Spring Break & Summer Day Camps…

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    I need some suggestions for day camps during Spring Break and also for the Summer. I have checked into the programs at the YMCA but would like to see other options.



    Hey, cinnamon. Really good to hear from you! Just in case you are not aware, everyone on this blog thinks that I am you. Hopefully someone will respond to your query, as I, too, would be interested in camps during Spring Break. YMCA wasn’t too appealing. Once again, sorry if I’ve ruined the blog experience for you. There were some heated debates going on and not too many people were very impressed by what I wrote and then all of a sudden, you and I are the same person!



    Maybe Lattemom will have a suggestion…






    People are trying to actually use this site for references. You would think, after seeing that cinnamon is obviously still a around, you would realize how ridiculous you all look. Guess not. Who was it that made the comment as to when you don’t know something for fact, it can come back to bite you? Bet you’re all a little sore today, huh? Or, I guess, to ignorant to realize your mistake! Oh well, it’s a shame that some of you are ruining the use of this site for other people. Nice crowd of people you all are!



    Hi NewResident,

    Thanks so much for sticking up for me!! It is very apparent that the regulars on this forum have decided to “gang” up on me because of another users use of exclamation marks and being an excitable person. These people need to get a life that is for sure, but apparently the idea that I have an alter ego as LatteMom is just to exciting and engaging for everyone to stop, think and actually read and listen to what I Cinnamon have to say and to stop comparing me to another user.

    NewResident, you are also very right hat in doing so the people who continue to compare me to LatteMom and now believing that you and I are one in the same person have nothing better to do and they unfortunately have lost the true idea of what this forum area is all about. I am glad that as a new resident to this area you are not jaded and do understand the source of information that this forum brings to others.

    Thank you!!



    It’s just sad that because I have my own opinions and beliefs that are not similar to theirs, they feel the need to attack. I truly hope to continue using this site as it could be extremely helpful to me since I just moved here. It is my husband and I and we know absolutely no one here! My 8 year old daughter is coming for Spring Break and it would be wonderful for her to attend a camp of some kind. Please let me know if you find anything out! Again, I’m sorry that you also have had a bad experience using this blog. It really is a shame. Almost feels like high school.



    Yes, it does remind me of High School too!! I am still trying to find some information on day camps so when I do I will definitely write this blog. I do know at the Seattle Center there will be Whirligig on March 28th – April 13th. Check out this website: http://www.seattlecenter.com/programs/detail.asp?EV_EventNum=23



    New Resident,

    Is your 8yo daughter coming from somewhere else for spring break or does she current live with you?



    She’s finishing her school year with her dad in Az. She’s coming from there for Spring Break? Why?



    Cinnamon… I also found this website and, although it seems to mostly cover summer camps, there are some that are year round offering day camps. Some of those look interesting. That Seattle Center activity looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for that. We will definitely be going there!




    NewResident: Please be careful about giving out too much personal information on this blog, just a thought from one-mom-to-another-mom! :)



    Why stick her in a daycamp? How bout spending the time that she is here with her and showing her the beauty of your new city. Just an idea.



    Wow, rdmac. You sure are clever. I’m sure you never considered for a minute what my situation is, just hurried up and found a way to bash me! Good for you! Do you feel better now that you have joined the parade of the ignorant? Against cinnamon’s very intelligent advice, I am with my daughter probably more than you are with your kids, assuming you have any. I fly for free and and am constantly in AZ. Her father and I are very good friends. Criticizing my parenting without knowing ANYTHING about me is really, really low. I was wrong before, cinnamon. I’m starting to believe these really ARE high school kids.



    I completely understand NewResident! I just said what I said because you know who is who on these boards and there are alot of weirdos out there. No one can understand your situation more than you. Having a child attend a day camp or a all day camp isn’t about not wanting to spend time with your kids, it is about allowing your kids to have different experiences with other kids. I am sure you are a great and very loving Mom.



    Well, you were definitely right, cinnamon. That was great advice. I’ve noticed also that no one on this blog, when they have made an incorrect assumption or been corrected, has ever been big enough to apologize. I really hope the behavior I’ve witnessed on this site isn’t indicative of the majority of people who live here. I thought people in Seattle were nice.



    They might even have week-long camps such as up in the San Juan’s? I remember spending a time up there in my youth….jesus f’n christ that was a long time ago…lol



    I just did a search under summer day camps and came up with this long list.


    Hopefully that link will work.




    lol Bonnie, you’re faster than me



    I bet growing up here in this area was wonderful! Remember, I’m from Az which, of course has it’s good points, but is pretty bland. Up here, on the other hand, I’m amazed almost every day by the beauty. We haven’t even been able to explore too much yet. I suspect that is mostly what we will be doing over the Break. Thanks for the suggestion, Erik.



    I’ll be headed down to Surprise to see my mommy, and spring training, next month.



    The weather will be perfect!!! Spring training is the best!! So much fun!



    Small world!! My husband has an Aunt and Uncle who live in Surprise, AZ they say it is beautiful!! I’m originally from Southern CA so it took awhile for me to get use to the cold weather up here.



    Bonnie, and Erik, thanks for that other link. There is so much there!

    I’ve never been to Surprise, but I’ve heard that it’s really growing.

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