58 pm)

    Strong words, WSB. Considering I’ve always thanked you for your fourmn countless times, acknowledged that you post your rules, and stated that I truly believe in playing by them. Seems like that post above is more of an ugly personal attack than calling someone an idiot, but I might just be an idiot.

  • Keith August 5, 2007 (6:20 pm)

    Wow, talk about thin skin! WSB is just telling or personal about the statement WSB made. More offensive is this statement:

    The biggest problem it appears is if you call someone an idiot. It just sucks to be censored if you’re telling someone the truth.

    I’m sure this will be hard for you to believe, but your opinion of someone or their views is not necessarily “the truth.”

    Truth is, there have been plenty of different opinions expressed here without stooping to the level of calling someone an idiot. I personally appreciate the civil and friendly tone that most people maintain here. There are countless other places on the web to be an obnoxious jerk, or be forced to endure them.

  • Keith August 5, 2007 (7:24 pm)

    Ha ha on me, what a perfect moment to be an idiot myself! My second sentence was supposed to read like this:

    “WSB is just telling it like it is– I don’t find anything ugly or personal about the statement WSB made.”

    But I’m clearly an idiot so it’s probably a moot point. ;)

Sorry, comment time is over.