Maynard–the Rottie That Was Shot By Father 'n' Son, Then Left For Dead

Home Forums Open Discussion Maynard–the Rottie That Was Shot By Father 'n' Son, Then Left For Dead

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  • #685831


    And did you read this part?

    An animal rights group, Pasado, posted a $10,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest of the person/s who shot the dog and left him for dead – and then, “Allegedly, one of the two men turned himself in an effort to collect the reward.”




    And did you read this part?

    An animal rights group, Pasado, posted a $10,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest of the person/s who shot the dog and left him for dead – and then, “Allegedly, one of the two men turned himself in an effort to collect the reward.”



    Wow…what a couple of D-Bags. I hope Maynard gets to bite them once again in his afterlife.


    Wow…what a couple of D-Bags. I hope Maynard gets to bite them once again in his afterlife.



    Assholes like this deserve to be treated in the same manner…IMO. Many will see this as extreme, but, again IMO, animals deserve to have this planet as their own much more than humans do. I am not a misanthrope, but I do understand what true compassion is and know what my patience level is in regards to acts of cruelty, whether it be toward an animal or human.

    Before we (humans) came along our companion animals did just fine on their own. They hunted for their food, only exhibited aggression in regards to an attack, or for breeding rights and lived according to life’s system. “Eat, sleep, breed, die”.

    Systematically over time we have bred them to depend on us almost completely. Which is a double edged sword. They love us and depend on us, yet love us and depend on us – its a crap shoot as to if they get a good human or not. Cruelly killing an animal like this, is an act bred from anger, sheer ignorance and a complete lack of morals.

    And Velo…although I understand PBR fueled postings, I bet those men who did this to Maynard also said “its just a dog”…just to put your insensitive statement into perspective. Do you really want to be grouped with those types of individuals?

    Putting an animal down humanely and killing an animal are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. This angers me in so many ways. And someone who says “its just a dog” IMO (again) is severely lacking in the compassion department.



    Assholes like this deserve to be treated in the same manner…IMO. Many will see this as extreme, but, again IMO, animals deserve to have this planet as their own much more than humans do. I am not a misanthrope, but I do understand what true compassion is and know what my patience level is in regards to acts of cruelty, whether it be toward an animal or human.

    Before we (humans) came along our companion animals did just fine on their own. They hunted for their food, only exhibited aggression in regards to an attack, or for breeding rights and lived according to life’s system. “Eat, sleep, breed, die”.

    Systematically over time we have bred them to depend on us almost completely. Which is a double edged sword. They love us and depend on us, yet love us and depend on us – its a crap shoot as to if they get a good human or not. Cruelly killing an animal like this, is an act bred from anger, sheer ignorance and a complete lack of morals.

    And Velo…although I understand PBR fueled postings, I bet those men who did this to Maynard also said “its just a dog”…just to put your insensitive statement into perspective. Do you really want to be grouped with those types of individuals?

    Putting an animal down humanely and killing an animal are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. This angers me in so many ways. And someone who says “its just a dog” IMO (again) is severely lacking in the compassion department.


    Amen DBurns, HunterG, miws, GenHillOne, etc…

    How can anyone think that “they” are so much more important than any of God’s creatures? An arrogance like that will come back to bite ya!

    Sorry Maynard you had to spend your short time on Earth with the the lowest of lowest scum of life-forms. Not everyone is this way.

    There are some of us that take responsibility, care for their loved ones and don’t just tie them to a tree and shoot them when their entertainment levels aren’t raised.


    Amen DBurns, HunterG, miws, GenHillOne, etc…

    How can anyone think that “they” are so much more important than any of God’s creatures? An arrogance like that will come back to bite ya!

    Sorry Maynard you had to spend your short time on Earth with the the lowest of lowest scum of life-forms. Not everyone is this way.

    There are some of us that take responsibility, care for their loved ones and don’t just tie them to a tree and shoot them when their entertainment levels aren’t raised.



    “Just a dog” Wow. Kidding or not, that’s cold.

    “Until one has loved an animal

    a part of one’s soul remains unawakened”

    -Anatole France

    From time to time, people tell me,

    “lighten up, it’s just a dog,”

    or, “that’s a lot of money for just a dog.”

    They don’t understand the distance traveled,

    the time spent, or the costs involved for

    “just a dog.”

    Some of my proudest moments have come about with

    “just a dog.”

    Many hours have passed and my only company was

    “just a dog,”

    but I did not once feel slighted.

    Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by

    “just a dog,”

    and in those days of darkness,

    the gentle touch of “just a dog”

    gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.

    If you, too, think it’s “just a dog,”

    then you will probably understand phases

    like “just a friend,” “just a sunrise,” or

    “just a promise.”

    “Just a dog” brings into my life the very essence

    of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy.

