RANT: Why can't you let us cross?

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    People who are going south on 35th and want to turn left onto Avalon–why do you almost run into people crossing the street there? We were walking quickly enough. It should’ve been obvious that people were trying to walk across. We have to hold our hands out to indicate for you to stop.

    Is there some new law I’m not aware of that pedestrians must wait for all left-turning cars?

    This has happened at least three times in the last couple months, at around 7:10 am.

    Can’t pedestrians and people driving cars co-exist peacefully anymore?



    At 0710 I don’t believe that you can make a left turn onto Avalon from 35th. Not saying that I don’t watch people try to make illegal turns, just that it’s already not permitted (I believe).

    Hell, I’d just like to see people actually stop at stop signs. Around the Jct it seems that many don’t even slow down, let alone stop.



    I think the sign says no left turns 3pm-7pm (except transit). That intersection is so busy it really needs a left-turn arrow on all four sides, not just the Avalon sides.



    Maybe i’m thinking the other direction.


    I actually put a wrong direction in my post! I meant people going north on 35th, not south, though they’re still turning left onto Avalon.

    Sorry for the confusion. I think it’s legal for them to turn there, but it’s probably not ok to almost run into pedestrians! :)


    Yes, that corner could use left-turn arrows on all sides.



    I’ve almost been hit there crossing the street as well…I think it’s people in a hurry to get into the long line at the Starbucks. Last time that happened I was about five months pregnant and had to run out of the way to avoid getting hit by a guy in a beat up truck and it scared the daylights out of me. I don’t think 35th can accommodate a left turn lane at that intersection unfortunately. Some drivers need to get out of their cars and walk sometimes so they’d realize how dangerous it can be as a pedestrian in this city.



    and those turning left at that intersection to get to Starbucks sometimes don’t actually put their signals on until they are actually turning. Those of us who actually want to continue north on 35th always have a lovely time waiting. A pet peeve of mine.



    I’ve become so accustomed to anticipating some sort of hazard at that intersection and particularly the section of Avalon between 35th and Fauntleroy that it doesn’t even bother me any more.
    With all of the existing and new apartment buildings in the area, it may be time for some pedestrian walk lights.



    I travel NB on 35th and take a right at Avalon every morning. I’ve seen these dangerous left turners many times and agree something needs to change here before a terrible accident happens. This situation is putting pedestrians and other drivers at risk daily. Twice in the last week, I’ve had someone turning left from SB 35th completely cut me off as I’m making my right turn while the light is still green. I understand if it turns yellow that a left turner should be able to get through, but this is just a case of rude drivers forcing their way through the intersection, other drivers and pedestrians be damned. I’ve also seen these left turners get stuck and forced to turn after the light is red as well.

    This intersection needs dedicated left turn signals or a 24/7 no left turn policy. This is simply too dangerous as is, with our current volume of vehicle and pedestrian traffic using this intersection.



    I just read West Seattle Since 1979’s follow up that the direction was wrong in original post. So, I’ll just add that the same problem exists both ways as I just posted about my troubles going NB. Turning left from 35th to Avalon in either direction is too dangerous and something needs to change!

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