Is this how we support our troops?

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    Jan – it’s so outrageous and so painful, I don’t know where to start. Seems like we’re powerless over this whole thing. The only power we have is to be sure to vote this crowd out in November.



    Disgusting, I have never seen such bad management of every portion of our government, Katrina, Abu Grabe, losing billion of dollars on flats in Iraq and the military hospitals. Seems to me,that there is just a general lack of caring of anyone with not enough money or the right connections.

    Write your reprsentatives, but Kathy is right without a bigger majority, there is little that can be done to overturn a veto.



    I think until we understand the real problem, we can’t begin to find the solution. Remember, these are the folks who want to drown government in the bathtub. They want to prove it is unalterably incompetent. They don’t want us to notice the difference between incompetent employees and an incompetent organization.

    Everything that’s happening with the banks, with the S&Ls, with new forms of capital formation — comes from privatization, which is another word from stealing from the poor and the middle class and giving to the rich.

    Until we start saying this, more loudly and more eloquently than I ever can, no majority will be enough. I just realized that Lawrence Summers, a chief economic advisor to Bill Clinton, is now a chief EA to Obama. That should scare us far more than FISA.

    You’re right, JoB — I have to stop beating around all this shrubbery :-)




    The one thing i will say about the Clinton administration is that Al Gore made it his job to make government more efficient… and cost effective…

    LOL i guess you could say it is efficient for the current administration to farm out all of the work to someone else… as long as you are talking about numbers.. but certainly not too cost effective.. and i think they actually added to the govt payroll while they farmed the work out…. and lets not even mention results:)

    land.. although Lawrence Summers scares some of us.. he is very reassuring to a lot of older folks…

    let’s hope he can do more with a more receptive congress…

    we need a democratic majority without counting blue dogs… then maybe something will get done.




    I’d like to bash Al Gore too. Not sure if its on topic. I get a little annoyed with the guys above politics stance. I don’t think its that well earned. If he was a better politician, none of us would have had to suffer through George W Bush. Sure, he did actually win the election, I know, but it shouldn’t have been that close. He was a moron to run away from Clinton, and he was a moron not to fight in Florida like James Baker and W’s team did for the presidency.

    Worse yet- he gave Joe Liebermann his lofty standing within the democratic party, and is why his speech at the RNC convention in September will have its stature.

    Okay, its off my chest. I’m done now.




    i wasn’t bashing Al Gore… a lot of the streamlining he did was good.

    Obama faces the same major challenge to election that Gore faced… the press.

    I don’t know if a stand in florida would have worked.. but he certainly should have led the fight to clean up the electoral system before the next election.. and he didn’t. but then, neither did Kerry.



    Democrat, Republican, Green Party or Technocrat…what does it matter? They are all the same.

    Will Rogers said it, “This is a wonderful country that will provide a job for a man who can’t do honest work…”



    the green party candidates might surprise you.

    they surprised me.

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