Alley Garbage Fiasco

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    At least once a weak, my neighbor’s garbage bin is laying down in the alley, with garbage littered all over the alley because of crows and wind. It is an apartment/town home building, with a tall, black, round garbage can. Since it isn’t a house, there is a lack of responsibility on who should clean it up, and most often, it is their neighbors who clean it up for them.

    Who can I officially complain to? How can I fix this problem? I’m tired of my alley being disgusting, and tired of my dog chewing on pieces of my neighbor’s garbage (it blows into my yard). Please help.



    I’d ask the landlord of the complex about it.


    It’s happening near us, too! The alley was fairly tidy before a certain person moved in, but now whenever the can tips (at least weekly) she just uprights it then picks up a small circle of trash around it. She leaves a mess up and down the alley!

    Neighbors, it’s still your trash, even after critters or wind spread it a few feet away! Please clean up after yourselves!


    Once a week is weak. Hope the can owner gets it together!


    Ms. Sparkles

    If you know whose garbage it is, start packaging it up and leave it on their front door step with a note say “I believe these belong to you.” Yes you will still be picking up after them, but you’ll no longer be suffering in silence…and there’s a slim chance it will entice them to be more careful / pick it up themselves.



    Speak to your neighbors directly. No harm in actually communicating.



    If you don’t get anywhere after speaking to the building owner or landlord contact City of Seattle Dept. of Planning and Development:

    Code Enforcement/Complaint Response

    In most instances, DPD begins investigating a code violation

    and taking enforcement action when a citizen reports

    a potential violation. If you think you know of a potential

    violation, you may report it in any of the following ways:

    1. Online:

    2. By phone: DPD Complaint Hotline, (206) 615-0808

    3. In person: DPD Code Compliance, 19th floor of

    Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 Fifth Ave., Seattle

    4. By letter to: DPD Code Compliance, 700 Fifth Ave.,

    Suite 2000, P.O. Box 34019, Seattle, WA 98124-4019




    Thank you! There’s quite a number of people in this community who seem to think calling the authorities to deal with their own issues with their neighbors is a great first step. This is a community, right? It never hurts to offer help with a possible solution instead of calling someone in power.

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