Re: Pitbull scare near Webster and 32nd




i was badly bitten by a german shepherd within a block of my home riding a bike and a german shepherd was sicced on me and my dogs in Lincoln Park by it’s owner… should we all fear german shepherds?

i was badly bitten trying to keep an unleashed Chihuahua away from my dogs so it would get killed by them in a local park… should we all fear chihuahuas?

One of the kids in our family was bitten in the face barely missing an eye by a dachshund .. should we all fear dachshunds?

the point is that singling out any one dog breed as the cause for fear ignores the danger posed by all dogs.

I can’t understand why there is so much resistance to singling out the owners that allow their dogs to run off leash but none at all to singling out a breed of dog to label vicious.

maybe it’s just easier to blame the dog?