Good place to buy cigars in WS?

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    Hi. I know it is not healthy but I like to have a cigar once every couple of months. I haven’t noticed any places to buy cigars in WS except at some grocery stores. The ones I have bought at grocery stores aren’t as good as when I have gone to a store in another city that has a walk in humidor, like Lit at Snoqualmie Casino. Are there any stores in WS that I am not aware of? Thanks.



    I don’t smoke tobacco very much these days so take these as you will.. There’s Cigar Land in Jefferson Square, I can’t really speak for their cigars but there’s a wall of them. They also have stuff like knives and low end import smoking glass. There’s also Rain City cigars, not in WS but not super far off down in Georgetown at the corner of Corson and Michigan (first exit south on the interstate if you get on at the WS bridge), the shop smells great and the folks who work there are knowledgeable and friendly. They have cigars and pipe tobacco. I kind of feel like they have a walk in but I’m not totally sure. It’s not a huge shop but it’s nice. Sorry I can’t be more specific! Rain city has a website-



    Another vote for Rain City. :D

    I’ve bought from Cigarland a couple of times when desperate. They have more humidor display cabinets than Rain City, and while properly kept, their selection of low-mid range cigars are at premium cigar prices.

    If you’re enjoying one or two cigars every couple of months, pick up a small airtight plastic container at the grocery store and call it your humidor or “tupperdor”. The kind that are rigid lexan if your budget allows. At Rain City or Cigarland you can pick up a handful of sticks you like AND a small ‘humi-pillow’ for your new tupperdor and be set for six months! :D

    Mmmmm…. cigars!



    Thanks for the info.



    I haven’t been impressed with anything offered locally either in price or quality. I order mine online through Famoussmokes, or JRCigar, they both have the best prices I’ve found, and you can order in packs of five, if you didn’t want to store too many.

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