Highland Park traffic-circle volunteer beautification

October 29, 2017 @ 10:00 am – 5:30 pm
Various locations - see full listing

Highland Park Roundabouts Cleanup and Beautification
This month we will be cleaning out the weeds, blackberry vines, and dead plants from four roundabouts in Highland Park, then replacing with new trees, shrubs and ground cover. We could use your help.

If you live, walk or drive near the intersections listed below, or you love to garden, or you just want to meet some neighbors, come on out and pitch in!


10am – 11:30am: 12th Ave SW & SW Trenton — install new plants & mulch
12pm – 1:30pm: 12th Ave SW & SW Thistle — install new plants & mulch
2pm – 3:30pm: 10th Ave SW & SW Thistle — install new plants & mulch
4pm – 5:30pm: 12th Ave SW & SW Kenyon — install new plants & mulch

If you can lend a hand at any of those times, please contact Aubbie so we know how many volunteers to expect. We can also use garden tools, wheelbarrows, yard waste bins, etc. Questions? Give Aubbie a shout — at aubbiebeal@gmail.com

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