Free stuff: Is it worth it?

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    Just thought I’d ask.



    just remember…sometimes you get what you pay for. I have gotten free things that were absolutely wonderful…Vita-Mix, computer desk, TV and stand… involves a bit of work…what exactly were you offered?



    yes, as long as you’re not the one who’s paying for it.



    Yes :)

    Since I offer free stuff (computer repair) I run into people who can’t understand why I do it and are therefore put off by it. I can understand that but there is not much I can do about it.

    I spent many years being rented out by the corporation I worked for at 175.00 an hour and the people who paid it seemed to think that was just fine.

    But I am retired/disabled and just need the puzzles and the brain work to entertain myself since my former work was also my hobby :)

    I don’t have a job or a business and I like to use my skills to help those who can’t pay now and I think we all win.

    Anyone who reads this and knows someone of any age who can’t afford a computer or has a dead one, let me know since I have a few laptops and desktops that are not spoken for yet.

    Some are suitable for Nicklesville (working batteries) and some are gonna be deskbound.

    I hope to get a few more that need minor repair/reload after this Christmas upgrade season :)

    Even those that are dead often have usable parts.


    WS Person

    And, speaking of free, if anyone is looking for a FREE printer, I still have an HP inkjet that works fine. The scanner doesn’t, but if all you need is a printer, this one works great (connects via USB). wolfie2748 at msn dot com



    Based on the Mayan calendar, I set all my stuff out in the yard with a big “FREE” sign yesterday.

    Well, as of today the world’s still here, but my stuff’s gone.


    It wouldn’t be so bad losing my own stuff. I mean . . . mOst of it was crap anyway but . . .

    I um . . . gave away the cats’ stuff too.




    DBP…shoud I be laughing or should I be sad for you? lolol..please send direction :)



    It’s unfortunate for you DPB that the Mayan calendar ends in December 2012 not December 2011…..



    Free stuff is good if you can use it now, or use that free part to fix something within three months. Random free stuff picked up because it was free? It becomes the basis for a big headache if you get too much of it.


    Betty T


    My daughter picked up a FREE tv from the curb several years ago and worked fine for sometime. Me–I’m never so lucky. Same with Yard Sale dealsFor some people they do good, I never have.

    I understand you’re reason for fixing for free and keeping your mind active. Helping others and same time helping yourself. I have your number and may need your help at some point.



    Ken! I’ve been looking for contact info for you! We have a computer with a broken hard drive that needs a doctor. No ER necessary, it’s been deceased for a month.

    Your contact info sir, please?



    Seattle is the capital of Free Stuff. It’s amazing!

    Since we have been here we have gotten nice quality, working, off the street:

    Webber BBQ grill

    Microwave oven

    8 cup Mr. Coffee maker

    Other sundry free stuff: two televisions, two bicycles, an electric crock pot, perfect set of mixing bowls, luggage, and a backpack.

    Just Saturday a neighbor put out a nice looking gas grill including propane tank. It’s gone.

    Last summer there was a neighbor who put out a really nice patio set with umbrella and four chairs.

    But on the other hand, we do see an abundance of wet couches languishing curbside for a very long time. Notice to neighbors: upholstered furniture should only be set out for grabs in the summer.



    transplantella, click on Ken’s name/member profile for his email address! Love, love, love what he does!




    you should always look a gift horse in the mouth..

    if the view is promising..

    don’t forget to say thank you



    Slowly learning the barter / trade system which is preferred in my opinion – where it makes sense or one / both parties are cash strapped. If each agrees to “the deal” then its win win.

    There are true experts at this and many stories (including urban legends) about some fantastic trades that built up over time to equal significant value.

    One of my favorite lines in a song: “…we pay half the price at twice the cost…”

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