JoB and JanS et al – you guys really need to chill on this one REALLY. For the record here I too don’t want to go where there are kids at “Happy Hour” (or any other hour) but like many posters have said that’s easily taken care of (don’t go to those places/times/venues). You’re the ADULTS here so use discretion where and when you visit establishments – and if you choose to go early when “toddlers” may be there well, it is a free world after all – should their parents be house bound until their children are teen-agers???. Yes there are a few individuals who don’t mind their children/let them run wild – but I think the OP is not one of those – was just asking for venues and this thread has been hi-jacked for other issues/purposes. Too sad.
And I first thought it was about Toddlers having their own Happy Hour!- LOL