Online Blanket drive for Nickelsville

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    God Bless you! I will spread the word further and see if we can round up some ‘free’ wood. They will go through it very quickly! Thanks ‘waterworld’ for your follow through!



    Thanks adelle, waterworld, and everyone else for helping out NV.

    Regarding firewood, any burnable wood is greatly appreciated, even scrap wood.

    The only thing is, any wood that has been treated in any way, or painted, can not be used, due to the release of toxic chemicals when being burned.

    It’s a great feeling to see the WSB community continuing to be so passionately involved in helping out Nickelsville, after reading the discouraging news of the City planning on forcing Operation Sack Lunch to shut down their program of feeding the homeless under the freeway, and wondering if that will put OSL’a feeding program at NV in jeopardy.




    2muchwhine and munchkin22 got together to get another two loads of wood to the camp…wonderful work on their part to deliver at the camp’s darkest hour. Many thanks to them!



    As said in another posting, we delivered 2 truckloads of firewood today so they should be good for a couple of days. We were leaving just after waterworld delivered hers. There’s more to be had, but the weather will dictate when that will be cut and delivered.



    Hey waterworld, I talked to the same place today. I can’t haul any significant amount as I no longer have a truck, but I’m working with the same business to get some firewood delivered. Hopefully that will happen tomorrow–as munchkin22 says, it depends on the weather.



    Thanks to Cclarue for starting this as a ‘blanket’ drive. You are the start of a wonderful chain of events !! xo!



    Datamuse: Wonderful! Glad to hear you called the Burien fellow. FWIW, I had never met Bob the firewood man before, so I didn’t ask him for a discount. But we talked about NV for quite a while and he seemed genuinely concerned and sympathetic. I thought maybe next time I would ask if he can offer any sort of discount on the wood or on the delivery fee. There might be an incentive for him to mark it down a little, considering that there will likely be several more deliveries this winter and spring. Then again, I have no idea if he can afford to take anything off the price.


    I’m glad to hear you are working on arranging a delivery, though. Ordinarily, I would have worked on rounding up money to get a whole cord or more delivered; I’m sure it’s far more efficient. Today, though, I just wanted to get something over there, even if only a wagon-load.



    Please let us give Kudos to this Burien business on the B-Town blog, too. Is this business willing to lend their name for their nice deed? When Burien Bark donated bark and wood chips, they got nice coverage on the blog and hopefully more people will use their wonderful family business!

    Each one helping one!



    We’ve made two trips so far. Took fleece jackets/sweatshirts for men and women. Gloves and hats, too. Asked several people what else they might need. I was told everytime that batteries are in high demand to power lamps, flashlights, etc. Was able to take up quite a few batteries today but more would be great if anyone else thinks about it tossing some in with their delivery.



    Waterworld, datamuse, adelle1016, munchkin22, 2muchwhine…thanks to all of you involved in getting the wood delivered. I can’t physically help with any deliveries, but I would be happy to contribute to a donation for wood and delivery. Perhaps the company would take credit cards over the phone for a portion of the cost so that many could donate for a larger amount and price break? thoughts? other ideas?



    icrijon, I asked about that and it seems he doesn’t take credit cards, unfortunately…probably either I or my husband will meet with him directly to arrange payment.

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