Need guidance: off leash dogs on my property

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    *Disclaimer: I am not trying to start a dog war so troll somewhere else if you are*

    We live on Lincoln park – on a dead end that is a very popular entrance for walkers into the park. We love the location, our house neighbors and our walking neighbors who we feel like we get to know through their love for the park.

    However there are a handful of people who take the “leash your pet” law as a mere suggestion rather than the rule/law.

    Recently – over the past year – there have been some extreme offenders who let their dogs to far off leash they are out of sight and on our porch -in our yard – trampling through our veggie garden. I have on more than one occasion asked the owner directly to put their dogs on a leash – twice it was friendly and they said that they would – yet still no action.

    This last week their two huge dogs came bounding up my stairs and nearly into our house (lovely warm afternoon with an open door as I was in the garden).

    This time I yelled in complete frustration towards the direction of the owner who was not in sight to get their dogs off my property and on a leash.

    What can I do, what are the next steps I should take, or is this just the price we pay for living on the park – suggestions please.



    Let the dogs into the house, shut the door, and tell the owner that Animal Control is on the way to pick up the dogs and issue 2 off-leash citations.



    This dog owner is the type of person who believes the rest of the world thinks their dogs are as cute as they do. When someone expresses an opinion to the contrary (e.g., No, I DON’T like it when your big, stinky dog jumps on me or comes bounding up my stairs) this information is like static on their mental radio receiver. They can see your lips move, but they don’t even register what you’re saying to them.

    I hope you DO pursue this with Animal Control Eliza. Call and see if you can get them to do a stake-out by your property.



    it is partly the price you pay for where you live; when I lived on Beach Dr around the bend from Alki, I had cars turning around in my parking area all the time.

    However, I think there are things you can do. If a fence is an option, that might solve the problem. If not, have a sign made for your property informing people that off-leash dogs will be reported to Animal Control. Second, contact the Parks Dept to see if they are willing to put up any signage (not that signs will help … but it makes ticketing easier.) Third, contact Animal Control to see if they will send folks over either randomly or when you call. And, document everything (incl. pics and video if possible) so when you do approach agencies you can provide specifics.

    You can also try things like SuperSoakers (or hoses) or air horns to scare the dog away, but that might lead to a confrontation with the owner who is already ignoring the law.



    Thanks folks! I have thought about taking them into the house but since we have a cat she might commit suicide by jumping out the window to avoid dogs as she is the true “scardy cat”.

    I have considered just keeping animal control of speed dial and alerting them to the off leash dogs each time. I hate being a tattle tale but I am losing my patience.

    We have thought about a fence – we are starting by planting some more bushes on the property line to make a nature fence first…

    I really like the supersoaker idea – my husband would love that (maybe even a bit too much).

    Thank you for all the direction – I so much appreciate it. Happy sunny Friday!!



    People who ignore the leash law are no better than those who don’t scoop. They make the rest of us dog owners look bad. Don’t worry about tattling on them.



    Thanks KBear – I just tattled. I called animal control and talked to a very nice gentleman about the issue and he took all the relevant info and said that they would adjust the “patrols” in Lincoln park.

    I mentioned the super soaker idea and he laughed/chuckled and said that I could do what I have to to defend my property. :) (But added the caveat that I would have to bear that it might anger the owner). phsst – I tattled, I am buying a super soaker so I say, in true childish form: “whatevs”.

    Bring on the super soakers!!



    I walked through Lincoln Park just yesterday and was also irritated by the folks that think the “no dogs on beaches” signs somehow don’t apply to their dogs. I also noticed all of the new signs alerting people to the possibility of resting baby seals on beaches that are particularly vulnerable to dogs. I was thinking also of alerting Animal Control but thought that they probably get ten calls a day on the same issue. I will call them next time. Yes, I do like dogs- at least they have an excuse in that they can’t read the signs.



    I don’t mind the dogs on the beach, I do mind the off leash dogs, especially when I have to dodge big craps in the middle of the north path to the beach.

    What about a large-ish sign that reads:

    “You are on private property, off-leash dogs will be reported to animal control”

    Or…get a honey badger to chase them away. The Honey Badger is Badass…



    metrognome it is not the price she pays for living where she lives, it is a nice day and she have the right to leave her doors open with out worrying about dogs coming in her house.

    I like the idea of locking the dogs in your house, it is YOUR property you can do what you want. I understand about the cat. Then called Seattle animal control.

    I would be happy to come and sit and have a “nice” conversation with those irresponsible people who allow there dogs to run free.

    Image if one chased your cat inside your house. No way.. Super soaker cute idea:)

    Good luck.



    man, it’s so funny… just the other day i was thinking; “how long has it been since there’s been a stroke-inducing thread on WSB regarding off leash dogs?!”

    let’s get it on, West Seattle!!!



    Hunter G- I wasn’t clear. There were many dogs on the beach. About half were off -leash although I believe the no dogs on the beach signs are for all dogs.



    Own a gun? I have a solution.


    Participant you say these things because you believe that’s an answer? or to just rile people up? or are you just a silly person?



    there is a sprinkler meant to deter deer that is motion activated…

    could be used to deter even two legged critters from entering your yard


    2 Much Whine

    I vote for the honey badger.



    I’m sure spritzing a hot dog with cool water will be an excellent deterrent.



    The horror . . .

          The HORROR!!!






    I can’t bear to watch any more of this. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves for advocating this kind of cruelty.



    All of the above.




    works better when you surprise them with a high volume stream of water



    Or a 9mm



    velo, I’ve got a pretty flexible sense of humor, but it doesn’t stretch to the point of threatening an innocent human or animal with physical harm. In my last post, I wasn’t actually advocating spraying a dog with water as a deterrent. I was merely pointing out that it probably wouldn’t work if someone did do that, because dogs enjoy water. Especially on hot days.

    I’m assuming you were in jest with your comments as well. That’s cool, but please knock it off with the gun stuff, will ya? You’re creeping me out.

    (And probably not just me either.)







    Meh. I Dont own a gun. Just in my imagination. Y’all take font on a screen too seriously

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