month : 06/2007 191 results

WS Emergency Preparedness event countdown: Reason #2

June 22, 2007 10:11 pm
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 |   WS miscellaneous

Why you need to spend a few hours @ WSHS tomorrow morning: Six months ago.


They were here first

June 22, 2007 7:25 pm
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 |   West Seattle people

On the easternmost edge of WS, the tribe that reached out to the first European-American West Seattleites will have something to celebrate tomorrow.

More change

June 22, 2007 6:29 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

Just got this note about more reported change east of The Junction:

West Seattle Furnace has been in West Seattle since 1946 and Dick Leidholm has retired and sold his building at 4619 37th Ave SW.

The office manager – myself, Diana Charles Abels – has gone to Cascade Oil Company and one of my service techs Bill M has gone to Cascade Oil also. So, if you need help with your Furnace, A/C or fuel deliveries, please contact me at 206-323-6050.

City archive photo of West Seattle Furnace, on this page.

Friday afternoon notes

-In less than an hour, the final bell will ring at Fairmount Park Elementary, one of the Seattle Public Schools buildings that are being closed to save $. The kids who go there are “merging” into High Point Elementary . (FPƃĀ¢Ć¢ā€šĀ¬Ć¢ā€žĀ¢s half-century history is detailed here.)

-Speaking of closed school buildings: This week’s WS Herald has an update on the future of the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse; next week, the city Parks Board will talk about its possible role in that future.

-In the mood to feel elegant? Just found out about High Tea on Saturday at Village Green Perennial Nursery, a hidden treasure for gardeners in WS (and beyond).-This Sunday, the Washington State Ferries summer schedule kicks in, which means more weekend service to/from Fauntleroy.

WS Gas Price Watch: Some up, some down

June 22, 2007 10:54 am
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 |   Gas prices | Transportation

Delridge Arco has dropped a couple more cents, to $2.93/regular; however, both of the Fauntleroy/Alaska stations have popped back up over three bucks, while remaining below the statewide average.

First WS weekend of summer!

June 22, 2007 2:41 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle parks | WS culture/arts | WS Weekend Lineup

From the start of wading-pool season, to the wildly important Emergency Preparedness event, to the Admiral invasion of “Can’t Stop the Serenity” — there’s tons to do, now through Sunday, without leaving the peninsula. Click ahead!Read More

WS Emergency Preparedness event countdown: Reason #3

June 21, 2007 11:54 pm
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 |   WS miscellaneous

Tonight’s reason for being there Saturday: The 2001 quake wasn’t “The Big One.”

Salads at Seacrest

June 21, 2007 7:25 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

A new P-I review raves as much about the cole slaw and Caesar salad at Alki Crab & Fish @ Seacrest as about the fish ‘n’ chips.

Your mission: Throw away less trash

City leaders have decided not to build another transfer station in Georgetown, good news for the folks there who’ve been fighting it; but they’re telling all of us, in order to really make sure we don’t need it, we’ve got to throw away even less trash than we do now.

A good omen

Congratulations to Lafayette Elementary on the launch of its long-awaited playground renovation, with this morning’s groundbreaking ceremony. On a school day that wouldn’t have existed if not for one of this past winter’s snow days, early overcast gave way to brilliant sunshine by the time the festivities started. We’ve got a few pix. First — the reason a new playground is needed (the entire 2-acre blacktop looks like this, or worse):


Here’s the groundbreaking lineup (note they couldn’t really smash shovels through the tough old blacktop, so look close and you’ll see a ceremonial pile of sand to be overturned) — participants included parent volunteers and student councilmembers as well as King County Councilmember Dow Constantine (center) and Lafayette Principal Virginia Turner (right):


And one more photo of Dow C for good measure – he drew goodnatured boos by admitting he had attended Schmitz Park Elementary, not Lafayette. He got to read the long list of major project contributors — and there are many; more help still needed — info on how to do that is in our previous post on the topic.


