Maureen Dowd on the "stormin' Mormon"

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    that’s the nickname given to Mitt Romney by Faux News, not by me. So don’t jump on my case :D



    ““Corporations are people, my friend.” “

    corporations should not get the benefits of citizenship without the responsibilities



    Re: The Maureen Dowd opinion piece.

    Dowd indulges in the very shallowness she purports to scorn. I would have appreciated more discussion of Mitt Romney’s deeds, or even his words, rather than all this chatter about his hair.

    If Ms. Dowd’s point is that Romney is a closed book, ok. I get that. Does it really take 500 words to say that, though?

    Frankly, I’ve seen better political analysis right here on the WS Blog. (Blush, blush.)


    I’m still interested in discussing Romney, if anyone has the real scoop on him.



    Agreed JoB, and until we give ALL citizens in our Nation the right to marry their one true love (or at least the one RIGHT NOW), I want corporations to specify their gender. Gotta prevent any gay mergers, you know.

    Next time someone dies from a product by using it as it was intended, the corporation should get a death sentence, as well.

    Frankly, I don’t CARE what religion a politician is. In fact, I don’t even want to know what religion they adhere to, or even IF they adhere to a particular faith. In OUR Nation, it should be completely IRRELEVANT!!



    Ronald Reagan was a great Christian, although I don’t remember him every going to church and he didn’t sign documents until Nancy consulted the stars. Still, he said he was a Christian. Gotta wonder about the symbol of the party, the elephant has three upside down stars, which is the sign of the devil.



    Christians only as a blunt instrument of force. ChristianISTS.


    Take a look at Mitt’s business legacy of leveraged buyouts,minority stock holder acquisitions, ruthless takeovers and massive dismissal of employees, accompanied by the sale of company hard assets.

    He is about the accumulation of money at the expense of anyone/everyone-

    For fun compare that to a man we all know well who passed on guaranteed big bucks to work in his community.

    Soon people will make up their minds to what kind of a country they want to live in and what they honor.

    If its money, the party is really over-



    passed along from an old friend..

    “”The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it comes stronger than their democratic state itself. That in it’s essence is facism-ownership of government by an individual or group.” –FDR. “



    for the record..Dawson, I agree with you 100%. Religion should not enter into it at all. I remember back to when JFK was running. Oh, my, can a Catholic really run the country well? Or will his allegiance be to the Vatican? It really has nothing to do with anything.

    More to the point was the fact that he was so..”fake”…as he stood there in Iowa with one foot on a hay bale, spouting off about corporations being “people, my friend”. How condescending…like that person didn’t understand, didn’t see the bullshit in what Romney was saying. MBM has it right…we need to pay attention to what this man has done in the past businesswise.

    DP…yes, it was a light piece…it was meant that way…but it gets one to thinking…oh, and his hair? It really moved? There’s Romney, and there’s Rick Perry hair…and the hair on that guy from Illinois…umm… gotta admit, it’s pretty funny :D



    “corporations are my friend, people.”

    i hear willard romney is worth $250,000,000. that alone should disqualify him as president.

    and i haven’t seen his birth certificate, either. i don’t know for a fact that he was born here, or qualified to be president. i guess i’ll just have to take him at his word.



    If money is so damn evil…stop asking for so much. Yea… I know a rumored to be bright Harvard law grad…(not personally)..remember Antoine “Tony’ Rezko…you do all know that poverty pimping is a major US Industry..? That lawyer..he is an enabler. I watched ole Wavy Gravy last night… why don’t you all emulate him?

    Our Hero




    money is not evil

    it’s perfectly possible to invest in your company and your workers and make money. responsible businesses do it all of the time.

    you could say it is the good old American way…

    it’s too bad that most of America’s big businesses have forgotten that is how they became big businesses…



    Corporations ARE people. Both legally, and in reality(the one I work for is made up of all kinds of people).

    Non issue if not for the LMSM.



    Corporations are organizations

    which are made up of people.

    Every single person in a corporation already has all of the rights and obligations of a citizen..

    that is if they are citizens

    when you give an organization the rights of an individual you give every individual in that organization rights that ordinary individuals do not have… without the corresponding obligations.

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