Help with Groceries

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    I have never witnessed more people use the baggers at the grocery stores to carry their items out to their car as I have here in Seattle.

    This really isn’t a big deal, I realize that, but I just find it fascinating. I just witnessed a women leaving a grocery store (In perfectly good health, I know that you can’t always know for sure), but she had obviously just come from working out or running, and the bagger carried her ONE little bag out to her car for her!

    Since I’m new to Washington, I’m curious, is this something that is big here?



    You tip the kids. They make some spending cash.



    if it’s Safeway, they’re not allowed to accept tips. The kids do like an excuse to go outside though:) Breaks up the monotony of the job. And I think some customers like a captive audience to talk to. I always thought it was strange myself unless there were physical limitations.



    Perhaps it’s because here they actually ask? I was at Safeway today and the checker asked me “Do you need help getting that out to your car?” Since I am in perfectly good health, I smiled and said no thanks. They *always* ask me this question at Safeway, so clearly it’s simply something they ask every customer.

    I don’t think I *ever* had a supermarket checker in Chicago ask if I needed help. They would gladly help me if I directly asked for it, but never proactively offered. Perhaps that is the difference — since it is offered it’s easy to say yes, instead of having to think of asking for help on your own.



    I agree that they don’t ask in Chicago. I lived downtown for a year and really didn’t see much customer service anywhere (but I do love Chicago!)

    But, that can’t be it because they ask in Arizona. Every time! The only time I’ve ever seen a bagger helping someone to their car in Arizona was when they had 2 cart loads. That kinda makes sense. But, not for ONE bag!



    One thing to consider if you do decide to use teh grocery baggers @ Safeway where they cant accept tips they can accept “gifts” during the holiday season such as a nice gift card or something of the sort if you do always use the same store and teh same bagger…



    When asked if I need help to my car, I generally reply “I’m ok” but quietly to just the bagger I add “…unless you need a break” They often take me up on it. It gives them a chance to get some fresh air.

    There’s one young man at Trader Joe’s who always volunteers to help me out, as he likes to get outside for a minute, but even more so, he says it makes him feel good to do something for other people and this is one way he can do it. He’s a sweet kid.



    Are tips expected? I shop at Thriftway and I never thought to tip. Although I do usually decline the help sometimes when I have my kids and a cart I accept. Now I feel terrible. I guess it makes sense but TW is so much about customer service tha I just assumed it was part of the job.



    I didn’t know they would take tips either. Gift cards are a great idea. I’m stubborn about NOT getting help, even though I obviously need it — but once in a while I relent —



    Charla…I’m the same. I’m so damned independent when it comes to things like that…oh, no, I can do it myself. Today I walked over, bought more than I should have, had to walk home with 4 bags and a cane. I could do it, of course, just a little slow and awkward. The bagger asked if he could help carry…when I explained I was walking across the street he said that they’re not allowed to leave the store premises :(



    Several months ago, I saw a very petite employee from Mud Bay carrying a HUGE bag of dog food on her back for a customer. The customer was a (seemingly) able-bodied man, at least twice her size, carying a small plastic bag. They walked over a block to his car, she smiled and was friendly the entire time. Talk about good customer service! I always laugh thinking about the two of them – what a sight! :)



    kc, I’m with you. It never occurred to me that they would accept (or expect) a tip. I rarely accept their offers for help but now I feel awful for the times I have and haven’t tipped.



    I have never seen anyone tip – I always thought that it was just a service that was provided. I think I’ll check with the Customer Service desk and ask what’s customary next time I’m at the TW.



    Before the Thriftway (now called Metromarket) did a major remodel, nobody volunteered to take groceries out to your car. After the remodel and to help their PR, they began the service. Safeway was quick to follow and it spread like wildfire.

    I never tip, but seldom accept help unless it’s raining. Then I don’t have to bring the cart back into the store myself through the rain (I never use those ridiculous cages in the parking lot because the store isn’t that much further). I accept the service happily.



    I have them help me bring the groceries to my car when I have my kids with me but never when I’m alone. I have them ask me when I’m by myself with only one bag but I never take them up on it.

    I hope I’m not supposed to tip because I never do!



    I am not sure about the tipping policy at each store. The reason why I brought up the gift card is becaue my 18 year old cousin is a bagger in Bellevue. He typically does not get tips; however when I saw him @ Christmas he was just tickled (he woudl kill me if he knew I used that word) that two of regular customers gave him gift cards as a Holiday Present and a big thank you… I dont use baggers, but made me realize that if I do I would want to show my thanks…



    I noticed that at QFC @ Westwood usually doesn’t offer help to the car even if I have my daughter with me. I didn’t think you were supposed to tip. Usually while they are out there they gather up the carts at the same time so I didn’t think anything of it.

    I never took up the offers of help until after I had my daughter.



    I tried to decline help once at the U Village QFC. The bagger already had his hands on the handles of my cart, and I smiled and said “No thank you, I can get it.” He looked at me very seriously and said, in a thick Eastern European accent, “It is my job to push cart.”



    Aim- great idea!



    Times have changed…when I was “box boy” it was assumed you took the groceries to car and load them if the person had a cart or needed help with more than one bag. We didn’t even ask, just did it.

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