Sorry for the slowness

We thought it was just happening as we tried to add content to the site … but now we’re getting e-mail from WSB readers about difficulty getting to the site or going page to page. Please forgive us; we’re on the phone right now with the hosting company trying to figure out what the problem is.

Four places to be, & when to be there

June 21, 2007 8:31 am
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 |   WS miscellaneous

Click! today or tonight: Click! is donating part of today’s sales to the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, then hosting a short presentation @ 7 tonight about what DNDA is up to.

-West Seattle Stadium: Tomorrow night, the cancer-fighting Relay for Life takes the field, 6 pm Friday all the way to noon Saturday. Drop by to show support and/or give $.

-Alki Masonic Hall (which is actually east of The Junction): Saturday morning, the Freemasons of the Alki Lodge invite everybody to their fundraising pancake breakfast, 8 am-noon, $5 adults/$4 kids.

-Lincoln Park beach: Sunday afternoon, the Paddle for PAWS swimmers make their journey. Be there to cheer them on; you can give $ online, too.

Last sunset of spring ’07

June 20, 2007 10:38 pm
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 |   West Seattle beaches

From Alki tonight — so long, spring:


WS Gas Price Watch: Too many ups & downs

Or at least you would have to assume that’s why yet another station — 35th/Avalon 7-11, in this case — just swapped out its manual priceboard for something electronic:


WS Emergency Preparedness event countdown: Reason #4

Tonight’s reason why you’ll want to be at this event Saturday: Our neighbors.


Honor for High Point

June 20, 2007 7:21 pm
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 |   High Point | West Seattle housing | West Seattle news

You don’t hear the word “cottage” around here much, unless it’s deployed as spin on a dinky house’s for-sale listing, but tonight it’s part of an honor for High Point — Cottage Living magazine has chosen HP as one of its Top 10 Cottage Communities for 2007.

Caffeinated Charger

Yeah, we know not everybody loves ’em (comments). But the new SPD cars sure photograph well. Christopher Boffoli caught this one outside Diva:


What’s next for Ovio space

June 20, 2007 4:31 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

The Times quotes Ovio’s outgoing owners as saying another restaurant will definitely take over the space. City files show a construction permit application for “seating and bar alterations at existing restaurant,” dated this past Monday, and lists the applicant as Robert Coburn. That’s where our intel trail goes cold, for now. (Anyone else?)

TONIGHT: Speak now or for a decade hold your peace

June 20, 2007 1:21 pm
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 |   West Seattle politics

Like the way King County government runs? Maybe not, you say? You’re in luck. Its every-10-years charter review is under way, and you can put in your 2 cents tonight, 6:30 pm, The Hall @ Fauntleroy.

2 more WS school board candidates make their case

June 20, 2007 10:19 am
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 |   West Seattle politics | West Seattle schools

Following in the pixelsteps of Dan Dempsey and Edwin Fruit, two more candidates for our open school board seat are taking their “guest blogger” turns at Educating Mom today: Maria Ramirez and Steve Sundquist.

Cool coverage

What better time than a sunny day — on the brink of “official” summer — to contemplate “the region’s hidden ice-cream shops” — that’s what the UW Daily does in this article, with Husky Deli featured prominently.

Got $32m ‘n’ change?

June 20, 2007 5:31 am
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 |   Delridge | Seen around town

Back on Flag Day, our photo post featuring the megaflag at the SGA building on the north end of Delridge generated a side discussion about the building’s fate. Just looked up its for-sale listing: $32,500,000. (Maybe when Paul runs out of property to buy on the other side of the city? WS needs a streetcar too!)

WS Emergency Preparedness event countdown: Reason #5

Remember the Inauguration Day windstorm? (Here’s a refresher.) The things that make WS so beautiful also make us vulnerable. Send at least one delegate from your family or business to Saturday’s event; you’ll still be done in time for afternoon fun.