Hello fellow WSB readers! I am wondering if any of you readers are part of the art community? I have had a dream of finally stepping out of my “oh I will just wait until tomorrow” thinking and pursuing local acting. Does anyone know of classes, bit acting opps, etc? Im sort of a fish out of water of where to turn? I just was on ArtsWest website but there was nothing on there about classes or opps? Perhaps there was and I just couldn’t find it. Any help would be highly appreciated.
ArtsWest usually only offers classes for kids and teens. As a professional theatre they usually audition through the semi-annual TPS auditions http://tpsonline.org/ although they sometimes hold season auditions in the spring.
The links for Youngstown and Twelfth Night are good ones. You also might want to look at some info on http://seattleactor.com/news/