    “Just a dog” brings out the compassion and

    patience that make me a better person.

    Because of “just a dog” I will rise early,

    take long walks and look longingly to the future.

    So for me and folks like me, it’s not “just a dog”

    but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams

    of the future, the fond memories of the past,

    and the pure joy of the moment.

    “Just a dog” brings out what’s good in me and

    diverts my thoughts away from myself and the

    worries of the day.

    I hope that someday they can understand that

    it’s not “just a dog”

    but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps

    me from being “just a man.”

    So the next time you hear the phrase “just a dog.”

    just smile, because they “just don’t understand.”

    Sandra Dee



    “Just a dog” Wow. Kidding or not, that’s cold.

    “Until one has loved an animal

    a part of one’s soul remains unawakened”

    -Anatole France

    From time to time, people tell me,

    “lighten up, it’s just a dog,”

    or, “that’s a lot of money for just a dog.”

    They don’t understand the distance traveled,

    the time spent, or the costs involved for

    “just a dog.”

    Some of my proudest moments have come about with

    “just a dog.”

    Many hours have passed and my only company was

    “just a dog,”

    but I did not once feel slighted.

    Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by

    “just a dog,”

    and in those days of darkness,

    the gentle touch of “just a dog”

    gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.

    If you, too, think it’s “just a dog,”

    then you will probably understand phases

    like “just a friend,” “just a sunrise,” or

    “just a promise.”

    “Just a dog” brings into my life the very essence

    of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy.

    “Just a dog” brings out the compassion and

    patience that make me a better person.

    Because of “just a dog” I will rise early,

    take long walks and look longingly to the future.

    So for me and folks like me, it’s not “just a dog”

    but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams

    of the future, the fond memories of the past,

    and the pure joy of the moment.

    “Just a dog” brings out what’s good in me and

    diverts my thoughts away from myself and the

    worries of the day.

    I hope that someday they can understand that

    it’s not “just a dog”

    but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps

    me from being “just a man.”

    So the next time you hear the phrase “just a dog.”

    just smile, because they “just don’t understand.”

    Sandra Dee



    this is so wrong in so many ways



    this is so wrong in so many ways



    Pigeonmom, you rock. That was a lovely piece you wrote.



    Pigeonmom, you rock. That was a lovely piece you wrote.




    Dan Satterberg’s email address is

    And here is the court case information:

    Trial Date: Monday, Jan 11th 9:00am (This date may change so be sure to check court schedule-website and required search info provided below)

    Case No: 09-1-04527-1 (Terrence Hedin–father)

    Case No: 09-1-04528-0 (Travis Hedin–son)

    Charges: 1st Degree Animal Cruelty (a felony)

    Case Type: Criminal

    Court Name: Superior

    Year Filed: 2009

    Thank you for your question and for wanting to take action. The more citizens that Contact Mr. Satterberg, the better.

    I sent an email yesterday, outlining some of the cruelty specifics including how animal cruelty translates directly to abusing humans and that these two should be punished to the fullest extent of our Animal Cruelty laws. They should not be granted the ‘priviledge’ of a plea bargin just because they make good money/have careers; might lose their careers/jobs if convicted of a felony; etc. These two knew exactly what they were doing and need to be held accountable. (IMO only)




    Dan Satterberg’s email address is

    And here is the court case information:

    Trial Date: Monday, Jan 11th 9:00am (This date may change so be sure to check court schedule-website and required search info provided below)

    Case No: 09-1-04527-1 (Terrence Hedin–father)

    Case No: 09-1-04528-0 (Travis Hedin–son)

    Charges: 1st Degree Animal Cruelty (a felony)

    Case Type: Criminal

    Court Name: Superior

    Year Filed: 2009

    Thank you for your question and for wanting to take action. The more citizens that Contact Mr. Satterberg, the better.

    I sent an email yesterday, outlining some of the cruelty specifics including how animal cruelty translates directly to abusing humans and that these two should be punished to the fullest extent of our Animal Cruelty laws. They should not be granted the ‘priviledge’ of a plea bargin just because they make good money/have careers; might lose their careers/jobs if convicted of a felony; etc. These two knew exactly what they were doing and need to be held accountable. (IMO only)



    done – thanks for the email address

    and a little googling tells me where I might NOT want to spend my money…geesh, you never know what people are capable of do you



    done – thanks for the email address

    and a little googling tells me where I might NOT want to spend my money…geesh, you never know what people are capable of do you



    Just sent this off:

    “Dear Mr. Satterberg,

    I’m am writing to you regarding Superior Court Case Numbers: 09-1-04527-1 (Terrence Hedin) and, 09-1-04528-0 (Travis Hedin)

    Charges: 1st Degree Animal Cruelty.

