Need guidance: off leash dogs on my property

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    My sister mentioned that she would love to use bloodmeal in her garden but that it’s too stinky. She also mentioned that dogs love to roll in it. So…if you can stand the smell in your yard for awhile, spread bloodmeal somewhere in your yard where it won’t bother you too much, the off-leash dogs will roll in it, get stinky, and reward their wonderful owners. Perhaps, after a few walks down your alley, they might eventually get the message that if they leash up their dog it won’t need a bath quite so often.



    velo..I suggest you share your “warped” sense of humor on another forum, since we’re just too sensitive to violence. At least we walk the talk !



    I really don’t understand what you mean, “walk the talk”.

    And as for me sharing my “warped” sense of humor else where?




    walk the talk…we out here who don’t believe in violence in any form do not post jokes about it, esp. not gun violence :)

    Have a great week !



    Thanks for your 2 cents


    lucky chick

    Velo, you’re cracking me up today (too bad it’s only me). Namaste, peace out, and goddess bless-




    Rock on!



    The bloodmeal idea is hysterical!!!

    I hear that dogs like to roll in deer poop too! Might be a little more difficult to ascertain, but if you could get the off leash dogs to roll in the deer poop, then the bloodmeal…oh my, what a vision….and smell!



    Dogs that roll in deer poop must smell pretty funkietoo.



    Hmmm Velo might be onto something here. I wouldn’t have to worry about a cat in my house but I do have an 8 month old baby crawling around. If I felt the dog was aggresive and was going to take a bite of my daughter I do and would use my concealed carry weapon.

    If you are absolutly opposed to violence though then I think closing the door and keeping the dog in the house is a great idea. Get the dog into a room alone without the cat and call the police. If the owner gives you are hard time charge him with tresspasing. Then he gets a nice ticket and maybe learns his lesson. Sometimes unfortunatly it takes something drastic to make an impression.



    Perhaps you could post a sign that says “If your off-leash dog enters this property it will be confined and turned over to Animal Control.” You could charge a nice cash fee for the return of the dog for “damages”.



    DP – you just made my morning! It is the spanish inquisition style of punishment – “not the fluffy chair!!!”

    We have armed ourselves with some super soakers and will keep you posted – I do like the idea of making them stinky dogs as long as it doesn’t punish all who live down wind from us in the process.

    There is a clearly posted sign about off leash dogs and when the park ends the road being private property – sadly the dogs to not pay any attention. Wouldn’t it be nice if they just saw those signs and thought to themselves – “better not head there, this is not my space and where is my leash? – silly non-rule following owner of mine.”



    I’ve complained to Animal Control as well. They are way understaffed or there are too many irresponsible pet owners.



    Elizagrace — a little white vinegar in the water should do the trick. It doesn’t taste good but won’t hurt them. Actually, it may not work with German Shepherds and German Shorthairs because they were weaned on sauerkraut …

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