Game over

A tv news story says Bobby’s Hobbies at the north end of the Junction is running out of gas, so to speak. That would leave our area without a mini-car racetrack, as far as we know … if you’ve been in WS a while, you may remember the indoor “speedway” that used to be in the spot West 5 now inhabits so nicely. The times, they are a-changin’ … we think Them Young People are mostly home playing computer games these dayz. (Aside: The above-linked story, as of this writing, mentions people with the surname “Grieb.” Don’t they mean “Greive“?)

2 Replies to "Game over"

  • Marge Carpenter August 20, 2006 (9:58 am)

    Right again :)

    At Bobby’s Hobbies, the kids come in, all acne and burly adolescence, aflutter with questions for owner Ray Greive as the Speed Channel blares from TV monitors around the shop. Hey Ray, why don’t we have hourlong races? When do I have to replace the brushes, Ray? Ray, how fast do you think my car would go with this engine?

    To be honest, owner Greive tells them, he’s still learning himself. He opened in the former law office of his late dad, R.R. “Bob” Greive, a Democratic Party leader in the 1960s, from whom the shop gets its name. Then he invested $6,000 for a lap-counting system under the track, which tabulates each car’s revolutions.

  • Keith August 21, 2006 (11:58 am)

    Oh man, what a bummer. I’m not even into the cars or racing myself, but I love going over there to watch. What a drag, in a bad way.

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