Clippers Owner Must Go Tip of Iceburg

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    What the Clippers Owner Sterling was heard saying on tape was ignorant and racist.

    What he said, that few if any are discussing is “That he Lives in a Culture” that won’t permit him to mingle with the enemy … Blacks, and other minorities. This is what he told his girlfriend during this rant about her taking a picture with Magic Johnson.

    The importance of this comment is that a Culture … means a collectively organized group that lives and believes certain things about other groups


    Alki Warrior

    He’s not the first to discriminate nor he’ll be the last.



    If it is really true that this culture doesn’t allow him to mingle with the enemy, how is it that he has a girlfriend who’s ethnicity is mexican and african?



    This guys needs to be punished in what is essentially the only way he’ll understand – economically.

    The NBA is a collective and has limited options to force this guy to leave the collective – ie. sell the team. They can make him persona non grata in many ways which will be ego damaging but not necessarily hit him in the pocketbook.

    So, they’ll fine him a million bucks or something and bar him from attending games for a year but his asset will remain intact unless he feels like he wants to cash it in. And even though the league will lean on him, he won’t have to sell. And a big part of that is that NO ONE wants to sell their NBA teams at this juncture. Even the lowliest franchises have exploding valuations based on their players contracts and tv money.

    I’d bet you lunch today that Hansen/Ballmer have already contacted Sterling and offered him close to a billion dollars for his franchise. And he’s probably turned them down without even crunching the numbers.


    Alki Warrior

    I’m all for Hansen buying the Clippers under one condition though. Hansen and his chronies must use their own money to build the arena with. No bond measures, no public tax dollars, use their own money. It’s not like Steve Ballmer can’t afford to do it himself easily.



    Well, for starters, it’s not likely that they’ll get permission to buy it and move the franchise as they are NOT struggling. They have a long term arena deal but it’s also the same arena as the Lakers so that MIGHT be an issue. But there’s local’s who’d buy it and NOT move it so that’s a low order of probability.

    And as for the “not a penny of public $ for ANYTHING”, well then, you will never get a team. The deal they’ve proposed is as good as the league will allow. Sets a very bad precedence to have local municipalities free from all obligations – from the league’s standpoint.

    Hansen and Ballmer have already gone further along those lines than the league is comfortable with – and the only reason they’re ok with the Seattle plan is because their franchise valuations and their tv contracts are going through the roof. That’s just a year or so in the making.

    In other words, if you want a franchise, you’ll have some kind of minimal public involvement – even if it’s merely to insure the bonds if the owners default.



    My guess was off by a factor of 2.5. As in he’s been fined $2.5M and banned for life from attending games.

    And that’s all the league can really do.

    Now the question is, does Sterling feel admonished enough to want to sell? I suspect not only that he DOESN’T but that he’ll find ways to retaliate. Some subtle, some not so much. He may apologize (with some ridiculous explanation no doubt) and do what he can to appear publicly reformed but he’ll be looking for ways to stick it to the league office any way he can.


    Alki Warrior

    Isn’t it illegal to record someone without their consent and then release it to the media?



    Gray area, AW. He’s suing her so he thinks he has a case – and he’s a former divorce lawyer. But I suspect it would have to be a business contracted relationship to be protected as you suggest. Libel and/or slander would have to prove him not the guy who said what was recorded.

    As he’s only(?) accused of being a racist, ignorant fool and genuine a$$hole, I’m not sure he’s got a lot of legal ground to stand on.



    I’m glad he was fined the max amount, (but wish it could be much more) although, if I did the calculations correctly, although it may be more than a “drop in the bucket” for him, he should at least notice it, as it is 1/8th of his net worth of, according to Wiki, is 1.9 billion:

    Okay, now I’m sure there is some technical difference, between “net worth”, and what us regular folks receive as our income, but a one time 1/8th fine taken out of my income is going to sting a bit, but I would hopefully be able to recover, without being totally ruined.

    As far as him selling the team, not only do I wish somebody had the power to force him to do so, if urging didn’t work, but I wish that he would not receive One. Fraction of. One. Penny. and the earnings from that sale go to where the fine will be going.




    Yeah, Mike, he’s not going to be happy cutting the check but it won’t be a killer. He may even be able to take that as a deduction in operations income tax for the franchise. (I’m sure his tax lawyer has looked into this – and I’m sure Mark Cuban of Dallas Mavs fame who has already been fined hundreds of thousands of $ over the years knows this law off the top of his head.)

    His net worth is the current book value of all his assets minus his liabilities. So even though that’s a very big number, most of these guys live on “salary” draws against their corporate holding companies as Chairmen of the Board/CEO etc. He probably only draws a few million a year plus some bonus bucks as he sees fit. Which is to say, it likely will sting a little bit but he’ll figure out a way to suck income out to neutralize it.

    All of which is to say, it’s not like he’ll forgo that bottle of Cristal champagne tonight…



    Mike, 2.5 million is much less than 1/8 of 1.9 billion. It is 1/760 of 1.9 billion. He won’t miss the money.



    Net worth $1.9 billion, fine is $2.5 million, which means just over 1/1,000th of his wealth. He can pay it without flinching.



    Yeah, I knew the math wasn’t perfect. If nothing else, I guess I was just trying to get a very basic idea as to how it would affect him, in comparison to how it would affect myself, and other regular folks.

    Plus, admittedly, I was in a bit of a hurry while researching and posting, as I was cooking lunch, which needed close attention. :-)



    Alki Warrior

    They don’t have to endure the whole fine at once and can make payment arrangements. The league set it up that way. That includes players who are fined as well. I bet that Sterling’s girlfriend set him up on purpose and was told to do so by other’s. She’s very manipulating though. Listen to her on the whole sixteen minutes of tape.



    AW, it’s pretty obvious the whole thing was a setup. To which I reply, so what? He said what he said. He’s not being charged with a crime, he’s being excoriated for being a nasty bigot.


    Alki Warrior

    I apologize for not thinking within the lines here I’m sorry. I’ll go back to my corner like a good little puppy.



    wakeflood…of course she set him up…she’s no prize herself. But he chose to say what he did…I don’t feel bad for him in the least. Will he learn from this? I doubt it. He’s 80…he’s had a lot of years to have this ingrained into his being.



    The really sad thing is that he bought the team for 12 million and it is currently valued at 575 million.

    Nice 30-year return of 21%/year on his investment. I don’t know what their operating income/losses are though, but they can’t come close to negating that return.


    Alki Warrior

    I don’t condone what Sterling said was right at all, but she isn’t holier than thou by recording him in private without his knowledge. She’ll be slambasted as a scandalous person I hope. She’s a very manipulating woman as you can see or hear her in that illegal tape recording.



    Seems like the sugar daddy cut her off so she got pissed to me.



    aren’t we missing something here with our slut shaming?

    she couldn’t have set him up to make those remarks unless she knew they were remarks he would make



    yes, let’s blame that evil woman for trapping him. He didn’t mean to say any of that…she (the devil) made him do it. Y’all need to get over that. He has had a reputation for a long time as being bigoted and racist. This time he said it out loud, loud and clear.



    My point is that the NBA was well aware of Sterling and did nothing. I think the release of the audio forced them to do something about him.




    i will agree with that point..

    the audio threatened their bottom line

    this isn’t about justice

    it’s about income

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