WANTED: Student for Doggie Walks

Home Forums West Seattle Jobs Offered WANTED: Student for Doggie Walks

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    Like to play with doggies? Need some extra $$ this summer? I live in West Seattle, but work in Bothell, which makes for very long days. My husband, who is home a lot, is ill and starting to have more troubles with the every day things. We would love to hire a neighborhood student (middle school, high school, college, etc) to let our wiener dogs out during the middle of the day a few times a week. We don’t have a lot of cash, but are willing to pay $5 a session. Our two little dogs are big at heart and have lots of energy. They would love a friend to let them out, take them on walks, to the park etc. They also need someone who can keep them in line, as they don’t like to listen and are prone to darting in all directions, lots of barking, and immense amounts of silliness. We live near 35th & Roxbury and ideally would like someone who lives nearby and who wouldn’t mind the occasional last minute “can you let the dogs out for us” phone call. If you’re interested, please email wslongdog@yahoo.com

    Like mowing lawns too? Let us know!



    UPDATE – I’ve had a lot of great responses and this is filled for now. Thanks to all!

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