    These are currently scheduled to be heard on Monday, January 11, 2010, at 9:00 a.m.

    Considering the sheer cruelty shown by these two, I urge you to consider charging them to the fullest extent the law allows.

    I don’t, for a second, believe they were trying to humanely “put the dog to sleep”, and had no other choice, or couldn’t afford another method. From what I have heard about them, it sounds as if they are far from destitute. Even if they were, there are options out there to humanely put an animal down, and I’m not even sure that it would have been necessary. Perhaps not all, but some dogs deemed as vicious, can be rehabilitated, or at least relocated to a place that is both safe for them, and the general public.

    This seems to be nothing more than a revenge killing. The dog had apparently bitten the wife, of the younger Hedin, on a couple of occasions. I’m not certain, but I seem to remember hearing, or reading somewhere, just after the story originally broke in the media, that on at least one of the occasions, the wife had actually taunted the dog. If that is indeed the case, it makes the actions of these two even more reprehensible. Sure, truly vicious dogs are a concern, but a dog that is being taunted, that bites the one doing the taunting, is only instinctively acting in self defense.

    But, even if that isn’t the case, there’s no excuse for how these two acted. Again, there are other options. Even in our more rural areas, these are not the times of decades past, when it was considered that taking an animal out and shooting it, because it needed to be put down for whatever reason, to be the most humane method.

    These two left the dog to suffer, instead of checking to see if it was indeed dead. There is nothing humane about that. Plus, if the dog was so loved, even using the “logic” of their choice in putting down, it seems they certainly would have taken the body back home and buried it. This, in my opinion, was nothing more than a cruel revenge.

    So, again, I urge you to bring full charges, with no plea bargaining. No matter what status these two may have in their community, their actions do not warrant any leniency. From what I have read and heard on this, I have come to the opinion that it was an intentional, pre-meditated action on the part of both of these two.

    Thank you for your time, and consideration of my opinion.


    Thank you, funkietoo, for bringing this to our attention, and urging us to act on it.




    Just sent this off:

    “Dear Mr. Satterberg,

    I’m am writing to you regarding Superior Court Case Numbers: 09-1-04527-1 (Terrence Hedin) and, 09-1-04528-0 (Travis Hedin)

    Charges: 1st Degree Animal Cruelty.

    These are currently scheduled to be heard on Monday, January 11, 2010, at 9:00 a.m.

    Considering the sheer cruelty shown by these two, I urge you to consider charging them to the fullest extent the law allows.

    I don’t, for a second, believe they were trying to humanely “put the dog to sleep”, and had no other choice, or couldn’t afford another method. From what I have heard about them, it sounds as if they are far from destitute. Even if they were, there are options out there to humanely put an animal down, and I’m not even sure that it would have been necessary. Perhaps not all, but some dogs deemed as vicious, can be rehabilitated, or at least relocated to a place that is both safe for them, and the general public.

    This seems to be nothing more than a revenge killing. The dog had apparently bitten the wife, of the younger Hedin, on a couple of occasions. I’m not certain, but I seem to remember hearing, or reading somewhere, just after the story originally broke in the media, that on at least one of the occasions, the wife had actually taunted the dog. If that is indeed the case, it makes the actions of these two even more reprehensible. Sure, truly vicious dogs are a concern, but a dog that is being taunted, that bites the one doing the taunting, is only instinctively acting in self defense.

    But, even if that isn’t the case, there’s no excuse for how these two acted. Again, there are other options. Even in our more rural areas, these are not the times of decades past, when it was considered that taking an animal out and shooting it, because it needed to be put down for whatever reason, to be the most humane method.

    These two left the dog to suffer, instead of checking to see if it was indeed dead. There is nothing humane about that. Plus, if the dog was so loved, even using the “logic” of their choice in putting down, it seems they certainly would have taken the body back home and buried it. This, in my opinion, was nothing more than a cruel revenge.

    So, again, I urge you to bring full charges, with no plea bargaining. No matter what status these two may have in their community, their actions do not warrant any leniency. From what I have read and heard on this, I have come to the opinion that it was an intentional, pre-meditated action on the part of both of these two.

    Thank you for your time, and consideration of my opinion.


    Thank you, funkietoo, for bringing this to our attention, and urging us to act on it.




    Just sent my email – please do it – it could really help the case and other animals in the future!



    Just sent my email – please do it – it could really help the case and other animals in the future!



    Pigeonmom, that was beautiful. It drives me crazy when people use the phrase “just a dog” – especially someone like velo who in fact has a dog.



    Pigeonmom, that was beautiful. It drives me crazy when people use the phrase “just a dog” – especially someone like velo who in fact has a dog.



    Two to be exact. And a cat. But really, it’s just a cat.

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