Demo done

One of the teardown-to-townhome houses we’ve been watching along Cali south of Andover (between Belli Capelli and Moxie) is now all gone, 3 weeks after fire crews started the demolition by hacking up its roof as part of a training exercise. Below, the before (mid-May) and after (today) photos:


7 Replies to "Demo done"

  • Sean June 28, 2007 (1:30 pm)


  • d June 28, 2007 (1:58 pm)

    Sean – It sure likes DONE!

  • Jan June 28, 2007 (2:02 pm)

    at some point, I’m sure all the houses on Calif. Ave. N. of the junction will be gone…condo heaven…or hell…depending on your outlook…

  • d June 28, 2007 (9:12 pm)

    Jan – would you even want to live on Calif now, condo or not? But no, not North, ALL of Calif, and Alki, and Harbor Ave, and ?

  • Jan June 28, 2007 (9:54 pm)

    d….I live in an apartment, not a house, so I suppose if the rent was right sure. There’s even condomania going on north of Admiral Way. I complain, but I know it’s the way of the future. No…I wouldn’t pay the exorbitant prices of Alki…not ever. I live just a block off of Calif. Ave behind Adm./ Safeway. It’s actually a great place to live. ..a variety of grocery stores in walking distance, a movie theater, a park, restaurants, bus lines, 2 Starbucks ( hmm…yuk), a drug store, an ice-cream store…and the parking is free. Close enough to the Junction and the Youngstown Art Center to get cultured without having to go downtown, I work at home, so no commute (200 miles on my car in the last 3 months). Things change ( I think that was a movie title once), it’s inevitable. But…it seems to be moving soooo fast fueled by outside interlopers – lol. On the other hand…we still have goats grazing up on Marine View Drive..wonderful. No real complaints here…I’m happy to be alive :)

  • TS. June 29, 2007 (9:04 am)

    Don’t forget…you have a wonderful, independently owned TEA SHOP within walking distance too (sorry…shameless self promotion is necessary with CA Ave STILL torn up).

  • Jan June 29, 2007 (12:41 pm)

    TS…yes, that’s very true…you are there , aren’t you? Just another reason it’s a great neighborhood to live in. I’m a massage therapist who works at home…wonder how I could advertise that on here? hehehehehe..

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