Last weekend in August, and we just can’t bear to see any more rain. We’ve got rowing & volleyball at Alki, the Art in Nature Festival, a narrated history walk around eastern WS, and a job fair (today!) … 31 ways to have fun without leaving the peninsula:
ALL WEEKEND: Admiral Theater‘s main movie slate: “Ocean’s 13,” “Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End,” “Live Free or Die Hard”
ALL WEEKEND: Third-to-last weekend to enjoy Colman Pool (on the shore @ Lincoln Park)
ALL WEEKEND: Time’s running out for wading pools too (in WS, @ Delridge, Hiawatha, Highland Park, Hughes, Lincoln Park)
FRIDAY MIDDAY: YWCA Greenbridge Job Fair, 10 am-1 pm @ 9800 8th Avenue SW
FRIDAY NIGHT: Last outdoor concert of the summer, West Seattle Big Band plays 6 pm (dinner available starting 5 pm) @ Providence Mt. St. Vincent
FRIDAY NIGHT: Neighborhood Ice Cream Social & Patio Concert @ Peace Lutheran Church, 6:30-8 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Diego Coy @ Cafe Rozella, 7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: ArtsWest Summer Musical Theater Adventures Camp production of “Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr.,” 7:30 pm (tickets available online)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music @ Skylark with Bleeding Hearts Authority, Spanish For 100, Turn To Fall, starts @ 9 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: “Jar of Flies” tribute to Alice in Chains @ Rocksport, 9 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Harborrats with Thunderbird Motel, Easy Street After Hours, 9:30 pm
SATURDAY: EVP Pro Beach Volleyball @ Alki, all day
SATURDAY: Arts in Nature Festival @ Camp Long, 11 am-9 pm
SATURDAY MORNING: The Great Cross-Sound Race (rowing), starts 9 am @ Alki
SATURDAY MORNING: Schmitz Preserve work party, 9 am-noon
SATURDAY MORNING: Southwest Seattle Historical Society/Log House Museum-sponsored walking tour of Delridge and Pigeon Point, free, starts @ Youngstown Arts Center @ 10 am
SATURDAY MIDDAY: Thistle Street Greenspace work party, 10 am-2 pm
SATURDAY MIDDAY: Marco DeCarvalho, live music @ C & P Coffee, 11 am-1 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: ArtsWest Summer Musical Theater Adventures Camp production of “Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr.,” 2 pm (tickets available online)
SATURDAY NIGHT: Kingsway, live music @ C & P Coffee, 6-8 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: ArtsWest Summer Musical Theater Adventures Camp production of “Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr.,” 7:30 pm (tickets available online)
SATURDAY NIGHT: Movies on the Wall by Sidewalk Cinema presents “Edward Scissorhands” in The Junction, next to Hotwire Coffee, live music by Pagasys @ 8, movie starts around 8:45
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music @ Skylark with Chris Black, Tuck, Pete Bush & The Hoi Polloi, starts @ 9 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: 3D @ Rocksport, 9:30 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Boat with The Sea Navy, Easy Street After Hours, 9:30 pm
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Seattle Farmers’ Market @ The Junction, 10 am-2 pm
SUNDAY: Arts in Nature Festival @ Camp Long, 11 am-6 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Community meal hosted by Holy Rosary @ Our Lady of Guadalupe, 1-3 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: ArtsWest Summer Musical Theater Adventures Camp production of “Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr.,” 2 pm (tickets available online)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Veazie Valley Boys, live music @ C & P Coffee, 3-5 pm
SUNDAY NIGHT: All-ages live music @ Skylark with Zico, Sam Marshall, White Helicopter, starts @ 7 pm
NEXT TUESDAY: West Seattle megaselling author Terry Brooks @ Westwood Village Barnes & Noble, 6:30 pm
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