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August 31, 2008 at 4:47 pm #587927
MissKMemberI posted this on another post, but thought it might get lost in that thread.
I found this interesting blog article on Palin’s “pregnancy” of her youngest child.
August 31, 2008 at 5:05 pm #636756
charlabobParticipantRead it quickly; they’re getting pressure to remove the article. I gotta say, her daughter looks a lot more pregnant than she does AND. The rest of the facts obviously need to be checked.
Thanks, MissK
August 31, 2008 at 5:14 pm #636757
MissKMemberIf you scroll down almost towards the bottom of the page, there is a photo of Palin with her first pregnancy and 3 days before the last child’s birth. She does NOT look ready to have a baby. It looks like she is wearing a belt. Hmmmm???? I hope they don’t remove the blog post and I hope the facts are sorted out. I just find it interesting that all the pieces of the puzzle don’t fit for this pregnancy.
August 31, 2008 at 5:23 pm #636758
changingtimesMemberomg! right out of desperate housewives!!
August 31, 2008 at 5:39 pm #636759
GenHillOneParticipantWhile I love a story worthy of a Lifetime movie, a) if true, she would be crazy to enter the national spotlight with a secret like this and b) if not true, it would be tragic to put the 16-year-old through the rumor mill. Actually true or not, I don’t like the idea of exposing the 16-year-old to this kind of scrutiny but if it’s true, I would blame her mom, see a) above. As presented, things don’t seem to add up. Facts need to be checked for sure.
August 31, 2008 at 5:44 pm #636760
MissKMemberI think people of power think they can protect themselves with that “power.” Look at Edwards, Clinton, the various religious leaders who were caught lieing. They thought that things would never get out, but hmmm they did. If this indeed is true I would say her career would pretty much be over before it begins. If this blog is taken down that would also make me wonder. I guess only time will tell?
August 31, 2008 at 5:45 pm #636761
charlabobParticipantI have the articles and links snarfed away, so if it disappears, it won’t really. (They are getting more sophisticated about cache.)
This is a very sad story. The story isn’t the poor 16 year-old or the 50-s style “my mother is really my grandmother” story. I actually know two adults who found this out late in life.
All this dreadful vicious self-centered woman would have had to do is graciously decline the offer to be veep candidate. McInane would have gotten points and she could have saved her family the publicity. Frankly, no one cares who gets knocked up in the family of the governor of Alaska. The story was known there. Look at the damned pictures. “Someone in this family is pregnant…wonder who it is?
Doing this, and then, as they will, whining about the story is not any kind of family value.
This is yet more proof that the theocratic right is only interested in the pre-born. Imagine the effect on the daughter. This might have been her choice; but you can bet your last pamper she didn’t have a choice.
August 31, 2008 at 5:47 pm #636762
bcollinsMemberthe point should be qualifications for vp…not the qualifications for breeding…I am not a Palin fan, but I think the blog and this thread is out of line.
August 31, 2008 at 5:51 pm #636763
August 31, 2008 at 5:58 pm #636764
MissKMemberHow can this be out of line? It’s not about breeding it’s about touting the pro-choice ideal and not ever being pregnant and having to make that choice. Also having the public think that she really held onto those ideals and chose to have a baby knowing it would be born with Down Syndrome. I think it shows a persons character and how they will conduct themselves whilst in office. So yes I think it’s totally in line.
August 31, 2008 at 6:06 pm #636765
charlabobParticipantExactly, it’s about lying — about judgement. Pictures are easily altered — videos? Not so much. As I said, I feel very bad for the daughter — and furious at her mother for putting her through this. The party that wraps itself up in pious “family values” should at least vet the background of their main proposed mouthpiece for such values.
I predict a teary “confession” followed by loud complaints about the outing of this story. The only person responsible for the fact that this story is public is Palin. Period.
August 31, 2008 at 6:15 pm #636766
beachdrivegirlParticipantI feel really really bad for the daughter! I read the article it did have some interesting questions and points but to bring an innocent 16 year old girl into this is just plain wrong.
