2012 Repub. Presidential Candidates

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    Who do you think will run? Did you know that Donald Trump is seriously considering it? He said yesterday that he’ll let people know by June. And he has the money. I’m thinkin’…scary!



    This is an interesting question. I lean Republican myself, so here are a couple thoughts:

    1. I hope Sarah Palin doesn’t run. It’d probably be bad for the country, and definitely be bad for the party. Democrats should probably be hoping and praying that she runs, as she would guarantee an Obama re-election.

    2. There are no really strong Republican names out there. I suspect that a Republican governor will be the candidate. Not sure who, though.

    3. Are we certain that Pres. Obama will run again? He looks simply exhausted sometimes. I suspect Michelle is worried about him as well.

    Other thoughts?



    Dream on — Obama will run.

    My hope is Palin or Diment or maybe Hucklebee. Because I still have some faith in the collective IQ of my fellow citizens.

    Pawlenty is clearly angling for the “I’m in the middle — wink wink — but I still lurch toward teapartyhood” vote. Despite the public veer to the far-right, there are many r’s who are quietly staying in what passes for the right center. Even Scott Brown.

    Frankly, the R’s have gotten themselves in kind of a bind: Obama is popular, his party isn’t. The R’s could win — but they’ve turned control over to the loon-a-tick fringe so they might not.

    Yes, Obama will run again — he looks exhausted but check out before and after pictures of Bush the Second — whatever he did obviously greyed and tired him too.

    BTW, I’m no longer a D, so this is all theoretical, rock ‘n’ roll, and “they” to me.



    I really wish Hillary would reconsider running – she could possibly take it this time. Though I support Obama, I am rather disenchanted at the moment with him.




    as much as i think Hillary would have been the better president given the circumstances …

    she was experienced at brokering the kind of deals that have made the left disenchanted with Obama..

    i don’t think that will happen.



    Mr. Cain will receive my vote next election as of now if he runs:




    Everyone…the house is back…



    Nothing specific. Sounds like he would be your run-of-the-mill Republican.

    He DID save Godfathers from bankruptcy (by, among other things, closing under-performing locations. That’s what happened to your pizza place, W.S.), but at the time, a pretty simple fix. His changes were no great revelations in the industry (WOW, REAL cheese on a pizza!!??! how radical!!) and his other accomplishments are no great shakes. You would think if he is going to blow his own horn, he would, you know, blow!

    Though, as we see continuously from the Republicans, they are ONLY capable of shouting slogans and spewing their usual empty platitudes. I guess if they actually HAD any ideas, it would require a certain level of contemplation and insight from their supporters, and of course, that isn’t their strong suit.



    Wonder if someone will suggest Dino?


    HMC Rich

    Too Early. Abe Lincoln or Calvin Coolidge




    dead guys?

    I didn’t think of that before

    I know Presidential requirements include a certificate of live birth…

    but do they preclude death before election?

    dead guys…

    all the advantages of a clown

    with no new embarassing realities…

    you might have a winner there.


    HMC Rich

    It would be interesting if people did write in someone who has passed.



    Voldemort. Oh wait, he’s dead too.



    rich: you mean kind of like how mel carnahan beat john ashcroft – posthumously – in missouri?

    i’ve been wondering if republicans will run a guy like paul ryan (1st district-WI). someone who’s young and charismatic – like obama – and who comes off as a moderate; but who most likely enjoys all of the corporate largesse of the bigger-named has-been republicans.

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