Re: West Seattle Vegans



admiralmom, you can find the various Trader Joe’s lists here: – in the upper right there are icons for the vegan list, vegetarian, gluten free, kosher, sodium, etc. – but always check ingredients as things change from time to time.

As for cheese, I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing, absolutely nothing, that is vegan is going to taste like “regular” cheese. I’ve given up trying to replace it. Daiya is okay, but it’s still not cheese. Cheese at least has some nutritional value (protein) – most commercial vegan cheeses are starch and fat and trying to appeal to people trying to replace cheese, but it’s brought me nothing but disappointment. I feel the same way about veggie burgers – when they’re trying to be exactly like the product they’re replacing, they (in my opinion) fail miserably. When they try to be their own, fantastic product, then I enjoy them. Punk Rawk Labs makes a fantastic cashew and macadamia cheese ( that I enjoy in its own right, not because it reminds me of “real” cheese.

There is a bee-free vegan honey, Blend, but I’ve never tried it. – it’s sold at Sidecar for Pigs Peace vegan grocery in UDistrict. It’s made with apples. I wonder if it would work in your ice cream recipe?