August 31, 2008 at 6:28 pm #636767
c@lbobMemberSara Palin fired Alaska Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan coincident with her staff pressuring Monegan to fire state trooper Mike Wooten, Palin’s ex-brother-in-law. She likely forced her daughter to carry a child then pretended to be the mother of the child.
Palin’s “family values” remind me a lot of those of the Hatfields and McCoys, of turn of the 20th century vendetta feud fame.
Right out of the Great Smoky Mountains.
August 31, 2008 at 6:32 pm #636768
charlabobParticipantBDG, I agree with you and the person who brought the kid into the spotlight is her mother. The theocratic right is using Palin’s carrying to term a DS child as proof of her family values. I’m sure the most fanatic of them would have the same reaction to the true story — but the repugs didn’t want to take that chance. Never has my annoying nickname for them been more appropriate.
August 31, 2008 at 7:08 pm #636769
MissKMemberCorrection to post #10 I meant pro-life ideals that the republican party touts, not pro-choice. Where was my mind????
August 31, 2008 at 8:09 pm #636770
mellaw6565MemberThis thread is still based on the assumption that the story is true. Think about what the 16y/o will go through if it’s not true and the spotlight stays on the rumor? So let’s not pass judgement yet – although it still doesn’t sway me on whether Palin’s qualified to be VP – she’s not.
August 31, 2008 at 8:27 pm #636771
mellaw6565MemberWith the delay in the Convention caused by Gustav, this may give the main press time to research the story. If it is true, this close to the election McCain will lose for sure as it will definitely reflect his lack of judgment.
August 31, 2008 at 10:31 pm #636772
MissKMembermellaw – That’s what I thought when I first heard about the Edwards infidelity. That story broke by The National Enquirer. That was looked at as absolute bs……and turned out to be oh so right. I hope that the media can find out the truth. I just think that this country has had enough of “Do as I say not as I do.”
August 31, 2008 at 11:37 pm #636773
AnonymousInactiveI think this is disgusting, horrendous and irresponsible reporting (if that’s what you would call it).
What a horrible situation for a 16 year old girl to have to go through. I only see this claim being made by the more liberal media (although, I may not be researching enough). If anything, it confirms my feelings about most liberals more than anything.
As far as proof that it can’t possibly be Mrs. Palin’s, there is none. Palin looks exactly like I did when I was pregnant. I didn’t even SHOW until the middle of the 7th month. When I was in the hospital for delivery, nurses couldn’t believe I was even ready to deliver. Some women do not get huge when pregnant (it’s actually not healthy to).
What a sad world we live in today.
August 31, 2008 at 11:42 pm #636774
thriftwaygirlParticipantThis is HUGE! This is a dangerous woman.
September 1, 2008 at 12:07 am #636775
AnonymousInactiveHow, exactly, does this ridiculous, unsubstantiated rumor make Palin “dangerous”?
September 1, 2008 at 12:23 am #636776
mellaw6565MemberNR – it’s not ridiculous, just unsubstantiated. You would agree that if it is true, it would be the nail in her coffin and probably McCain’s?
September 1, 2008 at 12:33 am #636777
addParticipantIt will be interesting to see what becomes of this “sotry” … been reading through a blog on Alaskan politics http://tinyurl.com/6enuba – some interesting stuff there!
Sarah Palin, seven months pregnant with her first child:
Sarah Palin, seven months “pregnant†with her fifth child:
September 1, 2008 at 12:34 am #636778
thriftwaygirlParticipantThe rumor is not what makes Palin dangerous, some may see this rumor as “heroic” defending the family like that.
I personally do not think it is right for any person in political office to allegedly lie to their constituents, but NR, in response to your question, it’s my opinion that what makes this woman dangerous is her political views and policy.
September 1, 2008 at 12:41 am #636779
GenHillOneParticipantIt’s spreading like wildfire – now starting to hit celebrity gossip sites (per Google search). Is the Nat’l Enquirer next?
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