Volunteers Needed for SW Seattle Pony Baseball Board Positions

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    My name is Paul Leonardo and I am the Pony Baseball Board President. I apologize for the mass e-mail blast, but I wanted to reach the widest audience possible. With our season recently concluded, it is time already to look ahead to next season. Our season as a Board is year round. To that end, our Board is in desperate need of volunteers when we hold elections at the September All Member (Parents) meeting.

    The current Board has served a long time (over 5 years together) and have contributed and volunteered much during their tenure. At our last Board meeting, whichwas held on 6/23 it was apparent that we were expecting an almost complete turnover of the Board for the upcoming 2008-2009 season. This means that virtually all the Board seats are going to need new volunteers to step up and fill these open positions.

    These are important and rewarding volunteer opportunities that allow you to be involved in West Seattle youth baseball. These positions benefit your kids by keeping strong leadership in place on the Board. We are very financially solvent and in good shape in all aspects of our governance. What we currently lack are dedicated volunteers to fill such positions as Bronco VP, Pony VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications Director, and Tournament Director. And after 4 years now as President, I am not sure if I will return.

    The need for people to step up and fill these gaping voids is critical to the continued success of youth Baseball at the Pony Level in West Seattle. I am asking you to contact me immediately if you have any interest in volunteering for the Board. We would like to begin transitioning people into these roles (esp. Treasurer) prior to the actual elections so that we can maintain a level of continuity. In addition, we may need up to 3 Bronco coaches (ages 11-12) and possibly 1-2 Pony coaches (ages 13-14). So if you have an aptitude that is more inclined to coaching as opposed to administration, I would be most appreciative if you also consider stepping forward.

    Please contact me either at this e-mail, at 206-504-5886(w) or 206-250-5213(c). I appreciate in advance your willingness to consider our plight and by committing to volunteer and I look forward to many enthusiastic responses.


    Paul Leonardo

    SW Seattle Pony Baseball Board President



    I’ll add a plug and a bump here! This is a great organization and worthy of consideration. A LOT of players graduate from Pee Wee to Bronco/Pony and it serves a good number of kids. I don’t want to speak for the board members, but do know that at least two of them have players graduating to high school, so presumably, they’ll be busy there. On the flip side, I do not believe one has to have a child in the league to participate on the board. If you’re at all interested, contact Paul and he can give you more details!

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