Petsitter Needed

Home Forums West Seattle Jobs Offered Petsitter Needed

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    We are looking for someone to watch our cat while we are out of town from November 18th through November 28th. Our cat is just over one year old and is well behaved. She is an indoor cat and is used to having us around all of the time. Therefore, we would like to find a temporary West Seattle home for her to stay at while we are away. If interested, please email me at



    You know it is probably best to have some one visit your house instead of bringing her to some one’s house. It really does cause a lot of stress most businesses mentioned on this blog are reliable and trustworthy.




    I think a Pet Sitter making visits is best too. Keeping pets in their own surroundings is always best. I Highly recommend “Catspa Cat Care” she is in West Seattle and been in business for close to 20 yrs. 206-935-5956



    We are not looking for someone to come to our home to feed our cat. We don’t want to heat our house while we are gone. Plus, we turn our water off while we are away. If anyone is interested in having a kitty guest for 10 days, please contact me at Thanks!

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