west seattle belly dance festival after parade

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    missed the last weekend’s belly dancing in the parade and none of the information booths had any idea about the Middle East Dancing Festival that used to be held in a local park. anyone?


    – dave


    Parade! Movie! Belly dancing! …

    July 18, 2008 at 12:37 pm | In Fun stuff to do, WS Weekend Lineup, WS culture/arts | parade, belly dancing, . . .


    There was a great Mediterranean Festival in Hiawatha Park with tons of belly dancing last weekend. It ran from 10-8 both Saturday and Sunday on the east side of the park. I think there were some pictures in WSB on Monday.



    Hi – If you watch our Events calendar (most complete one in West Seattle, and simplest to follow, usually one line per event with a link when possible) you’ll be able to see everything that’s coming up:


    plus we publish the West Seattle Weekend Lineup every Friday, with Fri/Sat/Sun events (usually even more than the Events calendar contains, since we add live music and other things that aren’t usually in the events calendar) – newest one always on top here:


    And SANB is right, we did publish photos on Monday – the festival was Saturday/Sunday (we mentioned that several times on the home page before/during) – several pix here (kindly sent to us by Dina Johnson):




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