genhillone..thanks for your comment.
i am afraid i can’t be unemotional about this one.. as it is a trend that has been repeated on this forum before… and it has had negative consequences for people who were totally innocent bystanders.
Some posters have let their personal animosities towards individuals get in the way of their common sense.
Trashing what another person has done just because you can is petty.. but that is easy to overlook.
What is not so easy to overlook is when that personal animosity spills out onto community projects simply because of dislike of the person who is making positive comments… like what is happening here with threads about making a difference during the holidays.
Souring a project because you don’t like the person promoting it is not petty.. it’s mean… and it is completely against the rules governing this forum.
There is a synergism that every community project counts on.. that builds with the sharing of ideas… and of enthusiasm. It is the life blood of community activism.
I am proud to contribute to that synergy in any way i can.. some days that is literally all i can do.
so to be perfectly blunt to those who would spoil that synergy …
if you don’t want to be part of the solution… back off and let those of us who want to do something get on with our work.
There are many projects and events promoted on the forum that are beyond my capabilities or simply beyond my interest.. but they are important to somebody… and because they cared enough to post.. they deserve support from their neighbors. it’s too easy online to forget that we are posting on this forum because we are all neighbors and have an interest in what happens in and to our community…
This is the season of hope… we have just had a presidential election about hope… and seeing your cup half full in this regard means believing that change is possible.. even on a personal level.
These threads are full of people who are trying to find ways to make lemonade out of the lemons our economy has handed us… whether from personal need or just the desire to make a difference.
if you can’t find it in your heart to join in with those of us who would like to know about opportunities to share.. or be reminded of those we forgot… or share a tradition.. or a recipe.. or christmas lights.. or cookies…
start a bah humbug thread and humbug away…
It is one thing to dispute someone’s ideas.. another thing entirely to decide that you are in possession of the only real knowledge of that person’s character and intentions and that you are responsible for exposing that person to the world.
I don’t know how to say this any plainer.. each one of us who posts over time exposes exactly who and what they are to the world with their own words.
Before passing judgment on someone else’s intentions and character, it might be a good idea to check what your words are saying about yours.
i apologize for being so blunt.. but volunteerism and community activism is something i care deeply about… and i just can’t let that get thrown under the bus here on the forum..
all because some people have decided that i .. and others… have an agenda they need to expose.
it’s too important.